
Cai Lei: I'm not the god of medicine, and I'm not a hero

author:Liaoyang Chang'an

"I'm not a god of medicine, and I'm not a hero. If there are heroes in the future to overcome ALS, it is this era, scientists, medical scientists, biotechnology companies, pharmaceutical companies, caring people from all walks of life and patient groups who have dedicated themselves, not me. ”

In the ward, Cai Lei, who had just improved his health, said these words in front of reporters. This is the first time he has spoken publicly to the media since he was admitted to the hospital.

China News Network

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Recently, Cai Lei's physical condition has touched people's hearts. Just over half a month ago, this ALS protester once again went to the "ghost gate". Because of the aggravation of the cold, he was once admitted to the ICU for rescue, and only turned from the ICU on May 16.

Cai Lei, whose condition is slightly stable, has returned to work. Early in the morning of June 3, when Zhongxin Health saw Cai Lei in the ward, he had already packed up and started working by the computer in a hospital gown. On the same day, the signing ceremony of Cai Lei-Shenji Changhua ALS Drug R&D Joint Laboratory was held, and Cai Lei wanted to attend the ceremony in the ward and make an online speech.

Cai Lei: I'm not the god of medicine, and I'm not a hero

Cai Lei works in the ward. Photo by Zhang Ni from

"Mr. Cai moved his desk and computer to the ward." The staff who took care of Cai Lei said.

Today, Cai Lei's body is still weak, and his heart rate will rise to more than 100 when he speaks continuously, but he still insists on taking a blood oxygen monitor to participate in scientific research topics in the ward through remote connection.

Cai Lei: I'm not the god of medicine, and I'm not a hero

Cai Lei attended the ceremony online. Photo by Zhang Ni from

When talking about the progress of drug research and development, Cai Lei could not hide his excitement. In 2023, SG01, a gene therapy drug with an exclusive therapeutic target, will attract attention. At this ceremony, there was good news.

Professor Jia Yichang, the founder of Shenji Changhua, said that with the joint efforts of Jia Yichang Laboratory of Tsinghua University and all members of Shenji Changhua, the self-developed ALS gene therapy drug SNUG01 has entered the IIT research stage, and the first compassionate patient has been taking the drug for one year, which means that everyone's efforts have achieved initial results.

During the interview, Cai Lei was also encouraged by the progress of research and development. However, there are still many difficulties to overcome in front of you.

"At present, we are also facing problems such as a small number of treatment samples, and companies are also looking forward to social financing."

Cai Lei said that the signing of this joint laboratory is also to hope that the ALS scientific research data platform "Gradual Healing Mutual Aid Home" will contribute more support to drug research and development. He hopes that through this collaboration, new breakthroughs will be made in the research and development of ALS drugs in terms of depth, speed and breadth, and effective treatment options for patients.

Cai Lei: I'm not the god of medicine, and I'm not a hero

There is still Cai Lei's favorite Monkey King in the ward. Photo by Zhang Ni from

At the same time, Cai Lei, who has been battling the disease for nearly five years, also called on all sectors of society to pay attention to ALS and other rare and neurodegenerative diseases.

"Only when more people with lofty ideals join this fight can we break through these problems that endanger human health and bring hope to patients around the world."

Of course, for Cai Lei, he represents more than himself, there are thousands of patients standing behind him, waiting for the "hope of life".

"About 60 ALS patients die every day in China, and we hope that through the establishment of a joint laboratory, we can help speed up the process of basic research and clinical approval, and also hope to speed up the time of drug launch and treat more ALS patients." Cai Lei said.

As for the recent voices on the Internet who said, "Cai Lei only pays attention to live broadcasts, not scientific research", he simply responded: "We hope to help pharmaceutical companies achieve a return on investment, and hope to make pharmaceutical companies make money, not only to make money, but also to make a lot of money, so that we can continue to invest heavily in scientific research and drug research and development, and bring the possibility of saving more lives." ”