
The "ride" of "Chengtian, barnyard ride, family ride, Shi ride, wild ride" is the same as "history", and the sound is "shèng"

author:Call in unison

Chengtian, barnyard ride, home ride, Shi ride, wild ride, ride 1.chèng. 1) Meaning. (1) Arithmetic calculation methods, such as: multiplication, exponentiation, multiplier. (2) Ride, sit. Such as: riding a car, riding a fat horse and wearing expensive clothes. Describe the luxury and luxury of life), ride the wind, ride the armor (the armor on the chariot), ride the police, ride the distance, passenger, take the air, 罅 (xià. take advantage of opportunities; Exploiting loopholes), Moonlight (Moonlight. From Lu You's "Tour of Shanxi Village"), Shencheng (a person who rides a car, and serves as a coachman and a guard). (3) Take advantage of it, such as: take the convenience, take the opportunity, take the momentum, take the prosperity, and take advantage of the convenience. (4) The sects or teachings of Buddhism have the "Three Vehicles". Mahayana (old pronounced dā shèng. i.e. superior. It developed in the first and second centuries A.D. from some branches of the popular branch of Buddhism), Hinayana (formerly pronounced xiāo shèng. i.e. downboarding. Derogatory name for primitive Buddhism and tribal Buddhism), Theravada (Taoist "Dongxuan Department"). 2) Surname (omitted). Celebrities: In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a pot in the Spring and Autumn Period, and in the Western Han Dynasty, there was a boiled jujube Hou Chengchang, and a doctor Chenghong; Chengsu of the Later Han Dynasty; Southern Qi has taken Qianbo, Chengxinzhi, and Tianbao; In the Jin Dynasty, there was a multiplication; In the Song Dynasty, the state was promoted by Chengze. 3) Place names. Such as: Chengmagang Village, Chengmagang Town, Macheng City, Huanggang City, Hubei Province.

2.shèng。 1) Meaning. All "car", "history", "驷" and "four" are all "shèng" sounds. (1) Same as "four". In ancient times, it was called a military chariot, and 4 horses and a cart were a ride. The phrases are: multiply Wei (multiplication: four; Wei: cooked cowhide), Chenghuang (4 yellow horses), Chengyu (also known as "Chengyi", "Emperor" and "Ride". A. Emperor's car. B. Ride the car)), Chengya (4 archery), Chengju (four pots), chariot, Fenglin (the queen's car), chariot, Baicheng House, Qiancheng country (see also the place name "Qiancheng"), Wancheng country, Wancheng Zhijun, Wancheng (10,000 cars, ride; emperors and queens). (2) The history of the Jin Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period; Later, it generally referred to general history books, such as: Chengya (four arrows), Chengtian (the small official in charge of animal husbandry in the Spring and Autumn Period of Lu), Barnyard (barnyard history), Jiacheng (genealogy), Shicheng, and Yexian.

2) Compound surname. The "Chengma Clan" and "Chengqiu Clan" who take things as the clan. (1) "Riding Ma's". "Zheng Tongzhi Clan Strategy" and "Continuation Tongzhi Clan Strategy" are all contained. "Surname Strategy" notes the cloud: "Jin official name, see "Zuo Chuan". The descendants take the official as the clan and look out of Zhangye. Zheng Qiao classified it as "taking things as the clan", and said: ""Hanshu Gou Xun Zhi" has a doctor who rides a horse to extend the year; Also, the Han has a horse ride; Zhangye has a horse and a horse (the general of Chen Feng in the Han Dynasty). the official who is in charge of or raises war horses, and his descendants; There are Chengqiu clan and Chengqiu clan, which are the descendants of the leading army of cavalry garrisoning important places, and later they are all provinces with single surnames Cheng, Ma, Qiu, Qiu, etc. (2) Chengqiu, also known as "Chengqiu". In addition to acknowledging that "Chengqiu" is a "mound", "Hanshu Art and Literature Chronicles" is still . The name of the place is used as a compound surname. The "Dictionary of Surnames" says: "Also known as Chengqiu." Take the place name as the surname. "Spring and Autumn" Zhuang Gong 10 years (684 BC): "Gong defeated the Song master in Chengqiu. West Hanzhi County belongs to Taishan County of Yanzhou Thorn History Department (in the northwest of present-day Yanzhou, Shandong). "Surname Jin": "Chengqiu, Spring and Autumn Ludi, in the northwest of Yanzhou, Shandong Province. County Wang: Binh Duong. "The Book of Han and the Geographical Chronicles of the Han Dynasty were made as the hills, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was abolished." "Hanshu Art and Literature Chronicles" Chengqiu, also known as "Chengqiu".

3) Used for personal names. Such as: multiplication. The Western Han Dynasty was a native of Huaiyang (now Huaiyang, Henan). One said Huaiyin (now Huai'an, Jiangsu)) people. There are famous articles such as "Seven Hairs", creating a seven-body form. Near-track albums include "Uncle Collection". Reasons for reading "shèng": (1) The predecessor Yangzi annotated the pronunciation of "Mei Vehicle, Rope Evidence Cut" in the "Fa Yan", which means to read "shèng". (2) The ancients' "name" and "character" were unified, and the word "uncle" (in the ranking of brothers, "uncle" is two, and "uncle" is one of the four numbers). (3) From the perspective of the use of rhyme in poetry, the pronunciation of the ancient poem "de-sounding" is confirmed in the poem. Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty poems: "Meng Ke narrates the saint, and the multiplication says that the disease is healed", and "Meng Ke" to the "multiplier" is "Pingping" to "Ping". Li Han's "Mengqiu" cloud: "Piece by Pu Wheel, Zheng Jun in white clothes", "Piece Ride" vs. "Zheng Jun" is "Ping" vs. "Pingping". Xu Kun's sentence: "Shitong has an edict to multiply, and no one recommends you to balance in the world", "multiplication" to "balance" is also "仄" to "flat", indicating that the poets of the past dynasties used the "multiplication" of "multiplication" for the sound (to sound). Qiu Zhaoao's "Detailed Notes on Du Poems" (Volume 15) and "Fenghanzhong Wang's Codex" directly indicate "de-sounding" for "Meixian". (4) Professor Wan Xianchu of Wuhan University wrote in a number of new media "Fu Boyou: "Mei Cheng" pronunciation and "pit yu" pronunciation", saying: "It is much more likely to read the sound shèng. (5) Some people have made statistics based on the poems with the word "multiplication" found on the Soyun network: there are 29 poems and 33 sentences that can be clearly read as sound shèng; There are 17 families and 28 sentences that read Pingsheng chéng. Apparently the one who reads "shèng" prevails. (6) Chinese Literature Network (October 23, 2016) passed the article "On the Multiplication of the <七发>Instrument", saying: "The 'multiplication' of the multiplication is misunderstood by many people as the common pronunciation of 'chēng'. ”

4) The name of the country (place) of the land of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period. (1) Chengshi, the name of the ancient county. Chengqiu County of the Sui and Tang Dynasties is in the southwest of Juye County, Heze City, Shandong Province. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a "Battle of the Chengshi" here. Later, it was named after the place. (2) Near Ziyang County (now under the jurisdiction of Yanzhou). The "Chinese Great Dictionary" notes the "Kuodizhi" cloud: "Chengqiu is in the northwest of Fenqiu County, and those who live there think that they are clans." ("Chinese Surnames" and "Dictionary of Chinese Ancient and Modern Surnames" are all pronounced chéng qiū.) Not exactly). Chengqiu (the ancient city is in the northwest of Yanzhou, Shandong) was originally the Song Dynasty doctor's mining yi, Lu Zhuang Gong defeated the Song master in Chengqiu for ten years, and then it was Luyi, and the people who lived in it thought that they were clans. "Hanshu Art and Literature Chronicles" and "Chinese Surnames" all include Chengqiuzi, known as the Yin and Yang family during the Warring States Period, and authored 5 articles of "Chengqiuzi". To sum up, the compound surname "Chengqiu" is the surname of the ancient land "Chengqiu", which is located between Yanzhou City, Shandong Province and Juye County in the west. (3) Thousand times. A. There are a lot of military vehicles. B. Ancient place names. Hanzhi, now Gaoqing, Boxing, Binxian in Shandong Province. The seat of governance is now Guangrao County. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the small ones of the princely states were called "Qiancheng", and the large ones were called "Wancheng" (see "chèng" sound)". Bai Juyi's "Song of Long Hatred": "The nine-fold city is full of smoke and dust, and thousands of people ride southwest. Liu Xiang said to the "Warring States Policy: Preface" that at the end of the Warring States Period, there were seven kingdoms of Han, Zhao, Wei (Liang), Yan, Qi, Chu, and Qin. The countries of the Thousand Vehicles have Song, Wei, Zhongshan, Eastern Zhou, and Western Zhou. (4) Hanzhi Chengxiang Township (also known as Rope Township, in the east of present-day Jintang County, Sichuan).

3.zhèng。 1) During the Spring and Autumn Period, the surname Mi was in charge of the Chu army Zhongwei (the descendants of the great master of the military chariot, and belonged to the name of the ancestor. 2) The descendants of the Gong clan in the Qin and Han dynasties, some of the descendants are called the Gong Cheng clan by the name of the ancestor, and the descendants are called the Gong Cheng clan, and the later provincial text is simplified to the single surname Gong and Cheng (zhèng) clan. Celebrities include: the Eastern Han Dynasty's public wishes, public benefits; Song Jiayou has a person who has a master, and there is a public passer, Liangbi, Xiangzhou (now Anyang, Henan) people. In addition, Jianyan has a public passenger blog, and is now a native of Dongping (now Shandong).


The characters for "multiplication" in "Xianhan" and "Cihai" are both "chéng" and "shèng" 2 sounds. As a "multiplication" surname, it also has only a "chéng" sound. "The Complete Collection of Chinese Surnames" and the "Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Chinese Surnames" say: "Chengma, Chengqiu, both sound chéng qiū." The surname "multiply" is pronounced only with the sound of "chéng". Not in keeping with history. Although Cihai affirms that the surname "Cheng" is pronounced "chéng", "Chengqiu" reads "shèng qiū", which is consistent with the statement of the classics.

False examples:

(1) Analysis of "Mahayana" and "Hinayana": 1) Chen Zhidian wrote an article "How to Read "Mahayana" in Buddhism in "Biting Wen and Chewing Words" (No. 10, 2011), saying: "When evaluating the class, the vast majority of teachers think that Mahayana and Hinayana should be read shèng. They said this with the Kangxi Dictionary, Ciyuan, Cihai, Modern Chinese Dictionary (3rd edition), Chinese Dictionary (1968 edition of the Chinese Cultural Institute Publishing Department, Taiwan), and the Great Dictionary (1985 edition of Taiwan Sanmin Book Company). In fact, this is only the old version, and the new edition of the Modern Chinese Dictionary (6th and 7th editions) adopts the opinions of the Modern Chinese Standard Dictionary and has been revised to read "chéng", pointing out that "shèng" is "the old reading". 2) Liu Zhiqing wrote in an article entitled "Examination of the Pronunciation of 'Multiplication' in Buddhism" in the Journal of Literature and History (No. 1, 2000): "The Modern Chinese Dictionary keeps pace with the times and should support the pronunciation of 'Mahayana' and 'Hinayana', 'chéng', but it is a pity that it is difficult to grasp the other words of 'multiplication'. According to the ancient Chinese tradition and the "still" leaf rhyme of the Tang poem "multiply", especially the literal meaning of "multiply" and the part of speech of the word group, where there is the meaning of "carrying", "cheng" should be read as "chéng", and "shicheng", "qianxian" and "wancheng" without the meaning of "carrying" can be read as "shèng". 'Mahayana' is 'a big car for people who have great compassion and great wishes', and 'Hinayana' is 'a small car for people who only cultivate themselves', which is in line with the essence of 'vehicle' in Buddhism. ”

(2) Misreading of "multiplication". According to emerging media such as Chinese Dictionary, the "multiplication" of "枚用" is pronounced "chéng".

(3) Misreading of "chariot". 1) CCTV and Henan Satellite TV have broadcast the Henan Opera drama movie "Bao Gong Mistake" many times, with the lyrics "I only see the mother and the mother". The leading actor Li Liangkui sang "multiply" as "chéng". 2) Henan TV Liyuan Channel (December 8, 2016) "Watching the Big Opera" column of the Henan Opera "Xia Chenzhou", there is a drama "Watching the Niangniang Yi Ride." In the play, Bao Gong sang "辇一成" as "辇一chéng".

(4) Misinterpretation of "the country of a thousand times": 1) "Explanation and Pinyin of the Country of a Thousand Vehicles" in new media such as "Explanation of Chinese Vocabulary", which says: "The pronunciation of 'multiplication' in the country of a thousand times is 'chéng'. 2) The "2013 High School Chinese After-School Intensive Training" uploaded on the website of Youxue College Entrance Examination (September 20, 2012<中国古代诗歌散文欣赏>) "Find out the wrong pronunciation in the following verses", among which the pronunciation of "Thousand Vehicles of the Country" is "chéng", and the standard answer is "shèng".

(5) "The Respect of Ten Thousand Cities" is mistaken for "the Respect of Ten Thousand Cities": 1) Yang Changlin wrote an article "What is the Respect of Ten Thousand Cities" in "Biting Wen and Chewing Words" (Issue 5, 2012), writing: "In the TV series "Qingming Riverside Map" (Episode 15), Zhang Zeduan, played by Zheng Shaoqiu, said: 'The saint is the king of a country, the respect of ten thousand cities, and it should be based on the people'......" 2) Misreading: (1) Zhao Ru in "Biting Wen Chewing Words" (Issue 10, 2003) wrote an article "Does the "multiply" of "Wancheng" read "chéng"", wrote: "The TV series " In the "Bell Story" of Kangxi Weifu Private Interview", Concubine Yi said: "He (referring to Kangxi) is a ten thousand times honorable, and he will throw it when he says it." Actor Deng Jie pronounced the "ride" of "the respect of ten thousand times" (and the "country of ten thousand rides") as the chéng of multiplication and passengers. (2) Ma Yuling wrote an article "Misreading and Raising Puppets on the Screen" in the magazine "Biting the Text and Chewing the Words" (Issue 9, 1995): "The master in the TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" reads the "multiplication" of "the king of ten thousand times" as "chéng". ”

(6) The pronunciation of "Chengma" and "Chengqiu": As a name or place name, Zheng Qiao's "Zheng Tongzhi • Clan Luo" classifies "Cheng" into the "shèng" sound, which is the old reading. Emerging media such as 360 Chinese Studies, 360 Q&A, Chinese Dictionary, and Baidu Chinese all phonetically sound this kind of "multiply" as "chéng"; Emerging media such as,, Daquan of Words, Chinese Dictionary, and 911 Query have also phonetized the "multiplication" of "Chengqiu" as "chéng". From the point of view of keeping pace with the times, it should be affirmed.

(7) Misreading of "multiplying public opinion": Chen Jing's "The Wrong Words and Words That Chinese Are Easy to Read Wrongly" said: "Note: 'Multiply' reads 'shèng', not 'chèng'. ”

(8) Mispronunciation of "Chengyue": 1) New media such as Chinese vocabulary explanations say that the "ride" of "leisure ride" reads the "multiplication (shèng)" of "辇成". This is misleading. 2) Baidu Library (October 31, 2011) uploaded the article "Eighth Grade (I) Language Proficiency Training Test Paper" on the Internet, which listed the "multiplication of the moon" in "If you are allowed to ride the moon from now on", as a question that is easy to misread.