
Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall

author:Liaoyang Chang'an

Editor's note

Since the beginning of this year, the Dengta Municipal People's Procuratorate has actively implemented the spirit of the Liaoning Provincial People's Procuratorate's special activities on the protection of the Great Wall Procuratorial Public Interest Litigation, through on-the-spot investigation of the Ming Great Wall site in the jurisdiction, drone aerial photography, holding a symposium with the administrative organs, carrying out procuratorial public hearings, countersigning cooperation documents, etc., actively performing its duties and playing an effective role, screening 6 case clues, carrying out on-the-spot supervision actions 3 times, filing cases and formulating and issuing 2 procuratorial suggestions, and promoting the solution of planting crops on the Great Wall site. Five aspects of the problem, such as the lack of daily protection and supervision, promote the formation of a greater synergy between administrative law enforcement and the protection of the Great Wall of procuratorial public interest litigation, and contribute greater procuratorial strength to the construction of a cultural power.

Site surveys

On-site visits to explore the protection of the Great Wall

Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall
Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall
Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall

Since February, the "Yan Yixing" public interest litigation team of the Dengta Municipal People's Procuratorate has repeatedly gone deep into the Ming Great Wall Quanjiawazi Beacon Tower Site and other places in the jurisdiction to conduct on-site investigations, research and visits, and at the same time combine drone aerial photography to collect evidence, on-site access to work ledgers and other methods to fully grasp the current status of site protection, daily management, etc., and to understand, analyze and judge the natural erosion and man-made damage of the site.

After the investigation, a symposium was held with the relevant administrative organs to determine the responsible entity for the problems of planting crops on the top and both sides of the beacon tower site, and the lack of daily protection and management, and the pre-litigation review procedures for administrative public interest litigation were opened, and it was decided to file 2 cases.

Public hearings

Gather the wisdom of multiple parties for precise supervision

Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall

In order to better listen to the opinions of many parties and improve the legitimacy, rationality and feasibility of the procuratorial suggestions, on March 6, the court invited deputies to the National People's Congress, people's supervisors, volunteers of "Benefiting the Public Interest" and representatives of administrative organs to conduct a procuratorial public hearing on the destruction of the Great Wall ruins found in the course of procuratorial duties.

At the hearing, the procurator in charge gave a detailed introduction to the historical value, protection significance and current situation, existing problems, and the preparation and issuance of procuratorial suggestions in the jurisdiction of the Great Wall site, and the participants fully expressed their opinions and unanimously agreed to formulate and issue procuratorial suggestions to promote the effective protection of immovable cultural relics. After the meeting, the procuratorate issued two procuratorial proposals to the relevant administrative organs, putting forward specific and precise rectification suggestions for strengthening the supervision and management of the protection of the Great Wall ruins, ordering corrections to the violators of planting crops around the ruins, giving warnings, strengthening publicity and education on the protection of cultural relics, and strengthening regular inspections and inspections.

Supervision throughout the process

"Looking back" urges the problem to be truly corrected

Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall
Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall
Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall
Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall

In order to promote the effective rectification of relevant problems, after the procuratorial suggestions were served, the procuratorate regularly held meetings with relevant administrative organs to promote the protection of the Great Wall to jointly discuss practical and feasible rectification measures and solve the problems and blockages in the rectification process. From mid-March to April this year, the "Yan Yixing" public interest litigation team and the responsible persons of the administrative organs went to 9 beacon tower sites in 7 towns (streets) in the jurisdiction one by one to inspect and accept, and carried out a "retrospective" review of the implementation of the fence project and daily management.

In May of this year, the administrative organs replied in writing to the implementation and adoption of the procuratorial recommendations, and all the issues raised by the procuratorial suggestions have been rectified in place. It is understood that the administrative organs have found the illegal perpetrators of planting crops on the site of the Great Wall through investigation, and have punished them to restore the original state of the beacon tower site; The administrative organs have requested instructions in writing from the higher-level departments to apply for funds for the repair of the Great Wall ruins and have been allocated to the accounts; Carry out publicity and education on the protection of the Great Wall in towns and villages to enhance the public's legal awareness and level of protection of the Great Wall; Improve and strengthen the management, inspection and recording of cultural relics and sites, and coordinate all parties to strengthen the protection of the Great Wall sites by convening joint meetings and conducting seminars and training.

Long-lasting treatment

Improve the mechanism of coordination and linkage to work together to protect the Great Wall

Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall
Public interest litigation helps protect the Great Wall

In order to continue to effectively carry out the protection of the Great Wall ruins, the Dengta Municipal People's Procuratorate explored the establishment of a normalized working mechanism for the protection of the Great Wall in the course of performing its duties. On April 18, the Party Group of the Dengta Municipal People's Procuratorate reported to the research group of the Standing Committee of the Dengta Municipal People's Congress on the development of public interest litigation for the protection of the Great Wall, listened to the opinions of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the deputies of the National People's Congress, and actively sought the support and recognition of the People's Congress for the protection of the Great Wall and the public interest litigation work of the procuratorate.

On April 28, the Dengta Municipal People's Procuratorate and relevant administrative organs countersigned the "Opinions on the Establishment of a Coordination and Cooperation Mechanism for Public Interest Litigation for the Protection of the Great Wall", refining the measures for the protection of the Great Wall, promoting the introduction of institutional norms, and urging the relevant administrative organs to fulfill their main responsibilities for the protection of the Great Wall through the handling of individual cases, promoting diversified participation through the performance of procuratorial duties, and promoting the establishment of a pattern of protection of the Great Wall with social support, departmental cooperation, and joint management, so as to build a solid line of defense for the inheritance and protection of Chinese culture under the rule of law.

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