
Lost your college entrance examination ID card? Hai'an police: I'm familiar with this question!

author:Hai'an lives in the same town

Youth does not graduate

Every year during the college entrance examination

There are always nervous and careless candidates who lose or forget to bring their ID cards and other documents

It's not

It was on the last day of the college entrance examination

Two candidates have lost their ID cards in a row

But thankfully they are there......

Lost your college entrance examination ID card? Hai'an police: I'm familiar with this question!

At about 7 o'clock in the morning on June 9, at the duty point of Jiangsu Hai'an Senior High School, two candidates anxiously asked the police on duty for help. "Don't worry, we've been here, what's wrong?" The police on duty responded. "Uncle policeman, what should I do, I lost my ID card in the examination room during the exam yesterday......" "Don't worry, let's contact the staff in the examination room to help you find it." After a while, the staff successfully retrieved the candidate's ID card in the examination room and handed it over to the candidate.

Lost your college entrance examination ID card? Hai'an police: I'm familiar with this question!

Then, a candidate's parent hurriedly ran forward: "Comrade policeman, my child's ID card has been lost and cannot be found. After verifying the situation, the police immediately opened a "green channel" to let the candidate enter the examination room, and then contacted the household registration police by phone to issue a temporary identity certificate for the candidate, and with the police car roaring all the way, the temporary identity certificate was delivered to the candidate in time. Before leaving, the parents of the candidates expressed their gratitude to the police.

Lost your college entrance examination ID card? Hai'an police: I'm familiar with this question!

In order to better serve the students of the college entrance examination, starting from June 6, the registered police and auxiliary police of the Chengbei Police Station are in a state of "first-class combat readiness", not only the working hours are early, but the mobile phones are also on standby 24 hours a day to ensure that candidates can get the required documents in the shortest possible time and participate in the college entrance examination smoothly.

Source; Haian Public Security

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