
Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

author:Eat melons for the audience


In this colorful entertainment industry, the faces of the stars seem to become a never-ending serial, and each episode may bring unexpected plot twists.

Today, let's take a "face changing" journey to explore the changes in the appearance of celebrities who make the people who eat melons exclaim again and again.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

The "face-changing" stars look at them one by one

Zhang Yuqi: From Leng Yan Royal Sister to "Avatar"

Back then, Zhang Yuqi became the goddess in the hearts of countless people with the image of a gentle and tenacious teacher in "Yangtze River No. 7".

At that time, she had atmospheric facial features and a noble temperament, like a bright star, whether it was a domineering side leak in "The Mermaid" or a variety of charms in "The Legend of the Demon Cat", every appearance could amaze the four.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

But recently, her nose has become the focus of heated discussions, and she has been jokingly called "the same style of Avatar" by netizens.

The subtle change of the nose seems to take the audience to another planet, and the mystery of the change in the size and shape of the nostrils makes the melon-eating crowd turn into Sherlock Holmes in an attempt to unravel the secret behind it.

Is it an aesthetic upgrade, or is it industry pressure? We don't know, but this courage to try is really convincing.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

Li Zonghan: The "disappearance" of a handsome boy

When it comes to Li Zonghan, what comes to the minds of old fans is his handsome figure in the Republic of China drama, at that time, he had a bookish air between his eyebrows, and every look was full of affection.

But the years are sometimes like a ruthless carving knife, which makes the handsome little students of the past gradually "mature" a little too much.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

In the recent photos, his skin is loose and wrinkled, which makes people sigh, is time too rushed, or is he a little too trusting in medical beauty? Perhaps, this is also a natural manifestation of the stage of life, after all, who can resist the baptism of time?

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

Ju Jingyi: The "little princess who changed her face" who was caught in the plastic surgery turmoil

When Ju Jingyi first debuted, it was a fresh and refined little flower, although her facial features were not amazing, she had the intimacy of the girl next door.

However, over time, her face resembles a playing card in a magician's hand, and every appearance is eye-catching, but a little unrecognizable.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

From innocence to hot girls, and then to the later "Barbie" style, every change of face is accompanied by waves of public opinion.

Is it the pursuit of flawlessness, or is it the survival rules of the entertainment industry that are at work? Ju Jingyi's road to "changing her face" is like a modern version of "Cinderella", but this time, the crystal slipper has been replaced by a plastic surgery knife.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

The deep cause of the phenomenon of "changing face".

Aesthetic pressure in the entertainment industry: an army of pointed chins

In this era of looking at faces, the aesthetic standards of the entertainment industry seem to be set as a "one-click beauty mode", and a pointed chin and big eyes have become a pass.

Celebrities have to bow to these standards in order to have 360 degrees in front of the camera.

It's like participating in a never-ending beauty pageant, everyone has to desperately get closer to the "template", otherwise they may be forgotten in the corner by the audience.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

Anxiety about one's own image: Never being good enough in the mirror

Celebrities live in the spotlight, and every strand of hair is magnified and scrutinized.

In this environment, the anxiety about one's own image is like a shadow, and it cannot be shaken off.

They are afraid that they are not beautiful enough, afraid that the audience will no longer like it, and this anxiety is like an invisible hand, pushing them to the door of the plastic surgery hospital again and again.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

As the old saying goes, "One minute on stage, ten years off the stage", but this "skill" sometimes turns into the unremitting pursuit of appearance.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

The pursuit of commercial value: beauty equals money?

In this era when traffic is king, a good-looking face is a walking billboard.

Celebrities know that good-looking skins can not only attract more fans, but also bring more business cooperation.

So, in order to keep their jobs, and even to go to the next level, they pursue "perfection" at all costs.

But there are both flowers and thorns on this road, and if you are not careful, you may fall from the clouds.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

The impact of "changing faces".

For celebrities: beauty and risk coexist

Plastic surgery is like a gamble, if you win, you may be able to enjoy unlimited scenery, and if you lose, you may leave a lifelong regret.

Not only the physical risks, but also the psychological stress is incalculable.

Every time you change your face, it is a challenge to your self-identity, and the evaluation of the outside world is like a tide, which can not only push you to the peak, but also make you fall to the bottom in an instant.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

For fans and society: Who defines beauty?

The "change of face" of celebrities not only affects themselves, but also imperceptibly affects the aesthetics of fans and society.

On the one hand, fans may feel anxious about their appearance because of the choice of their idols, thinking that "beauty" must be made; On the other hand, it has also sparked a discussion in society about aesthetic diversity and inner beauty.

After all, beauty should not only be seen, but also the light of the soul.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

How to correctly view the appearance and personal development of celebrities

Aesthetic Grand View Garden: Thousands of purples and thousands of red spring gardens We have to open our minds and welcome all kinds of beauty to a big party.

Think about it, if all the flowers in the world look exactly the same, how monotonous would spring be? Beauty, just like the character of each of us, is unique and tasteful, and it is the small spark of confidence and personality in the bones, crackling and shining on the stage.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

How the stars shine: real kung fu on the stage Speaking of stars, a good-looking face is certainly the icing on the cake, but what really makes people unforgettable has to be the acting skills, the endless singing, or the character is so good that people give a thumbs up.

If you want to go far on the Avenue of Stars, you still have to work hard and practice a good skill, which is the hardcore survival rule.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

Society and Media: Positive Energy Chefs Stir-fry Good Dishes Society is a big family, and the media is like a chef at home, who has to hold a good spoon and fry a plate of good dishes full of positive energy.

We have to encourage everyone to appreciate the real beauty, respect everyone's differences, and make the entertainment industry a big stage that is both real and colorful.

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned

After all, a beautiful world is like a big platter, with all kinds of flavors, so that you can eat happily and enjoy watching.

Don't always think about copy and paste, the unique flavor, that's the real beauty!

Celebrities are getting together to "change their faces"? Zhang Yuqi became an avatar, Li Zonghan couldn't recognize it, and Ju Jingyi was absolutely stunned


In this era when "face" is justice, we should learn to appreciate different beauty, encourage stars to be brave themselves, and conquer the audience with strength and personality charm, rather than relying only on external changes.

After all, the years go by, and only truth and talent are eternal.

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