
Light in the face of adversity: 21 good words to heal the heart! (Let you rediscover your passion for life)

author:Jianke's ® heart

There will come times in life when we feel down, helpless, and lost. At such a moment, a sentence or a paragraph of text may become the light that lights up our hearts. This article has selected 21 famous quotes from history, literature, and movies to help you get out of the trough and regain your passion for life.

Light in the face of adversity: 21 good words to heal the heart! (Let you rediscover your passion for life)

1. The light of wisdom in the long river of history

1. "The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first work their minds and muscles." - "Mencius: The Second Confession"

2. "Who has not died since the dawn of time?" Keep Dan in mind. ——Wen Tianxiang "Song of Righteousness"

3. "Thousands of blows are still strong, let the wind blow from east to west, north and south." ——Zheng Banqiao, "Bamboo and Stone"

2. Analysis of human nature in literary masterpieces

4. "Life is like a box, you never know what you're going to get." - Forrest Gump

5. "Everyone has a hard time, but I believe that those days will pass." - Haruki Murakami, "Norwegian Wood"

6. "Be brave in the face of life's tribulations, don't complain, don't give up, because life is a practice." - Sanmao "Send You a Horse"

Light in the face of adversity: 21 good words to heal the heart! (Let you rediscover your passion for life)

3. Healing words in the movie

7. "No one can tell you what life is all about, you have to experience it for yourself and figure it out for yourself." - "When Happiness Knocks on the Door"

8. "Believe in yourself and you can be who you want to be." - Spider-Man

9. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like." - Forrest Gump

4. Inspirational quotes from celebrities

10. "The greatest enemy in life is oneself, as long as you defeat yourself, anything is possible." – Napoleon Hill

11. "Failure is just a temporary stay in success, don't give up, move forward." – Thomas Edison

12. "There is no absolute success or failure in the world, only non-stop trying and perseverance." – Michael Jordan

5. Reflections of philosophers

13. "Life is too short to be happy." - Zhuangzi

14. "Life is like a journey, it's not the destination that cares, it's the scenery along the way." – Samuel Johnson

15. "The most important thing in life is not what we have, but what we pursue." – Socrates

Light in the face of adversity: 21 good words to heal the heart! (Let you rediscover your passion for life)

6. Wisdom in religious belief

16. "Everything is illusory, and only through practice can we find the true meaning of life." - Buddhism

17. "When God closes a door for you, He will surely open a window for you." - Christianity

18. "There are many different situations in life, each with its own merits, and mentality determines everything." - Taoism

19. "In life, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome, only the heart that cannot be overcome." - Islam

7. Insights in life

20. "A smile is the best medicine, and tolerance is the noblest virtue."

21. "Life is like a dance party, it doesn't matter if you don't dance well, the key is to have fun."

Light in the face of adversity: 21 good words to heal the heart! (Let you rediscover your passion for life)

These sayings are like a beacon that illuminates our way forward. I hope you will feel the power behind these words as you read this article and let them become the pillars of your heart. Remember, life will always bring us difficulties, but if we face them bravely, we will overcome them all. The light in adversity is waiting for you to discover!

PS: If you think this article is helpful to you, please share it with your friends so that more people can find strength when they are at a low point. Let's embrace life and move forward bravely!


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