
The new promotion of shared trams in many places has been frantically "retaliated", who did it?

author:Heroes and small heroes

#头条创作挑战赛#近日, many places are checking the people's electric cars, either fines or confiscations, as if the people's electric cars made a big mistake overnight, in short, I don't feel like you will be allowed to ride! However, what makes the people angry is that at the same time, many new styles of shared trams have been launched in various places, and people really don't know what to say about this kind of operation? Is it safer and more practical to share an electric car than the electric car we bought ourselves?

The new promotion of shared trams in many places has been frantically "retaliated", who did it?

In fact, it is the capital behind it, using shared bicycles to "harvest" the people! You must know that the shared tram is not free, it is many times more expensive than our own electric car to use! It is 2 yuan within 10 minutes, 3 yuan in 15 minutes, and so on, if we ride for an hour, it will be 12 yuan, which invisibly increases our economic burden for the people with low incomes, and this is not to add blockage to the people? You must know that the electric car we bought ourselves can ride for a day, and go home at night to charge it once, just like the carport on our side of the house is charged at 60 a month, which is equivalent to the cost of an electric car for a day is only 2 yuan, so compared to the shared tram is really too "black"!

The new promotion of shared trams in many places has been frantically "retaliated", who did it?

And the shared tram is not convenient for us to use, we have to go to the storage point to pick up the car and park, compared to our own electric car can go out to ride too much time! Sometimes if you have to take a long detour because you can't find a parking place, not only do you have to spend more money but also make us take a long detour! There is also a bit crowded with people, because there is no seat back, and it is not safe to take a child behind, which is much safer than our electric car to pick up children! So there is really no advantage in sharing a tram except for an extra helmet! The most terrifying thing is that some shared bicycles actually put children in the basket, which is really dangerous!

The new promotion of shared trams in many places has been frantically "retaliated", who did it?

In a word, the shared tram has affected too many people under the operation of capital! So it has caused a lot of dissatisfaction, and recently many new shared trams have been subjected to crazy "retaliation", and it can be said that the scene is a mess and miserable! Some seats are scratched, some pedals are unloaded, some are smashed or smeared at the scanning code, and some are poured unknown liquids on the car.

The new promotion of shared trams in many places has been frantically "retaliated", who did it?

It seems to me that it has blocked the way of too many people and has become the existence of a "public enemy"! This is not alarmist, this is a more realistic question! First of all, for the self-employed people of electric vehicles, blocking their financial road, you must know that there is no difference between the essence of shared trams and electric vehicles, if everyone goes to ride shared trams, then who will sell electric cars to? Originally, the business is not easy to do now, the competition among peers is also fierce, and it is a discount and an activity, but they were not knocked down by their peers and were "cut off" by the shared tram, can they not be angry?

The new promotion of shared trams in many places has been frantically "retaliated", who did it?

The second is the taxi industry, which has a great impact on them, if they all go to scan the code to travel, who will take a taxi? Nowadays, the taxi industry is also sluggish, not only there are all kinds of online car-hailing jobs, but now there is also a shared tram, isn't this equivalent to grabbing jobs with others again? How could they not be angry?

The new promotion of shared trams in many places has been frantically "retaliated", who did it?

Finally, the people who were investigated, out of personal anger, why were they not allowed to ride the electric vehicles they bought, but shared bicycles were vigorously promoted and replaced? There must be an imbalance in the heart, isn't this bullying the common people?

Of course, for the destruction of shared trams, it is not excluded from the "retaliation" of peers, after all, the shared trams are not all family, you can see by looking at the color, they include many families, so there is competition between them, after all, there is an old Chinese saying: "peers are enemies", so it is normal for them to destroy each other! As for who it is, it's hard to say!

The new promotion of shared trams in many places has been frantically "retaliated", who did it?

Now, the common people are not stupid, they can see what is going on! Is the promotion of shared trams for the safety and convenience of ordinary people, or is it to cut leeks? Everyone knows that the safety of electric vehicles is not a simple replacement problem, but a problem that is solved from the source and fundamentally! To put it bluntly, it doesn't let us ride our own electric cars, and then change to the shared trams of the capital, except for making us spend more money, it actually doesn't make any sense!

The new promotion of shared trams in many places has been frantically "retaliated", who did it?

Conclusion: I don't know how many batches of shared bicycles in the mainland have been replaced, look at the miserable situation of those eliminated, where did they go in the end? The progress of the times is the desire of the people, not to add blockage to the people, and now for electric vehicles everywhere, is it to let everyone return to the era of bicycles?