
"Governing the country according to law is not a joke!" , but, sometimes it's a joke..."No way! It was decided by the leader..."At the scene of a trial in a certain place for misappropriation of funds, it was a trial

author:Dream of finding apricots

"Governing the country according to law is not a joke!" , but, sometimes it's a joke ...

"No way! "At a trial of misappropriation of funds in a certain place, when the trial judge asked the prosecutor in charge of the prosecution: How were these amounts determined? The former was silent for a long time and made the above remarks.

So, there are some things you can't explain: there will be regrets when you give up! But it also seems pointless to insist...

"Governing the country according to law is not a joke!" , but, sometimes it's a joke..."No way! It was decided by the leader..."At the scene of a trial in a certain place for misappropriation of funds, it was a trial
"Governing the country according to law is not a joke!" , but, sometimes it's a joke..."No way! It was decided by the leader..."At the scene of a trial in a certain place for misappropriation of funds, it was a trial
"Governing the country according to law is not a joke!" , but, sometimes it's a joke..."No way! It was decided by the leader..."At the scene of a trial in a certain place for misappropriation of funds, it was a trial

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