
With the BRICS in the left hand and the tariffs on Chinese cars in the right hand, why does Turkey dare to take China and the United States at the same time?

author:Bones and ashes are history


Throughout June, the "brightest boy" in global diplomacy was not US President Joe Biden, who apologized to Ukraine, nor Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who made a surprise visit to the Philippines, but Turkish Foreign Minister Fedan.

After Foreign Minister Fedan visited China and publicly expressed his desire to join the BRICS, Turkey turned around and imposed a 40% tariff on Chinese cars, which can be said to have succeeded in touching the scales of China and the United States at the same time, and forcing China and the United States to greet each other with a smile.

With the BRICS in the left hand and the tariffs on Chinese cars in the right hand, why does Turkey dare to take China and the United States at the same time?

Turkish Foreign Minister Fedan

So, why do you say that? What kind of "blessings" will Turkey's current behavior bring to itself?

Joining the BRICS and imposing tariffs

First of all, let's talk about why Turkey has touched the backlash between China and the United States at the same time.

As we all know, the current game between China and the United States is fierce. Among them, what really affects US hegemony, or shakes the foundation of US hegemony, is undoubtedly the development and growth of the BRICS organization.

This is mainly manifested in two aspects. The first is the development and growth of the BRICS countries, which directly affects the global leadership of the United States.

Although there are nearly 200 countries and regions in the world, less than 20 countries are really qualified to sit at the table of geopolitical games, which is actually the basis of the existence of the G20 in the past.

Most countries are either small or poor, or small and poor, not to mention active games, and many are not even qualified to be co-opted by big countries.

Therefore, the global power game, which seems to be dazzling, is actually the influence of Sino-US competition on regional powers.

With the BRICS in the left hand and the tariffs on Chinese cars in the right hand, why does Turkey dare to take China and the United States at the same time?

At the BRICS Summit held in South Africa last year, the BRICS membership was officially expanded

Obviously, the growth of the BRICS has rapidly reduced the ability of the United States to influence regional powers.

Second, the growth of the BRICS directly affects the foundation of US hegemony, the dollar settlement system.

Not to mention the new settlement system that is being brewed within the BRICS, it is a killer feature that will kill the United States, and once it comes out, it will inevitably be a situation of reshuffling the global financial system.

The expansion of the BRICS countries alone and the strengthening of local currency settlements by various countries are enough to give the United States a headache.

Because after the expansion of the BRICS, trade within the BRICS will occupy half of the global trade, and once these countries begin to use the dollar, the status of the dollar as the world currency will be directly dissolved by half.

To sum up, the current BRICS is undoubtedly a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of the United States, and can be called the number one enemy, and Turkey's public statement that it wants to join the BRICS is naturally an open fire to stick a nail in the eyes of the United States.

With the BRICS in the left hand and the tariffs on Chinese cars in the right hand, why does Turkey dare to take China and the United States at the same time?

Caricature of the petrodollar system

If Turkey's public statement that it wants to join the BRICS is Turkey's violation of the United States, then the imposition of tariffs on Chinese cars is a salt in China's wounds.

Again, there are two reasons for this. The first is the strategic attributes of new energy vehicles.

Turkey's tariffs on Chinese cars do not distinguish between electric and non-electric vehicles, targeting all passenger cars. However, it is clear that China was not a big exporter of automobiles in the past, and the sharp increase in automobile exports in the past two years is led by new energy vehicles.

And new energy vehicles, which are the "big brothers" of China's "new three" exports, are undoubtedly the future industry. It is related to the long-term strategy of upgrading China's industrial chain, and any country that imposes tariffs on China's electric vehicles can be regarded as "the heart of death is not dead".

Second, the timing of the tariffs is too delicate.

At present, the game between China and the United States on electric vehicles is at a critical moment. The United States has imposed tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, but the United States is not the key, because the number of Chinese electric vehicles exported to the United States is very small, and the European Union is the market we focus on.

The attitude of the European Union is still hesitant and divisive, and now is the critical moment for the EU to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.

So the question is, why is Turkey so crazy and at the same time offending China and the United States to death?

Honey before arsenic

Turkey is jokingly called "the husky in the country" on the Internet, but in fact, Turkey is not "two" at all, and it is quite clever.

As far as this wave of offending China and the United States at the same time is concerned, in fact, people have been prepared for a long time.

First, from China's point of view, Turkey's foreign minister had just concluded a visit to China before Turkey announced tariffs on Chinese cars. Moreover, Foreign Minister Faydan's visit to China can be said to be very sincere.

With the BRICS in the left hand and the tariffs on Chinese cars in the right hand, why does Turkey dare to take China and the United States at the same time?

Turkish Foreign Minister Fedan visited Xinjiang

It is not that Fedan's declaration of desire to join the BRICS shows Turkey's sincerity. In fact, it is Russia, not China, that is desperately hoping for more regional powers to join the BRICS.

On the issue of BRICS, China hopes that more countries will join, but it is not in a hurry.

The most sincere part of Foreign Minister Faydan's current visit to China is that he made a special visit to Xinjiang. Moreover, after the visit, he publicly stated that he did not support or use the ethnic issue to carry out anti-China actions.

At the same time, he said that changing the existing perception of the world, including the Islamic world, about the cultural rights and the right to life of the Uyghur people in Xinjiang is not only beneficial to China, but also to Turkey and the world.

This statement is the sincerity shown by Foreign Minister Fedan during his visit to China.

Because it is related to the stability of western China, and Turkey, an Islamic country, strongly supports China on the Uyghur issue, which is tantamount to making the United States and even the entire West use the issue of ethnic minorities to attack China's words and deeds, all of which have become jokes.

It is precisely because of this commitment to China that Turkey dares to impose tariffs on Chinese cars at such a sensitive time.

With the BRICS in the left hand and the tariffs on Chinese cars in the right hand, why does Turkey dare to take China and the United States at the same time?

Turkish Foreign Minister Fedan with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken

As for why you dare to offend the United States, you can understand it if you look at it the other way around. Turkey has imposed tariffs on Chinese cars, so what's the big deal about feeding such a big mouthful of sugar to the mouth of the United States, and by the way, feeding the United States a mouthful of arsenic?

Don't you just want to join the BRICS and dig into the corners of the United States? Turkey is not the only one digging into the corners of the United States, if you the United States attack Turkey on this issue, Turkey will be angry and will not impose tariffs on Chinese cars, see what you will do?

Therefore, it is not that no one in Turkey dares to offend, but that before people offend, they have already done a good job of foreshadowing, and the one who offends is called a proper and impartial.

So, the last question is, can Turkey really take advantage of both sides by doing this?

A lesson from the Varyag aircraft carrier

Around 2000, China finally bought the Varyag aircraft carrier from Ukraine, which is the predecessor of today's mainland's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning.

But at that time, the "Varyag" had no power and could only be towed back by tugboats, who would have thought that when the Bosphorus controlled by Turkey was borne, Turkey suddenly refused to let it pass, and put forward a lot of conditions, including asking China to pay a $1 billion deposit and so on.

This is basically a roadblock robbery, but at that time, Turkey, while robbing, openly and secretly said that the United States asked them to do this, and as a NATO ally, Turkey could not refuse the United States.

At that time, the United States was really reluctant to allow the "Varyag" aircraft carrier to reach China, so Turkey was not lying.

But at the same time, another country, Greece, for various reasons, expressed its willingness to vouch for China, and also sent its own tugboat to eventually help Chinese aircraft carriers pass through the strait.

With the BRICS in the left hand and the tariffs on Chinese cars in the right hand, why does Turkey dare to take China and the United States at the same time?

Liaoning ship

Of course, many things have happened in the meantime, including the fact that after the plane collision incident in the South China Sea in 2001, the United States was anxious to get its reconnaissance plane back, so it agreed to let Turkey let it go.

But that's not the point, the point is that Turkey and Greece had very different options at the time.

Objectively speaking, Turkey's blocking of the return of the "Varyag" aircraft carrier back then can be called an "appropriate" offense to China and a small gain from it.

Greece chose to help China, although there were reasons not to deal with Turkey, but after all, it offended the United States, which was a "thankless", after all, China at that time was far from showing the world's second strength.

The problem is that the relationship between countries is not one time and one place, but a holistic and long-term one. The strategic mutual trust and people-to-people friendship between the two countries have been accumulated little by little through ordinary exchanges.

Around 2008, Europe was affected by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, and Greece, together with Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Ireland, was called the "European Pig Five", which was not even a target for its own allies.

In such difficult times, China has extended its assistance and invested in many flagship projects, including the port of Piraeus, which dragged Greece back from the precipice of national bankruptcy.

With the BRICS in the left hand and the tariffs on Chinese cars in the right hand, why does Turkey dare to take China and the United States at the same time?

Chinese electric vehicles waiting to be exported

But in 2014, Turkey's economic crisis, stocks, bonds, and foreign exchange were killed together, and 10 years have passed, and they still haven't been able to jump out of the trap of foreign exchange depletion and currency depreciation.

The answer is no.

A developing country with a very important geographical location and huge development potential, which has not been subject to any sanctions, but is like Iran and Syria at home, has a perennial political instability, and is facing the crisis of subversion of the regime by the West's color revolutions at every turn.

Quite simply, economic development determines the superstructure, and if the economy does not develop, the superstructure will naturally be unstable. As for why Turkey's economy is not developing, the reasons are complicated, but Turkey's "appropriate" foreign policy of offending major powers is definitely one of the reasons.


There is no love and hate in the world for no reason, and it is not without a price to jump back and forth between major powers.

Turkey is not only a question of repeatedly jumping between China and the United States, but also between Russia and the United States, and between Russia and Europe. The direct consequence of this seemingly neutral but actually wall-riding diplomatic strategy is that Turkey is a member of NATO, but it is not treated well by Europe and the United States, and it has wanted to join the EU for decades and will never be able to join.

At the same time, Erdogan has a good relationship with Putin, but the relationship between Turkey and Russia can only be said to be a grin on the surface and an RPG behind the scenes.

Turkey's relations with the United States are also bad, saying that it is an ally, but the United States is bent on overthrowing the Erdogan government, and even secretly supports the coup d'état for this.

A regional power that should have been co-opted by other major powers has made itself to the point where "people don't want to see dogs", which is precisely the result of Turkey's calculation of immediate accounts.

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