
Understand "The Way of Heaven": Director Ma, Han Chufeng's right-hand man, is more shrewd and capable than Xiao Yawen

author:Strong thinking

Master Zhixuan, a high monk, once profoundly pointed out: "A society without competition is lacking in vitality, and competition will naturally bring about the gap between the rich and the poor and the formation of social hierarchies, which is a natural law and a necessary sacrifice for the development of society." "Although this reality is a little uncomfortable, we have to accept that society is indeed hierarchical.

The TV series "The Way of Heaven", starring Wang Zhiwen and Zuo Xiaoqing, is adapted from the novel "Distant Savior" by the mysterious author Doudou. In the play, Ding Yuanying and Zhixuan belong to the same social level, while Han Chufeng, Su Yiwen, Zhou Jianhua, and Lin Yufeng are at another level, Xiao Yawen, Ouyang Xue, and Director Ma belong to the same level, and Ye Xiaoming, Feng Shijie, and Liu Bing are at another level.

So, what is a real master? Masters are those who can see what we don't see and do what we can't. For example, in the eyes of Ding Yuanying and Zhixuan, Han Chufeng and Su Yiwen are masters; For Xiao Yawen and Ouyang Xue, Han Chufeng and Su Yiwen are also masters; In the eyes of Ye Xiaoming and Feng Shijie, Xiao Yawen and Ouyang Xue are also masters.

Masters are not unattainable, in fact, they are just more perceptive, more far-sighted, and more successful than us. Therefore, in "The Distant Savior", Han Chufeng's right-hand man, Director Ma, is also a real master for us, because he is more shrewd and capable than Xiao Yawen.

At the beginning of the novel "The Distant Savior", the author describes Director Ma as follows: "Director Ma is over 30 years old, and whether it is hairstyle, clothing or demeanor, he shows the image of a well-trained business person. This is exactly a male version of Xiao Yawen, who is also a witty business person.

At first, Han Chufeng was the general manager of Zhengtian Commercial Building, and Director Ma was his loyal assistant. When Han Chufeng was promoted to the president of Zhengtian Group, Director Ma also naturally succeeded him and became the new general manager of Zhengtian Commercial Building.

Understand "The Way of Heaven": Director Ma, Han Chufeng's right-hand man, is more shrewd and capable than Xiao Yawen

01 High quality and deep trust

Lin Yufeng once spoke highly of Han Chufeng: "Han Chufeng is a big role in the business world with a deep background. From the first time Han Chufeng met Rui Xiaodan and screened her, we can see that Han Chufeng has strict criteria when selecting his cronies, and those who can become his cronies are undoubtedly of extraordinary quality. For Director Ma's quality, we can get a glimpse of it from such a sentence in the novel.

Director Ma of Zhengtian Commercial Building has been waiting at the airport for a long time, and after seeing Ding Yuanying, he quickly stepped forward to shake hands and said, "Brother Ding, Mr. Han is in a meeting, so I specially asked me to pick you up." Sister Qiu Hong arrived yesterday, and Mr. Han arranged for her to stay in room 9012 of the Sunshine Hotel, and she is waiting for you in the hotel now. Mr. Han also explained that as soon as your car leaves, you will use his car, and the driver Xiao Zhao you know. In the evening, Mr. Han hopes that everyone will not arrange other activities, and he wants to invite you to drink. ”

Remain calm and confident, train well, and speak concisely and forcefully. Calling "Brother Ding" not only shortened the distance between each other, but also subtly showed that he was the representative of Han Chufeng. Through the description in the book, we can see that Han Chufeng's personal circle is quite concise, mainly composed of close friends Ding Yuanying and Li Zhijiang, as well as Director Ma. Once Han Chufeng is too busy to be separated, all personal affairs are handled by Director Ma, whether it is to pick up the airport or send people off, Director Ma is Han Chufeng's right-hand man, and when inviting guests to dinner, Director Ma's important position is even more obvious.

Understand "The Way of Heaven": Director Ma, Han Chufeng's right-hand man, is more shrewd and capable than Xiao Yawen

02 Gather like and be talented

On an occasion of inviting Rui Xiaodan to dinner, Han Chufeng learned that Xiao Yawen had not yet dealt with the matter of renting a warehouse explained by Ding Yuanying, so he directly instructed: "You don't have to worry about this matter, just ask Mr. Ma to pay the rent." At this time, Director Ma was already the general manager of Zhengtian Commercial Building, which was the birthplace of Han Chufeng's business empire, and Director Ma knew everything about it. Xiao Yawen politely refused: "I haven't thought about it, and it's not convenient to go."

If you use Mr. Ma's warehouse, Mr. Ding can do it with a phone call, and I don't need to come here to go around in circles. Since Mr. Ding asked me to come, this little thing is definitely not worth bothering Mr. Ma. ”

Ding Yuanying never easily asks for help from friends, whether it is for Jenny, Zheng Jian or Mr. Ma. Li Zhijiang said with a smile: "If I were Yuan Ying, I wouldn't ask you for help, things that can be solved everywhere, why owe you favors." "For some people, favors may be insignificant, but for people like Ding Yuanying, Jenny, and Han Chufeng, favors are extremely precious, and sometimes they even need to pay a huge price.

At this time, Mr. Ma said: "Yuan Ying is too outside, I have to call him to criticize him." These short sentences once again demonstrated his deep relationship with Ding Yuanying.

As the saying goes: "Things gather by like, people by groups", from the former "Brother Ding" to the current "Yuanying", and even joked that they were going to call to criticize Ding Yuanying, the relationship between them is enough to be defined by friends. Who can become friends with Ding Yuanying, which one is an ordinary person? Take a look at Jenny, Zheng Jianshi, Han Chufeng, Li Zhijiang. As Xiao Yawen said: "I am not a person with them, how can I become friends?" This shows that the current Mr. Ma and Ding Yuanying belong to the same kind of master.

Understand "The Way of Heaven": Director Ma, Han Chufeng's right-hand man, is more shrewd and capable than Xiao Yawen

03 Shrewd and capable, and decent

Grushi Audio Company was sued, Ye Xiaoming and other three people withdrew their shares and fled, and Xiao Yawen took over as the head. The stereos were all sold at a low price, and the original warehouse became useless, so Xiao Yawen planned to return the warehouse, but the contract period had not yet expired. At this time, Xiao Yawen found Han Chufeng for advice.

This shows Xiao Yawen's shrewdness, why not find Mr. Ma directly? Because they didn't know each other before. As Han Chufeng's cronies, Mr. Ma can solve the problem with a phone call. Take a look at Mr. Ma's next operation, which perfectly shows his shrewdness and tactfulness.

Xiao Yawen asked Mr. Ma: "Is this difficult to do?" Mr. Ma replied: "I will refund you four months' rent, and then compensate you for one month's rent for liquidated damages, you wait for news in the store, and I will send someone to negotiate with you in a few days, and you can sign to collect the money." Xiao Yawen retorted: "I breached the contract, and you still compensate me for liquidated damages?" This is not the right way to deal with it, and it cannot be done. ”

Manager Ma said with a smile: "There has to be a breach of contract in this matter, either you breach the contract or I breach the contract, and whoever breaches the contract has to pay liquidated damages." There are a lot of people who want to rent that place, and I have to break the contract to rent it to others in order to take care of the relationship.

If you don't want to pay me back, just accept this liquidated damages, this money is from the lessee, and Zhengtian Commercial Building will not have any loss. The tenant has to thank me for paying the money, but it seems to be ignorant if I don't pay. These words fully demonstrated Mr. Ma's clever way of doing things.

Understand "The Way of Heaven": Director Ma, Han Chufeng's right-hand man, is more shrewd and capable than Xiao Yawen

Xiao Yawen suddenly realized and sighed: "It's really a long insight, so shrewd!" Manager Ma laughed, then shook his head and sighed: "It's not that I don't want to be a good person, if this world is not black and white, can it still be called the world?" That should be heaven. From this conversation, we can see that Mr. Ma is more shrewd than Xiao Yawen.

Do you see it clearly? Mr. Ma's operation, if someone else is changed, can it be so smooth? He not only completed the task assigned by Han Chufeng, but also helped Ding Yuanying buy favors, so that the lessee also received favors. He turned the black and white of things upside down and dealt with them according to such a law, which is really a master.

I read and re-read "The Distant Savior" by the mysterious writer Doudou, and not only did I understand human nature more deeply, but also learned more about women, and my social skills were also improved. Through this book, I have a deeper understanding of many issues, and at the same time, I have learned superb handling skills like Mr. Ma.