
It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

author:Eat melons for the audience


In this world full of stars and magnesium lights, every relationship is like a well-choreographed stage play, and the story of Ma Su and Kong Linghui is undoubtedly one of the unforgettable scenes.

Their encounter is like the most gorgeous flower in spring, blooming with the warmth and beauty of youth.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

The first experience of love: a sweet beginning, a shared dream

In 2008's "A Date with Luyu", Ma Su and Kong Linghui walked into the audience's field of vision hand in hand, just like a pair of princes and princesses who came out of a fairy tale.

Ma Su cherished every detail of Kong Linghui's game, and although Kong Linghui occasionally retorted, there was a different kind of light in her eyes - it was a small love that belonged only to lovers.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Kong Linghui, as a bright star in the international table tennis world, and Ma Su, a rising star in film and television, are like a match made in heaven.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

The Curveball of Love: The Collision of Dreams and Reality

As time passed, the world of the two began to change quietly.

Kong Linghui retired as a coach, and the burden on his shoulders became heavier; And Ma Su is thriving in the entertainment industry, with awards, and his career is thriving.

Gathering less and leaving more has become the deepest rift between this pair of golden boys and girls.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Those important moments that could once be spent together can now only be turned into a "come on" on the screen of the mobile phone, and distance and busyness are like an insurmountable chasm, slowly eroding each other's understanding and tolerance.

Kong Linghui's incomprehension of Ma Su's acting career and Ma Su's helplessness to take care of his family due to work made the balance of this relationship begin to tilt, and the difference in concept and lifestyle has become an irreconcilable contradiction.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

The break up: a storm of public opinion

When the news of the breakup came out on the Internet, especially the moment when "Kong Linghui asked Ma Su to leave", it not only shocked the entire entertainment industry, but also ignited a war of public opinion.

All kinds of speculations and reports poured in like a tide, and the beauty of the two was ruthlessly torn apart, and their personal images were impacted like never before.

For Ma Su, the pain and loss at that moment may only be known by tears in the dead of night.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

The Sky After Solo Flight: Masu's Nirvana Rebirth

After the breakup, Ma Su has experienced ups and downs in his career, from the trough of declining word-of-mouth to the expression of his true feelings in "Actors Please Be in Place 2", and then to the victory of legal rights protection, every step has been firm and difficult.

Her makeup has changed, her role has changed, but her inner growth is more significant.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

From the former "broken-mouthed" girl to the current cautious words and deeds, she has learned to precipitate in the setbacks and re-examine her attitude towards her career and life.

The concept of love has also matured, no longer blindly pursuing, but paying more attention to the realization of self-worth.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

The scenery after the parting of ways: each has something to gain, each has something to lose

Kong Linghui and Ma Su, the former couple, each embarked on a new journey after waving goodbye at the fork in the road of breakup.

Kong Linghui, the former prince of table tennis, failed to make the chase of the camera the whole of life, he quietly turned around, left his back to the spotlight, and plunged into the passion and sweat of the table tennis training ground.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

When he became a coach, it was like changing the track to continue running a marathon, although there was less scenery in front of the stage, but the love for national football made him as hot as behind the scenes, and he used another way to "stir-fry" in the sports circle, and fried a "delicious dish" with a perfect combination of technology and tactics.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

As for Ma Su, she is like an explorer in the grand view garden of the entertainment industry, facing a different landscape.

In this colorful and turbulent world, she learned to find her own small happiness in impetuousness, just like looking for that rare touch of green in the bustling city, quiet and firm.

She experiences a variety of life in the role, speaks with her acting skills, and occasionally posts her little days on social media, so that people can see the truth and cuteness of ordinary people under the halo of stars.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Two people, two worlds, Kong Linghui and Ma Su interpreted in their own way that "breaking up is not the end, but the starting point of their own wonderful".

They proved that even if life no longer intersects, they can grow a unique landscape in their respective worlds.

Kong Linghui used a table tennis racket to "beat" a new movement, and Ma Su "interpreted" a different life script in front of the camera.

Along the way, they may have lost each other's company, but they have more tenacity for self-growth and persistent pursuit of dreams.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Such a story, like the daily life of the brothers and sisters next door, tells us: no matter the wind and rain, as long as there is a dream in the heart, there is a road under the feet, and if everyone is well, it is a sunny day.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

The Right and Wrong of Breakup: The Choice of a Fork in the Road in Life

I think that at the beginning, the relationship between Ma Su and Kong Linghui was like a cold drink in summer, which was cool and thirst-quenching when it was first tasted, but after all, it couldn't compete with the temperature difference of time.

The two of them, one is an all-rounder in the entertainment industry, and they can play roles in and out of the play; The other is the "prince" on the table tennis court, with a wave of the racket and countless honors.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

The two walked together, thinking that they were a perfect match for talented and beautiful women, but they didn't expect to end up at a fork in the road.

Breaking up, in the final analysis, is like choosing shoes, whether they fit or not, only you know.

Ma Su may have planted a broader stage dream in her heart, and for her, breaking up is like taking off a little squeezing high heels, changing into light running shoes, and sprinting to the peak of her acting at full speed.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

As for Kong Linghui, the "wise general" of national table tennis, perhaps what he needs more is to focus on the small green table, and every accurate serve is his affectionate confession of table tennis.

The values and living habits of the two people are like the magnetic fields of the north and south poles, although they are attracted when they get closer, they unconsciously want to keep their distance.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

In the entertainment industry, which is new every day and stressful, if you are barely tied together, maybe it will change from sweet to a "love and kill" drama, and it will really become a gossip after dinner.

To put it bluntly, happiness is like sand in your hand, if you hold it too tightly, it will drain faster.

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

Ma Su and Kong Linghui's choice is like a wise gardener, who knows how to prune the branches at the right time, so that each other's trees of life can grow more luxuriantly towards their respective sunshine.

Sometimes, bravely letting go of your hand is not only to give yourself a chance, but also to give the other person a piece of sky, isn't it a deeper love and understanding?

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui

So, when it comes to feelings, don't always be entangled in right and wrong, in the big drama of life, everyone is their own director.

Although the curtain has come down on Ma Su and Kong Linghui, I believe that they will perform more exciting chapters on their respective stages.

After all, life is still to look forward, with a smile, and continue to be wonderful!

It wasn't until I witnessed Ma Su's recent situation that I finally understood how correct it was for her to break up with Kong Linghui


The story of Ma Su and Kong Linghui is like a vivid life lesson, teaching us how to make choices on the balance of love and career, how to find ourselves in loss, and how to be more resilient after the storm.

Although their life trajectories no longer overlap, they shine more brightly in their respective worlds.

After all, there is no standard answer to life's multiple choice questions, the key is whether you have the courage to face every choice, and whether you have the wisdom to find the seeds of growth in regrets.

In this world full of uncertainties, let's learn together how to embrace a broader self on the other side of love.

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