
You know that the injured muscles and bones will move for 100 days, but you don't know how to take care of the broken bones, and the recovery is fast and good

author:Dr. Zhang of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Orthopedics

"Break your muscles and bones for a hundred days", this saying is familiar to everyone. However, it is not enough to know that it will take a long time to recover, for patients with fractures, scientific and reasonable care is the key to ensure a fast and good recovery.

Initial care after a fracture is crucial. First, make sure that the injured area is properly immobilized and immobilized, which can help reduce pain, prevent fracture displacement, and reduce the risk of secondary injury. There are many ways of fixation, such as casts, splints, braces, etc., and the choice of the appropriate fixation method needs to be decided according to the type and location of the fracture.

You know that the injured muscles and bones will move for 100 days, but you don't know how to take care of the broken bones, and the recovery is fast and good

In terms of diet, nutritional support after a fracture cannot be neglected. Adequate protein is the "raw material" for repairing damaged tissues, and you should consume more foods rich in high-quality protein, such as fish, chicken, eggs, beans, etc. Calcium and vitamin D also play an important role in bone healing, which can be supplemented by eating dairy products, soy products, green leafy vegetables, and proper sun exposure.

Psychological care should not be neglected. Fractures often bring a lot of inconvenience to the patient's life, and can easily lead to anxiety, depression and other adverse emotions. The care and support of family and friends, as well as the patient's own positive mindset, have a positive impact on the recovery process.

You know that the injured muscles and bones will move for 100 days, but you don't know how to take care of the broken bones, and the recovery is fast and good

Rehabilitation training is an important part of fracture care, but many people are prone to misunderstandings. Too early or too much training may affect fracture healing, while being too conservative can lead to complications such as joint stiffness and muscle atrophy. Generally speaking, during the stable period of fracture healing, you can start moderate rehabilitation training under the guidance of a doctor, including muscle contraction exercises, joint range of motion training, etc.

In addition, maintaining good lifestyle habits can also help with fracture recovery. Get enough sleep to allow your body to rest and recover. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid smoking, as smoking can affect blood circulation and delay fracture healing.

Regular reviews are the "monitors" throughout the rehabilitation process. Through examinations such as X-rays, doctors can keep track of fracture healing and adjust treatment and care options.

You know that the injured muscles and bones will move for 100 days, but you don't know how to take care of the broken bones, and the recovery is fast and good

In short, if you want to recover from a fracture quickly and well, you can't just rely on the passage of time, but also carry out scientific and reasonable care from many aspects. Only in this way can the "100 days of broken bones" become a smooth recovery process, rather than a long torment.

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