
"Distant Savior": Four words that understand human nature, understanding it is a key to success

author:Strong thinking

01, a greedy mentality can quickly lead to the failure of things, and the bowl of water I am carrying, although it seems to be balanced, can never be balanced.

In "The Distant Savior", Ye Xiaoming, Feng Shijie and Liu Bing have always been haunted by why Ding Yuanying did not invest directly, but chose to cooperate with the local Ouyang Xue. As Ye Xiaoming said: "This money belongs to our ancient city, and the people are also our ancient city, but Ding Yuanying didn't pay a penny." If we really do it the way he does, who will be responsible for the mess? He was originally barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes, but now it's good, but when we wear shoes, he is still barefoot, this trick is really high. ”

As a result, when the company was sued by Lesheng Audio Company for compensation of 6 million, Ye Xiaoming said: "You can owe Ding Yuanying money, but you can't pay back the money you owe Ouyang Xue, if you lose the lawsuit, you will not only lose 70,000 yuan of investment, but also have to compensate Ouyang Xue for 180,000 yuan in advance." "Why can you owe Ding Yuanying money? Because he took the lead, he should bear the loss.

When Ding Yuanying designed the poverty alleviation project in Wangmiao Village, he had already foreseen and avoided the greedy mentality that Ye Xiaoming and the others might have. If it were Ding Yuanying's direct investment, that greedy mentality would have caused the poverty alleviation project in Wangmiao Village to quickly go bankrupt. After all, it is Ding Yuanying's money, everyone wants to get a piece of the pie, and they all want to "fight local tyrants", so who will be willing to bear hardships and stand hard work, bear high costs and ensure quality?

As long as Ding Yuanying's interests are involved, in the future distribution of interests, even if it is fair, Ye Xiaoming and they will feel unfair, which is the so-called mentality of "not suffering from widowhood but suffering from unevenness". Therefore, when it comes to helping others, we must be wary of the greedy mindset they may have, and the reality that they may not appreciate you, and they will never feel fair as long as your interests are involved.

"Distant Savior": Four words that understand human nature, understanding it is a key to success

02. Once people escape from a crisis, they tend to ignore the previous risks and start focusing only on the possible benefits. This pattern of behavior is actually a typical manifestation of human nature.

In the past, when Shanghai Earl Audio Company proposed to buy Glushi Audio Company at a high price of 6.5 million yuan, Liu Bing was really stunned. He never imagined that the small company they once thought was a lost company would now be worth a fortune. What makes him even more uncomfortable is that Xiao Yawen, a guy who became a monk halfway, has now become the head of the company, while he, one of the founders, can only be an ordinary employee.

He has completely forgotten the danger of being saddled with a debt of 130,000 yuan if he loses the lawsuit, and now he only sees the high value of the company and the scenery of Xiao Yawen. This is the true portrayal of human nature.

In Liu Cixin's sci-fi masterpiece "The Three-Body Problem", in the face of the threat of the three-body civilization, Luo Ji used the "law of the dark forest" to send the coordinates of a planet to the universe, but the planet was destroyed soon after, demonstrating the power of the "law of the dark forest", thus effectively deterring the three-body civilization and preventing their invasion of the earth. As a result, Luo Ji was admired by mankind and became a hero who controlled the destiny of mankind. But when people felt safe, they began to question, why should they follow Luo Ji's command?

Why leave our fate to such a cold man? As a result, they threw Luo Ji into prison on charges of endangering his life, leaving him to live a miserable life. It didn't take long for the Three-Body Civilization to feel the threat disappear and begin to attack Earth. This is a naked display of humanity, and when people are out of danger, they begin to pursue their own interests.

"Distant Savior": Four words that understand human nature, understanding it is a key to success

03, a dark heart can never hold up a bright face, this is not a moralist's preaching, but a profound revelation of human nature

In the story, the dialogue between Rui Xiaodan and Wang Mingyang is full of philosophy. Rui Xiaodan tried to follow Ding Yuanying's guidance to find a place for Wang Mingyang to purify her soul, but Wang Mingyang deliberately made it difficult for her, saying, "What if I just don't do what you say?" ”

Rui Xiaodan replied: "For those who cannot even define basic human nature, civilization is powerless. I have only two feelings of contempt and shock about this. Human nature tells us that a dark heart can never support a bright face, which is a true portrayal of human nature, not a moral preaching. ”

We all know that judging people by their appearance is unjust. I've tried to change that perception myself. When I first started coming into contact with people with cold expressions, sly behavior, and slippery words, I always reminded myself that it might just be my bias. At first, I tried to socialize with them normally, and at one point even thought that my first impression was wrong.

But over time, I found that they were really the same as my initial impression. Now, I'm more of a believer in the old adage that "each other is born from the heart". Just like Wang Mingyang, who is known as the cold-faced Zhuge , his face is always gloomy and indifferent, which makes me realize that a dark heart really can't maintain a brilliant face, they can disguise for a while, but after all, they can't disguise for a lifetime.

"Distant Savior": Four words that understand human nature, understanding it is a key to success

4, Liu Bing can even betray someone like Ding Yuanying who has helped him, so what else can't he do?

Our ancestors once warned us, "It is better to sacrifice pigs and sheep than to sacrifice people." "From ancient times to the present day, those who betrayed did not end well. Although their betrayal may bring short-term benefits, others will also see their unreliable nature, so they will not really trust them, and sometimes even end up with 'abandon and abandonment'.

In Doudou's novel "The Distant Savior", Liu Bing hurriedly sold the document to Lesheng Audio Company after getting the key inside documents given to him by Ding Yuanying, in exchange for personal benefits. He directly found Yu Zhiwei, the general manager of the Beijing branch of Lesheng Audio Company.

Yu Zhiwei was extremely contemptuous of Liu Bing's behavior, thinking that if Liu Bing could even betray Ding Yuanying, who had helped him, then what else did he dare not betray? This also shows from the side that it is not beneficial to sell others to yourself.

As long as we have some valuable resources, there will always be people who will try to tempt us, promise us a promotion and a raise, and induce us to switch to the other camp. If you really can't resist this temptation and betray your original company, the end result is often a displeasure for both sides.

Your old colleagues will be disappointed in you, and your new colleagues will belittle you for your betrayal. Therefore, betrayal is absolutely not something to do, it will not only make others look down on you, but you will also look down on yourself, and you will never be able to raise your head in front of others.

"Distant Savior": Four words that understand human nature, understanding it is a key to success

After reading Doudou's novel "The Distant Savior", I was particularly impressed by these points, which gave me a deeper understanding of human nature. Most people in disadvantaged positions may have a "barefoot and not afraid to put on shoes" mentality, and they may try to pull you into the water out of jealousy.

No matter how fair you are to them, they may still feel dissatisfied. Be careful as you help others out of a difficult situation, as you may also get yourself into trouble if you do not take into account the possibility that they may change their attitude because they see a benefit.

The darkness of a person's heart cannot be concealed, which also proves the credibility of the saying "born from the heart". Never betray anyone or anything, this kind of behavior will not only make the betrayed person look down on you, but even the opponents who benefit from it will despise you, and this negative behavior will stay with you like a nightmare for the rest of your life.

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