
Ten years of rebirth of ulcerative colitis: live bacteria to nourish the intestines, my health legend

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  Looking back ten years ago, ulcerative colitis struck like a tiger, and my road to health suddenly became bumpy. During those years, it was as if I was shrouded in the haze of illness, and every day made me feel like I was walking on the edge of life and death. Medication has become a regular in my life, but it is only a temporary shelter, the slightest carelessness, indulgence in diet or mood swings, will make the nightmare of mucus and bloody stools, abdominal pain and diarrhea re-staged.

Ten years of rebirth of ulcerative colitis: live bacteria to nourish the intestines, my health legend

  Colonoscopy follow-up is an eternal pain in my heart. Every examination is like a judgment of life, for fear that the terrible cancer will come suddenly. The illness made me lose weight day by day, and my mental state was on the verge of collapse, and I seemed to be stripped of the colors of life, leaving only anxiety, fear, depression, and doubt.

  However, turnarounds are always born out of despair. Under the careful guidance of the doctor, I began to try the method of "living bacteria and nourishing the intestines". It's not just a rehabilitation program, it's more like a revolution in life. I began to pay attention to the balance of my diet, the regularity of my life, and even the breathing became deep and peaceful.

  I remember one time, the doctor told me solemnly: "The risk of recurrence of ulcerative colitis is extremely high, and diet and lifestyle habits are the key to prevention and treatment." "I didn't think it was like it at the time, but as time went on, I came to understand the meaning. That time, I ate a piece of iced watermelon because of my greed, and I had unbearable abdominal pain and diarrhea that day. At that moment, I deeply felt the weight of the doctor's words, and I also strengthened my determination to insist on living bacteria and nourishing the intestines.

  Now, I have been off medication for a few months and my gastrointestinal condition is getting better day by day. A recent colonoscopy showed that my ulcerative colitis had cleared. All this, in addition to the superb treatment of the doctors, is inseparable from my personal persistence and efforts. Living bacteria not only allowed me to regain my health, but also taught me how to live in harmony with life.

  Looking back, I am filled with emotion. Although the road to fight against ulcerative colitis was difficult, it was those painful experiences that made me cherish my health and happiness even more. I would like to tell all my friends who are still struggling with their illness: don't give up, persevere, you will definitely find your own path to health!

  Have you ever had such an experience? In a sudden physical discomfort, you rush to the hospital, full of uneasiness and anxiety. I've had that happen to me, it was an uneventful night, and I was sitting around with my family and enjoying a rare time together. However, the sudden abdominal pain made it impossible for me to continue laughing, so I had to say goodbye to my family and go to the hospital alone for treatment.

  Or, you have a reunion with old classmates you haven't seen for many years, and in the midst of laughter, we raise a glass and enjoy the good times of life. But that night, I was admitted to the hospital again with abdominal pain and blood in my stool. The transition from joy to pain made me deeply appreciate the pain of ulcerative colitis.

  Another time, I had a late-night snack with a few old friends, and we had everything from barbecue to big fish and meat. However, the next morning, the ulcerative colitis flares up again, and the frequent diarrhea makes me miserable. I realized that my diet had become an invisible killer of my health.

  In addition to diet, I have also found that mental stress and emotional instability are also important factors that contribute to the recurrence of ulcerative colitis. As a small business owner, I was often faced with the triple pressure of career, family and illness. Sometimes, I have a relapse caused by an emotional out-of-control. Especially during the pandemic, my company took a huge hit, and I suffered from ulcerative colitis again.

  After many lessons and learnings, I gradually realized that ulcerative colitis is not a simple gastrointestinal disease, but is closely related to our lifestyle, eating habits and mental state. In order to alleviate my condition, I started to focus on eating a healthy diet, avoiding irritating drinks and allergenic foods, and also trying to maintain a calm mind in my daily life.

  Of course, I also realized that self-adjustment alone is not enough. As a result, I started looking for professional probiotic products to help me restore a healthy balance of my gut flora. After some understanding and comparison, I chose Huojun No. 1 probiotics. This product has earned my trust with its unique formula and significant improvements.

  Today, I am gradually coming out of the shadow of ulcerative colitis. Although the disease still recurs from time to time, I have learned how to live peacefully with it. I believe that as long as we maintain a healthy lifestyle, a reasonable diet and a positive attitude, we will be able to defeat this stubborn disease.

  This subtle imbalance of the brain-gut axis, like a misnote on a piano, quietly acts on our brain movements, causing anxious trills and depressed dullness. Imagine a musician playing with the slightest tremor of his fingers that can break the harmony of the whole movement, which is a reflection of the imbalance between our gut microbes and our brains.

  According to reliable data, up to a quarter of adult ulcers are living with depression, while nearly a third are overshadowed by anxiety. This mental burden not only affects our mood, but also quietly changes the structure of our intestinal flora.

Ten years of rebirth of ulcerative colitis: live bacteria to nourish the intestines, my health legend

  As Dr. David Perlmutter reveals in his book The Brain of the Microbiota, there is an inextricable link between the gut microbiome and our nervous system. They share information with the brain through the brain-gut axis, a hidden channel that weaves a web of our emotions and health.

  When mental stress is too great and negative emotions invade our minds like a storm, they will also pass through this channel, causing the structure of the intestinal flora to fall into chaos. It's like a chaotic rhythm in the orchestra that makes the whole piece lose its harmony.

  In order to regain this harmony, we must not only pay attention to mental adjustment, but also learn to listen to the call of the body. Supplementing with specific probiotics, such as Vivo No. 1, is like injecting new notes into the music and helping us regain the balance of our gut microbes.

  But more importantly, we need to learn to self-regulate, or use the wisdom of a psychological counselor to release inner pressure and dispel the haze of anxiety and depression. Only in this way can we truly let the mind and intestines resonate in harmony and play a healthy movement.

  In addition, there is a lesson that should not be overlooked – the gut autoimmune response may be behind the recurrence of the disease. Colitis, a seemingly complex autoimmune disease, is actually a portrayal of an imbalance in the intestinal immune system.

  Imagine that our gut immune cells, which are originally the guardians of the gut, may become "mutinious" in the case of a disordered immune system, attacking otherwise healthy intestinal mucosal cells. It's like a civil war, leaving the gut in chaos and pain.

  Therefore, understanding and focusing on the health of the gut immune system is essential for us to prevent and treat autoimmune diseases such as colitis. Through science-based diet, lifestyle modifications, and necessary medical interventions, we can help the gut immune system to regain balance and rejuvenate the body.

  Hey, have you heard of it? Our bodies are inhabited by a group of mysterious little friends - the intestinal flora, who are simply healthy little supermen! Imagine that these supermen are in charge of 70% of the immune army in your belly, silently guarding you from diseases. Not only that, but they are also detoxifiers, helping you remove about 80% of the toxins and make your body feel refreshed. Best of all, they're nutrition-savvy, taking part in the digestion and absorption of up to 95% of nutrients, making every bite of your food worth the money!

  But, you know what? Once these intestinal flora partners are out of balance, they will cause various immune diseases, such as colitis. It's like a big battle, where your immune system is weakened by a dysbious and can't defend itself against enemies. Therefore, in order to maintain intestinal health, we need to cheer up these little friends and supplement specific probiotics, such as Huojun No. 1.

  You may be thinking, I have tried many methods, taken many medicines, changed many times, but why do I keep recurring? In fact, this is precisely because we did not follow the doctor's instructions and stopped and changed the medicine at will. Just like in a war, you can't give up your position because of temporary difficulties, and you can't act blindly just because you listen to some wrong ideas or advertisements.

  After this study, I deeply realized that in the treatment of colitis, an autoimmune disease, we must "divide the treatment into three parts and nourish the disease in seven". The "three-point treatment" here is to strictly follow the doctor's instructions under the guidance of the doctor, and cannot stop or change the medicine without authorization. The "seven-point nutrition" is to pay attention to the adjustment of lifestyle and dietary habits, so that the body can get sufficient rest and nutrition, and create a healthy living environment for the intestinal flora.

  So, dear friends, let's take action together to care for our intestinal flora, let them thrive in our bodies, and escort our health!

  Towards a full recovery from colitis, the journey of the art of nourishing the gut is waiting for you to unveil. In this journey, "living bacteria and intestinal nourishment" has undoubtedly become a valuable self-healing magic weapon for me. In short, it is like sowing the seeds of life in the intestines, and through the careful selection and supplementation of probiotics, the healthy vitality of the intestines is stimulated.

  I've had a tortuous path of discovery. Under the advice of the doctor, I have tried many probiotic prescription drugs, such as Bifidobacterium triple viable powder, lactobacillus tablets, etc., they are all old faces before 2006, with a single strain, relatively backward technical indicators, and the effect is like scratching the itch in the boots, which always makes people feel almost hot.

  I have also tried to find a ray of hope in the market and buy imported probiotics, thinking that they will bring better results. However, after taking it for a few months, the reality is like cold water. The doctor's words made me wake up even more like a dream: these cheap food brand probiotics have not been tested in clinical trials, cannot replace real therapeutic drugs, and do not have relevant functional patent certificates, so they can only be used as nutritious snack foods after daily tea and dinner.

  It wasn't until I met Huojun No. 1 in the communication group of patients that I met Huojun No. 1, a domestic patented probiotic brand, whose name began to spread by word of mouth among patients, as if it had become a secret weapon in the hearts of colitis patients. Patients have shared their successful experiences, and the improvement in colonoscopy reports is eye-catching. Although I was skeptical when I first heard about it, as more and more cases emerged, Huojun No. 1 was like a bright star, illuminating my path to recovery.

  I decided to take a closer look at this probiotic. Flipping through the packaging box of Huojun No. 1, the detailed ingredient list is like a scientific map, revealing its secrets. Six probiotics - Lactobacillus reuteri JYLB-291, Lactobacillus casei L. casei 21, Bifidobacterium longum JBLC-141, Lactobacillus paracasei JLPF-176, Lactobacillus acidophilus JYLA-191, etc., are like guardians of the intestines, each of which plays a unique role in maintaining the balance of intestinal flora and the stability of the immune system.

  Living bacteria and intestinal nourishment is not only a science, but also an art. By choosing high-quality probiotics like Horojun No. 1, I learned how to achieve a harmonious and symbiotic relationship with my gut with my own efforts. Every perseverance and effort is a small step towards comprehensive recovery. In this journey, live bacteria have not only become my magic weapon for self-healing, but also the secret of my health and self-confidence.

  Huojun No. 1, this probiotic product, like a low-key but extraordinary health guardian, makes me fall in love with it. It is carefully combined with six super-active probiotics such as Bifidobacterium juvenile BBF-06 and fructooligosaccharides, a prebiotic, without any complicated figures of food excipients and additives, like an unpolluted pure land, giving people a fresh and refined feeling.

  Do you know? Six of its probiotics are like the nemesis of colitis, and five of them have won the China Invention Patent Certificate, shining like a medal for their excellent healing power. Among them, Lactobacillus reuteri JYLB-291, a bright pearl, has obtained the invention patent of "improving ulcerative colitis", which is like a sharp sword, accurately piercing the key point of the disease. According to the patent details of the Patent Office of the State Intellectual Property Office, it has an amazing effective effect on the treatment of ulcerative colitis in combination with other probiotics, as if it has brought a ray of life to colitis patients.

  Lactobacillus casei L. Casei21 has also obtained a Chinese invention patent for "therapeutic effect on diarrhea" with its unique charm. It is like the guardian of the intestines, dispelling the haze of abdominal pain and diarrhea for enteritis patients, and bringing comfort and tranquility.

  What's more worth mentioning is the Bifidobacterium longum JBLC-141 in Huojun No. 1, which is like a brave warrior, bravely fighting against free radicals in the body. Free radicals, the invisible killer of health and the culprit of human aging and tumors, often invade our body silently. However, with the patented function of Bifidobacterium longum JBLC-141 to "clear human freedom", we can have an extra chance of winning in this invisible war.

  For colitis patients, Huojun No. 1 is undoubtedly a probiotic product that can be trusted for a long time. It won't make a significant difference right away, but just as Rome wasn't built in a day, a healthy fortress takes time to build up. I know this, so I choose to stick to it and let it slowly improve my health every day.

  And when buying Huojun No. 1, I did not hesitate to choose the official flagship store of I have always been confident in the shopping experience of, whether it is the quality of the products or the attitude of the service, which can make me feel at ease and comfortable. When I received the Huojun No. 1, its "food number" logo did not disappoint me. Because I know very well that "food brand" does not mean that it cannot be cured, it is more of a gentle and long-lasting way of conditioning. Compared with the rapid offensive of drugs, it pays more attention to the long-term nourishment and protection of water, and pays more attention to solving our intestinal problems from the root, improving the structure of intestinal flora, restoring the healthy balance of intestinal microecology, reconstructing and repairing the bacterial membrane barrier that protects the intestinal mucosa, reshaping and stabilizing the intestinal immune system, and finally making our intestines and stomach sit back and relax.

  Therefore, I decided to trust Reign One to protect the health and happiness of me and my family with its pure and powerful power. Every day, I take it on time and look forward to a healthier and better future with it.

  Thinking of the successful experiences passed on by the patients, I felt as if I had found a new dawn, and I couldn't wait to go to my attending doctor. With the detailed information of Vivo No. 1 and with a desire for health, I asked the doctor about whether this probiotic product was suitable for colitis patients.

  The doctor took the information, read it carefully, and gave professional advice. He told me that as a careful combination of six active probiotics, Huojun No. 1 is like a guardian of the intestines, which can gently improve the microbiota structure of enteritis patients and promote the balance of the intestinal microbiota. Although it has not yet declared the drug approval number, cannot enter the hospital, and cannot replace the drug, it can be used as a sword to help us defeat the disease.

  Of course, the doctor also emphasized that the drugs prescribed by the hospital must be taken strictly on time and in the right amount, which is the basis of treatment. I nodded earnestly and decided to follow the doctor's instructions exactly.

  So, I started my journey of taking Huojun No. 1. Every day, I take it on time and treat it with Chinese and Western medicines. At the same time, I also began to pay attention to the adjustment of my diet, saying goodbye to smoking, drinking and staying up late, so that my body could get enough rest. I even handed over the affairs of the company to my wife for the time being, and threw myself wholeheartedly into this battle for health.

  As the days passed, I felt the changes in my body. The long-lost ease and ease seemed to make me rediscover the joy of life. Half a year passed in a flash, and when I walked into the hospital again for a colonoscopy review, my heart was full of anticipation.

  The results came back and I couldn't believe my eyes – there was nothing abnormal in the whole colon! This means that my colitis has been effectively treated and I have overcome the disease! I was moved to tears, thanking the doctors, my family, and even more so the patients who selflessly shared their experiences.

Ten years of rebirth of ulcerative colitis: live bacteria to nourish the intestines, my health legend

  Now, I'm back on my normal track of work and life. Every day, I insist on taking Huojun No. 1 and use it to protect my gut health. I believe that as long as we take care of our bodies, health will always be by our side.

  My experience may offer a glimmer of hope for those who are suffering from colitis. Let's work together to find a treatment that works for you and regain your health and happiness!