
Allah's strong support is in place, and Iran has broken its silence and made clear the conditions for Israel to send troops

author:There is a phoenix Talk

At this stage, tension between Israel and Allah in Lebanon is already tense, and a major war may break out at any time, which has also aroused great concern among countries around the world. #军史观察团#

At this time, Iran, as the core force of the Middle East against Israel, finally broke its silence and expressed its position.

In the past two days, Iran's representative to the United Nations has warned the Security Council that they will face a "devastating war" if Israel attacks Lebanon in an all-out way.

In addition, the Iranian delegation also posted on social platforms again to clarify Iran's attitude, saying that as long as Israel moves, not only Iran, but also many fronts will be fully engaged in this "devastating war".

Allah's strong support is in place, and Iran has broken its silence and made clear the conditions for Israel to send troops

Some analysts believe that Iran's announcement of the conditions for sending troops this time is most likely a kind of showdown with Israel.

However, judging by the current situation, it is unlikely that Iran will be directly involved. But that doesn't mean Allah is going alone.

There are many anti-Israel forces in the Middle East, and they all have a lot of ties to Iran. What the Iranian side wants to convey cannot be ruled out is that Iran will mobilize all its peripheral forces to encircle and assault Israel.

Objectively speaking, this war between Israel and Allah in Lebanon is almost inevitable. It's just that Iran, the United States, and the United Nations don't want this regional conflict to lead to a larger war in the Middle East.

Netanyahu needed a state of war to maintain his political position, so before the conflict in Gaza was completely over, the main Israeli army was moved to the northern border.

For Israel, the battle with Allah in Lebanon has begun. Netanyahu has dissolved his wartime cabinet and returned state power to its former security cabinet. The current security cabinet is run by both the right-wing Likud and the far-right forces.

War against Lebanon has become an inevitable option.

Allah in Lebanon is an important anti-Israel force cultivated by Iran in northern Israel, and they are very powerful. The entire southern part of Lebanon has also been controlled by Allah, which has been in operation for many years and is strong.

The mountainous region of southern Lebanon was a mountainous region where the Allah Party built complex and strong underground fortifications. Years ago, they defeated the Israeli army in a war with fewer victories and more victories, becoming one of the few nightmares for the Israeli army.

Allah's strong support is in place, and Iran has broken its silence and made clear the conditions for Israel to send troops

However, some analysts believe that Lebanese Allah wants to go to war with Israel, not because of old hatred, but because Iran needs to keep Israel and the Islamic world hateful.

Long before the new round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Biden administration began to withdraw US troops from the Middle East, but they were unwilling to give up the situation of operating in the Middle East for many years. Biden's brains have devised a perfect alternative plan for him.

The plan is for the United States to help Israel normalize relations with Saudi Arabia and other Sunni countries before the complete withdrawal of US troops. In this way, the Sunni countries are on the side of Israel and against the staunchly anti-Israeli Shiite states.

The Americans believe that in this case, Israel's security can be guaranteed, and the contradictions within Islam will become the main theme. The Iranians see clearly the conspiracy of the Americans, and they are very worried that this will become a reality. In this context, Hamas launched a suicide attack against Israel.

However, the Gaza conflict has not completely ruined the plans of the Americans. The Americans are still actively promoting the process of normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, and have put forward a very tempting condition for Saudi Arabia to sign a security guarantee agreement, and now Saudi Arabia is hesitant.

But Netanyahu's insistence on Allah has provided Iran and other anti-Israel forces with an opportunity to break the US layout.

The Israeli army has been exhausted by the more than eight months of conflict in Gaza, and it may be difficult to further weaken Israel with one Lebanese Allah alone, but Iran does not rule out mobilizing other regional forces to help Allah in Lebanon.

At present, the Houthis, the Islamic Armed Group of Iraq, Syria and many other armed forces are likely to be involved in the attack on Israel.

In the event of a war, Israel will be attacked from all sides and will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Of course, Iran will not allow the conflict to expand indefinitely, because the United States is unlikely to sit idly by.

Allah's strong support is in place, and Iran has broken its silence and made clear the conditions for Israel to send troops

Iran's bottom line is that U.S. ground forces are openly involved in the conflict, and they will stop in moderation.

At the end of June, the Turkish Foreign Minister made a phone call to Iran. We speculate that Iran's intention in contacting Turkey is to allow Turkey to intervene in mediation at a critical moment to prevent the escalation of the conflict in time. Because at present, Erdogan is the only one who has the courage to speak for Iran in front of the United States and can exert influence.

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