
The woman heard that her mother-in-law's house had already started eating, and when she first put it on the table, she saw only a pair of chopsticks, and the next second was completely silent

author:Affectionate remembrance

As the saying goes, "the details are the real chapter", and a person's character and family atmosphere are often revealed in inadvertent subtleties.

When a woman integrates into a new family and becomes a member of her in-laws, whether she is truly accepted and respected is often not reflected in grand scenes or solemn ceremonies, but in the bits and pieces of daily life.

For example, whether family members will take the initiative to ask her for her opinions and preferences, whether they will take her feelings into account when arranging family activities, and whether they will listen to her and give her support and understanding.

These seemingly trivial things are actually an important criterion for measuring whether a family is harmonious and respectful of each member.

The woman heard that her mother-in-law's house had already started eating, and when she first put it on the table, she saw only a pair of chopsticks, and the next second was completely silent

All in all, a family's acceptance and respect for new members is not just a superficial etiquette, but is reflected in every detail and every casual moment of daily life.

On June 29, Zhejiang, a woman shared that she had not finished cooking in the kitchen, and her mother-in-law's family had already started eating, and there was only a pair of chopsticks on the table. Netizens complained, that is, you have a good temper.

In the picture, on a hot day, the woman is busy in the kitchen alone, and due to the large number of people in the family, she has to cook multiple dishes. Before the dish was finished, I found that my husband and father-in-law had already started eating.

By the time she finished arguing, the family had almost finished the fried dishes, leaving only some leftovers. There was only a pair of chopsticks on the table, and no one brought her a bowl.

Tired and sore back, no one is distressed. What made her even more angry was that the child had been sitting on the side, and no one had fed him. Everyone was waiting for her to feed.

The woman heard that her mother-in-law's house had already started eating, and when she first put it on the table, she saw only a pair of chopsticks, and the next second was completely silent

In desperation, she had to feed the child, and when she finished feeding the child, the family had finished eating, and began to sit on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed to watch TV and drink tea.

There were only a few leftovers left in the bowl, and even the garbage on the table was still piled up.

The woman felt very aggrieved, was silent, ate a few bites, and began to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, go to the kitchen to clean up, and wash the dishes.

From beginning to end, no one felt sorry for her, and no one cared if she was tired or not. It's as if she's doing all this, and she's used to it in everyone's eyes. felt that these things should be done by her.

Because she was at home with her children, she didn't go to work or go out to make money, so she had to contract all the housework at home. No matter how good she is, everyone doesn't think she is tired, she doesn't go to work, she just cooks, she just takes care of her children, and she enjoys happiness at home.

The woman heard that her mother-in-law's house had already started eating, and when she first put it on the table, she saw only a pair of chopsticks, and the next second was completely silent

In this regard, some netizens said that this sister is also good-tempered. My family was the same before, and then I directly lifted the table, you don't understand, a person is busy in the kitchen for a long time, when he comes out to eat, the family is almost finished eating, and he also commented, this burns OK, this is not delicious.

Some netizens said, elders, we don't make evaluations, your husband is just an ornament. Can't he bring you a bowl and a meal and feed the child? In the end, it's your husband who doesn't love you enough.

The woman heard that her mother-in-law's house had already started eating, and when she first put it on the table, she saw only a pair of chopsticks, and the next second was completely silent

Some netizens even said that it is no wonder that so many women would rather get up early and go to work every day than stay at home to do full-time. Because no matter how well a stay-at-home mother does, no one will recognize your efforts and think that you are happy at home.

Author's point of view

It can be seen that the family did not take the daughter-in-law seriously, and the daughter-in-law came to their house, just like a free nanny, serving their family with all her heart.

The older generation thinks like this, but the younger people shouldn't think like that. Husbands, in particular, should be able to see their wives' contributions.

In the final analysis, the woman's husband is too macho and does not know how to feel sorry for his daughter-in-law, and the elders do not regard the daughter-in-law as their own family. If such a marriage is not corrected in time, sooner or later it will cause problems.

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