
Open fracture after car accident, how to avoid the nightmare of osteomyelitis?

author:Dr. Zhang of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Orthopedics

In daily life, accidents such as car accidents occur from time to time, and open fractures are one of the more serious injuries. Once not properly treated, it may lead to a serious complication of osteomyelitis, which will bring great pain to patients and the trouble of follow-up treatment. So, what exactly can we do to minimize the risk of contracting osteomyelitis after an open fracture in a car accident?

Open fracture after car accident, how to avoid the nightmare of osteomyelitis?

First and foremost, on-site first aid is crucial. At the scene of the accident, do not move the fracture site of the injured person at will, so as to avoid secondary injury and aggravated risk of infection. If there is significant bleeding, it should be immediately applied with clean gauze, towel and other items to stop the bleeding. At the same time, it is necessary to call emergency personnel as soon as possible, and strive to send the injured to the hospital for professional treatment in the shortest possible time.

Upon arrival at the hospital, the doctor will quickly perform a debridement treatment. This step is a critical part of preventing infection and requires thorough removal of foreign bodies, necrotic tissue, and contaminants from the wound. The quality of debridement is directly related to the incidence of subsequent infections, so it is important to perform it by an experienced physician.

This is followed by the fixation of the fracture. Stable immobilization reduces movement of the fractured end, reduces damage to surrounding tissues, and also helps prevent the spread of infection. The method of fixation can be selected according to the specific situation of the fracture, such as external fixation bracket, internal fixation of steel plate screws, etc.

Rational use of antibiotics is essential during treatment. Depending on factors such as the degree of contamination of the wound and the patient's physical condition, the doctor will choose the appropriate type of antibiotic and the timing of use. In general, antibiotics should be started early after an injury to prevent infection from occurring.

Open fracture after car accident, how to avoid the nightmare of osteomyelitis?

At the same time, the nutritional support of patients should not be neglected. Adequate nutrition is essential for wound healing and physical recovery. Patients should be ensured to consume enough protein, vitamins and minerals to enhance the body's immunity and promote wound repair.

Post-operative care is equally critical. Keep the wound clean and dry, change the dressing regularly, and observe whether the wound is red, swollen, oothy and other abnormalities. Patients should also pay attention to rest, avoid premature weight bearing and activity, so as not to affect the healing of fractures and increase the risk of infection.

In addition, regular check-ups are also very important. Doctors will use X-rays, blood routines and other checks to keep track of how the fracture is healing and whether there are signs of infection. Once the abnormality is found, the corresponding treatment measures can be taken in time.

Open fracture after car accident, how to avoid the nightmare of osteomyelitis?

In short, an open fracture caused by a car accident is a serious trauma, but as long as we do scientific and standardized treatment and care in all aspects, we can effectively reduce the risk of osteomyelitis infection and help patients recover as soon as possible.