
The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

author:Ichii Lao Li

Basking in the sun is equivalent to "inhaling yang qi"? And there are many benefits to maintaining such a habit for your body? There is a 58-year-old uncle who has nothing to do and stays under the sun every day to "inhale yang energy".

This strange habit has been maintained for 3 months, and when it comes to the physical examination after 3 months, the results are surprising to the doctor.

Is "inhaling yang qi" really that effective? What kind of effect does it have on our bodies?

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

1. The strange habits of a 58-year-old uncle

In the traditional culture of our country, there has always been the so-called yin and yang theory, which has also been applied to many fields by the ancients, among which the field of traditional Chinese medicine may be the more prominent Chinese medicine theory that the human body needs to maintain the balance of yin and yang in order to maintain the health of their body.

If you can't maintain balance and coordination, then your body is likely to have a variety of pathological reactions. There is a 58-year-old uncle who also decided to apply what he has learned after understanding such a concept, and because of his long-term work outside, this uncle's physical condition is actually not very good.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

In his usual life, he often feels that his body is very tired, obviously he does not do too high-intensity exercise or labor, but his body just feels abnormally tired. In addition, his waist is not very comfortable, and he often feels a slight soreness or pain in his daily life.

He informed his neighbor about this, and his neighbor pointed out that this was because there was too much yin energy accumulated in his body, and the lack of yang energy was caused by it, and if he wanted to make his body healthier, then he must "suck yang energy", so that he could regulate the balance of yin and yang in his body.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

However, these words made the uncle a little confused, although the theory of Chinese medicine put forward the concept of yin and yang balance, but did not tell us how to ensure the specific way of the body's nutritional balance.

If you want to rely on some drugs to achieve this, it may be a bit excessive, and you need to go to the Chinese medicine hall to prescribe decoctions, and the process can be very troublesome.

Therefore, this uncle also chose the most direct way to "inhale yang energy". He is now on the verge of retirement, and his daily work is not too busy.

So he planned to spare half an hour every day to bask in the sun in the open space of his community, and in this way he could absorb yang energy and maintain the balance of yin and yang in his body.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

It is indeed strange to spend half an hour a day in the sun and do nothing, but this uncle is determined to stick to it for the sake of his own health.

In this way, he persevered resolutely for three months, and then the changes in his body did shock him a little.

Through the persistence of the past few days, he found that his lower back no longer felt soreness and pain, and his mental state was better than before. In order to confirm that his theory and corresponding habits were correct, the uncle also immediately went to the hospital for a physical examination, and the results of the physical examination were also unexpected.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

Persisted for 3 months, and the results of the physical examination were surprising

The 58-year-old uncle went to the hospital for a series of examinations, and his physical examination report undoubtedly surprised the doctors, according to the physical examination report, the lumbar spine problems that plagued him before have completely disappeared, and its various physical indicators are maintained in excellent condition, whether it is cardiopulmonary function or digestive function is even better than when he was younger.

Even the experienced doctor was not impressed, this could be a medical miracle, and the doctor was very curious about it, and immediately asked the uncle what he had done. The uncle told the doctor that in fact, what he did every day was very simple, just staying in the sun and "inhaling yang qi", and did not do anything special.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

The doctor told the uncle that the so-called "inhaling yang energy" is just an abstract concept, and some superstitious colors, but I have to admit that sun exposure does have many benefits for our body, first of all, sun exposure can promote our body's absorption of nutrients.

When the sun shines on the skin, it can promote our body's absorption of calcium, phosphorus and vitamins, so that the nutrients we get from food can be converted into the elements needed by the body more quickly, and will not cause too much burden on our digestive organs, which has an obvious positive effect on physical health.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

The second aspect is that it can help us improve our immunity and improve the quality of sleep, after ultraviolet rays irradiate the skin, it can indeed inhibit some fungi.

As a result, our bodily functions will be improved, and some uncomfortable symptoms will also be improved. Exposure to the sun also inhibits the production of melanin.

This helps us to maintain a more regular schedule and maintain a better mental state, thereby improving the symptoms of insomnia.

Inhibiting the growth of some fungi, improving the body's discomfort symptoms, is conducive to regular work and rest, and improving the state of insomnia itself is conducive to strengthening our body's immunity.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

Of course, in addition to the above benefits, some patients with high blood pressure and bone diseases can also relieve their condition by basking in the sun.

Although it may not be able to completely cure one's own illness, it can alleviate the pain caused by the disease and the specific manifestations of the disease.

After hearing what the doctor said, the uncle couldn't help but feel a little glad that his original choice and cognition were indeed correct, and he decided to keep the habit of basking in the sun.

However, at this time, the doctor told the uncle again that basking in the sun also needs to pay attention to ways and methods, and the usual time in the sun should definitely not be too long.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

This may cause redness or peeling of the skin. Moreover, the timing of sun exposure should be kept within the range of 8:00~10:00 in the morning as much as possible, because the sun has just risen at this time, and the intensity of ultraviolet rays is not high, so it will not cause adverse reactions in your body.

If you wait until noon or afternoon to bask in the sun, too strong sunlight is likely to cause damage to your skin.

Maintaining good habits contributes to good health

From the perspective of modern medical theory, basking in the sun does have certain benefits for our health, if your daily conditions allow, you might as well take a period of time to go to the sun to move. If you stick to this habit for a long time, you may notice that your body has changed significantly after a few months.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

Of course, in order to maintain your health, it is not enough to maintain such a habit, but you also need to pay attention to other three aspects.

The first point is to maintain a regular schedule, which may sound very simple, but it is very difficult for young people nowadays.

You must know that the pace of people's lives is constantly accelerating, and there are often problems such as too long working hours and less sleep time, and many people will stay up late every day because of the need for overtime.

But what we need to be clear about is that our body functions function, there is a fixed cycle, and at night, our body organs also need to be relieved and rested, and the same is true for the mental aspect.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

If you are not able to maintain a regular schedule and rest, there may be a variety of problems in the internal organs of the body, reducing your immunity, and it is possible to have organ failure in advance, let alone maintaining your health.

The second aspect is to pay attention to a balanced diet, food is our main source of energy, and it is also a major cause of many diseases.

In daily life, we should try to pay attention to the combination of diet, do not eat too much meat, consume too much fat, and also do not eat too many staple foods and consume too many carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are indeed necessary to maintain our bodies, but they should never be excessive.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

Eating more fruits and vegetables may help you maintain your health, after all, these fruits and vegetables are rich in high-quality vitamins and some trace elements, which are relatively lacking in the body.

The last aspect is to maintain proper exercise.

There are many benefits of exercise, and maintaining proper exercise can not only exercise our own muscle strength, but also exercise our body organs, improve our immunity, rejuvenate our body organs, and maintain a better physical condition.

In addition, a moderate amount of exercise can also relieve our spirits, which is also a good way to release stress.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

As for the intensity and duration of exercise, it needs to be defined according to our individual specific situation.

Don't be overly reckless to do too much exercise, excessive exercise may not make your body get exercised, but will also play a certain reaction force, which may lead to contusion of our muscles and bones and the decline of immunity.

brief summary

The 58-year-old uncle relies on the way of "inhaling yang energy" to ensure his physical health, although it sounds a little strange, but we have to admit that basking in the sun does have many benefits for our body, if their conditions allow, then they can also take some time out to the sun on weekdays.

The 58-year-old uncle "inhaled yang qi" under the sun, and after 3 months of physical examination, the doctor was surprised after reading it

In addition, we also need to maintain a good lifestyle to make our body healthier, which includes maintaining a regular schedule, paying attention to a balanced diet and maintaining a moderate amount of exercise. Physical health is rare and don't ignore the role of these good habits.