
After the age of 70, the best way to live in old age is not to have money and leisure, but to let go of these 3 "thoughts"

author:The firmness of the eyes

Life is rare for seventy years, and at this age, life has begun to enter the retirement life.

Some people say that the best way to live in old age is to have money and leisure.

After the age of 70, it is the second half of life. The first half has experienced ups and downs, and has accumulated a lot of life wisdom. But sometimes, we will find that some old people still have a lot of "thoughts" in their hearts when they reach their old age.

These thoughts may be unwilling to accept old age, or they may be unwilling, but for people after the age of 70, they are burdens and constraints. After the age of 70, let go of these 3 thoughts if you can.

After the age of 70, the best way to live in old age is not to have money and leisure, but to let go of these 3 "thoughts"

The first thought: let go of the regrets of the past

Who doesn't have a few regrets in a person's life? When I was young, because of my lack of vision and knowledge, I missed some opportunities that I should have seized, resulting in my later years still achieving nothing and living a mediocre life.

Some people are unwilling, lingering on the regrets of the past, and feel that if time can be turned back, they will definitely not be like this.

Because I couldn't let it go, this matter became my own heart disease, and I couldn't hide my grief and indignation when I mentioned it.

Some people have missed some people who should be cherished, and when they want to redeem them, they have no chance. After that, every time I think about it, I can't let go.

But there is no perfect answer in life, and no matter how you choose in life, you will have regrets. People often tend to beautify the road they have not walked, but they don't know that the road is also full of thorns.

In old age, you should live more transparently, and if you can't change things, just accept it. Dwelling on these past regrets will only make you more unhappy.

Time will not stop because of anyone, instead of indulging in the regrets of the past, let go of the attachment to the past and cherish the present.

After the age of 70, the best way to live in old age is not to have money and leisure, but to let go of these 3 "thoughts"

The second thought: let go of your worries about your children

As parents, from the time their children are born, their minds are tied to them, and everything is worried about them. As children grow older, they slowly yearn for their own world and escape from their parents' control.

But parents are used to giving, and even when their children grow up and start a family, they can't help but worry about how their jobs are. Are you tired from work? Do you have enough money to spend?

It is normal for parents to worry about their children, but if they worry too much, they can't help but meddle in their children's lives, use their own thinking to help them make choices, and hope that they will live according to their own ideas.

Parents think that they are old, they have seen and experienced a lot, and helping their children make choices is to make their children's lives better. However, the parents' knowledge and pattern may not be equal to that of their children. The choices parents make may not necessarily be the results that their children want.

In the name of doing good for them, what they do hurts them and leads to tensions in family relationships.

When people are old, at the age of 70, their children have entered middle age, and parents should trust their children to be able to handle their own affairs. Letting go of excessive worries is not only a trust in your children, but also a relief for yourself.

Putting more time and energy into your own life and not letting yourself become a burden to your children is the most important thing at the moment.

After the age of 70, the best way to live in old age is not to have money and leisure, but to let go of these 3 "thoughts"

The third thought: let go of the thought of money

When I was young, I felt that money was omnipotent, and with money, I would be respected by others without suffering from the eyes of others.

That's right, money does matter if you want to live a good life. But money is not all there is to life. For 70-year-olds, good health is the most important thing. If you are not in good health, what if you have more money?

Some old people are obsessed with money, and my third uncle is like this. When I was young, I worked as a coolie, and I was reluctant to spend the money I earned so I saved it to buy a car and a house for my son.

After his son got married, the third uncle was busy making money to supplement his son's small family and help him pay off the mortgage. When the third uncle was 70 years old, others advised him that it was time to rest, but he was worried that his son was under too much pressure, so he still insisted on working and earning a little money to supplement his son and grandson.

The third uncle was tired and sick, but he had no money in his pocket to see a doctor, and his son and grandson thought that the third uncle would subsidize him, and he was used to spending money lavishly, and he had no savings.

The third uncle had no money to see a doctor, so he could only hold on, and later his relatives lent him money to see a doctor, and he got better.

The third uncle has worked hard all his life, and he has been living for money, but the money has not been saved, and his body is exhausted. In the end, I will be burdened and spoiled by my children, and the gains outweigh the losses.

In old age, true happiness does not lie in how much savings you have, but in the fullness of your heart.

Some people are not satisfied with eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, and some people have a dull diet, but they are content and happy. There is no standard for happiness, the key lies in the mentality.

So, after the age of 70, let go of these "thoughts". If you don't think about the past, don't fear the future, and calm your mind, you will find that your later life is also beautiful and worth cherishing.