
6 types of drugs that are not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to take for a long time may destroy the body's immunity, have you taken them?

author:Poria cocos health

Many people feel that as they get older, their health will get worse and worse, which is normal, especially for some elderly people, the functions of various organs in the body are declining, and they will naturally be prone to illness. #头条首发挑战赛#

As a result, many people blindly take some drugs to achieve the effect in order to be able to restore their body to a healthy state. However, the drug is poisonous, and if you take the drug for a long time, it will also easily destroy the body's immunity. Therefore, the elderly must be cautious in terms of medication and do not blindly follow the trend of medication.

6 types of drugs that are not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to take for a long time may destroy the body's immunity, have you taken them?

The following is an inventory of the 6 types of drugs that should not be taken for a long time by the elderly, have you ever taken them?

1. Antihypertensive drugs

Many elderly people will become very high blood pressure when they get older, which is a normal physiological phenomenon, and if there is no high blood pressure, then there is no need to take blood pressure medication. However, once the blood pressure of many elderly people rises in their daily life, they will blindly take some antihypertensive drugs to achieve the effect of lowering blood pressure.

In fact, antihypertensive drugs are mainly used to lower blood pressure, but the metabolic function of the elderly is relatively poor, and if you blindly take antihypertensive drugs, it will lead to poor blood circulation in the body. As a result, it is easy to increase blood pressure, and in severe cases, it can also cause cerebral thrombosis, myocardial infarction and other diseases.

Therefore, once the elderly find that they have symptoms of hypertension in their lives, they must go to the hospital in time. If you need to take antihypertensive drugs for a long time, then it is best to choose some antihypertensive drugs with few side effects under the guidance of a doctor. Don't blindly choose some blood pressure medication to take by yourself.

6 types of drugs that are not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to take for a long time may destroy the body's immunity, have you taken them?

2. Sleeping pills

Sleeping pills are a kind of drugs for the treatment of insomnia, there are many kinds of drugs in clinical practice, and they all have a certain effect, but they must be selected according to the condition and cannot be used at will. Because sleeping pills will cause certain harm to our body and may cause some undesirable symptoms.

There are many kinds of sleeping pills on the market now, the most common ones are benzodiazepines, triazolam, alprazolam, etc. These drugs are all sedative-hypnotic, but be sure to consult your doctor before taking them and choose the right one for your condition.

Especially the elderly, who do not sleep well, may cause their mental state to become worse and worse if they continue to take these drugs for a long time. In addition to this, the drug can also disrupt the immune function in our body.

6 types of drugs that are not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to take for a long time may destroy the body's immunity, have you taken them?

3. Hormone drugs

The role of hormones is to control and regulate the metabolism and various organ functions in the body, and it is also an important factor in regulating the secretion of hormones in the body.

Therefore, many female friends will often go to the hospital for treatment after using hormone drugs, but some elderly people also like to take hormone drugs because they feel that the use of hormone drugs can achieve the effect of treating diseases.

However, the long-term use of hormone drugs is very harmful to the body, especially some elderly people will have weight gain, skin deterioration, endocrine disorders and other phenomena after taking hormone drugs. Therefore, after using hormone drugs, you must go to the hospital for treatment and conditioning in time, only in this way can you reduce the damage to the body.

6 types of drugs that are not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to take for a long time may destroy the body's immunity, have you taken them?

4. Antibiotic drugs

Antibiotics are mainly used to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, which are generally common in daily life. However, for some elderly people, they are often prone to bacterial infections, so they need to take some antibiotics to help destroy the bacteria. However, long-term use of antibiotics can easily cause harm to the human body.

First of all, the elderly can cause a decline in gastrointestinal function after taking antibiotic drugs, which can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Secondly, long-term use of antibiotics can easily make the body resistant, resulting in bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, making the effect of treating diseases less obvious. Finally, long-term use of antibiotics can lead to dysbiosis in the body of the elderly, which can lead to symptoms such as vitamin deficiencies.

6 types of drugs that are not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to take for a long time may destroy the body's immunity, have you taken them?

5. Painkillers

Although painkillers can be effective in relieving some pain, painkillers also have side effects. Therefore, the elderly must be cautious when using painkillers, especially the side effects of some painkillers will make the elderly experience symptoms such as dizziness and vomiting, which is very detrimental to the health of the elderly.

Long-term use of painkillers can also easily lead to a decrease in the body's immunity and cause some diseases. Because the ingredients contained in painkillers may inhibit the central nervous system of the person, which will affect the normal immunity of the human body, which will lead to some diseases in the elderly.

6 types of drugs that are not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to take for a long time may destroy the body's immunity, have you taken them?

6. Drugs for the treatment of depression

Depression is a chronic mental illness, which is very harmful, not only causing symptoms such as insomnia and dreams, memory loss, slow thinking, and lack of concentration, but also causing patients to have bad emotions such as anxiety, fear, and anger. If left untreated, it can also lead to suicidal behavior.

However, some older people choose to take antidepressants after developing depression. Antidepressants are very dangerous for the elderly, because the elderly need to take long-term medication to treat depression, but if they take antidepressants for a long time, the nerves in the brain will be suppressed, which will affect the normal function of the brain.

6 types of drugs that are not suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to take for a long time may destroy the body's immunity, have you taken them?

Therefore, if you have symptoms that require you to take these medications, you must take them reasonably under the guidance of your doctor. In addition, it is important to go to the hospital for regular check-ups when taking this type of medicine, so that problems can be detected in time to avoid causing greater harm to the body.