
Zhang Guimei sent a message to the college entrance examination students: I have been with the college entrance examination for 14 years, and the children are brave enough to rush forward and play their best

Zhang Guimei sent a message to the college entrance examination students: I have been with the college entrance examination for 14 years, and the children are brave enough to rush forward and play their best

Nine News

2024-06-06 15:25Posted on the official account of Hubei Wuhan Morning News Jiupai News

According to Xinhua News Agency, on June 6, the day before the college entrance examination, Zhang Guimei, the principal of Huaping Girls' High School in Lijiang, Yunnan, recalled parents' expectations for their children to go out of the mountains, and at the same time sent a message to the college entrance examination students to calm down, rush forward bravely, and play their best.

Zhang Guimei sent a message to the college entrance examination students: I have been with the college entrance examination for 14 years, and the children are brave enough to rush forward and play their best

Source: Xinhua News Agency

In the video, Zhang Guimei said: "I have been accompanying the children of the women's high school for 14 years in the college entrance examination, and it is really not easy for us to cross the mountains and mountains and get out of these ravines." ”

Zhang Guimei said that when she visited her home, she often saw the children's parents looking from one side of the mountain to the other with hoes in their hands. "They want you to be able to break out of these mountains, go out of the mountains, and listen to the call of the motherland. After that, we will return with scientific and technical knowledge to make our mountains and rivers more beautiful and magnificent. ”

"Today I tell you, calm your mind, be brave and rush forward, and play your best. For the sake of our land and the Motherland, okay? The children. Zhang Guimei said.

Zhang Guimei sent a message to the college entrance examination students: I have been with the college entrance examination for 14 years, and the children are brave enough to rush forward and play their best

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Zhang Guimei was born in 1957, participated in the construction of the third line from Heilongjiang to Yunnan in 1975, and successively taught in Dali Xizhou No. 1 Middle School, Huaping County Central Middle School and other schools, and is currently the secretary of the Party branch and principal of Yunnan Lijiang Huaping Girls' Senior High School, and the director of Huaping County Children's Welfare Institute (Huaping Children's Home).

Rooted in the frontline of education in the frontier for many years, Zhang Guimei has witnessed many girls drop out of school due to family poverty or gender discrimination, and the dream of establishing a free girls' high school has germinated in her heart. In 2008, with the help of the party, the government and all walks of life, Zhang Guimei promoted the establishment of the country's first free girls' high school, Yunnan Lijiang Huaping Girls' High School.

Zhang Guimei sent a message to the college entrance examination students: I have been with the college entrance examination for 14 years, and the children are brave enough to rush forward and play their best

Source: Xinhua News Agency

On June 29, 2021, Zhang Guimei, the winner of the "July 1st Medal", was wearing the same dark pigmented clothes as usual, and was supported across the red carpet, and her hands covered with ointment attracted the attention of thousands of netizens.

Zhang Guimei sent a message to the college entrance examination students: I have been with the college entrance examination for 14 years, and the children are brave enough to rush forward and play their best

Source: China Communist Youth League Network

"Students have lights in the distance, roads under their feet, and light in front of them, and they can also see the wonderful world outside and see a bright future in the ravines." Zhang Guimei said in a speech at the "July 1st Medal" awarding ceremony, "As long as I have one breath, I will stand on the podium, do my best, dedicate everything, and have no regrets when I die!" ”

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, China Communist Youth League Network, Beijing News]

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  • Zhang Guimei sent a message to the college entrance examination students: I have been with the college entrance examination for 14 years, and the children are brave enough to rush forward and play their best
  • Zhang Guimei sent a message to the college entrance examination students: I have been with the college entrance examination for 14 years, and the children are brave enough to rush forward and play their best
  • Zhang Guimei sent a message to the college entrance examination students: I have been with the college entrance examination for 14 years, and the children are brave enough to rush forward and play their best
  • Zhang Guimei sent a message to the college entrance examination students: I have been with the college entrance examination for 14 years, and the children are brave enough to rush forward and play their best

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