
The doctor reminded again and again: when you are older, you would rather eat pickled vegetables and bacon than eat more of these 7 vegetables

author:Poria cocos health

When people get older, the function of various organs in the body will decline, and if the diet is not controlled, it is easy to induce some diseases. As we age, our body functions will gradually decline, so we must pay more attention to our diet.

Therefore, we must pay attention to dietary health issues in daily life. Especially for older people, it is important to eat less of the following foods.

The doctor reminded again and again: when you are older, you would rather eat pickled vegetables and bacon than eat more of these 7 vegetables

1. Canned food

Canned food is very common in daily life, especially canned fruits, canned meat, etc., which are deeply loved by consumers. In fact, although canned food looks very delicious, it is not suitable for everyone. Especially for the elderly, if you eat canned food regularly, it is easy to affect your health.

First of all, although canned food is delicious, it has a low nutritional value. Because a lot of sugar and preservatives are added during the canning process, it is not only unhealthy, but it also makes the cholesterol level in the body high. In addition, a large number of additives are added in the production process, although these additives have no nutritional value, but they can affect human health.

In addition, canned food contains a lot of calories and fat, and if you eat this food regularly, it is easy to accumulate too much fat in your body. Not only will obesity be a problem, but it will also affect the health of blood vessels. Therefore, for the elderly, try not to eat this food on a regular basis. If you want to eat, you can choose to eat some fresh fruits, vegetables or meat.

The doctor reminded again and again: when you are older, you would rather eat pickled vegetables and bacon than eat more of these 7 vegetables

2. Moldy food

I believe that many elderly people have such a habit, that is, they like to store food in the refrigerator, especially some fruits or vegetables. In fact, this practice is not good, especially for some meat and seafood, if not stored properly, it is easy to spoil. Therefore, we must pay more attention in daily life to avoid moldy food.

In particular, some vegetables, such as potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, etc., are prone to mildew if they are not stored properly. And these vegetables contain a substance called aflatoxin, which is a strong carcinogen. If this substance is ingested regularly, it is easy to induce diseases such as liver cancer and stomach cancer.

Therefore, for some moldy foods, it is better not to continue to eat them. If you must eat them, they should be washed thoroughly and heated at high temperatures before eating. For some fresh vegetables, although there is no mold, it is also important to clean the refrigerator regularly. Because there are also some bacteria and microorganisms in the refrigerator, if you eat these foods for a long time, it is easy to induce gastrointestinal diseases.

The doctor reminded again and again: when you are older, you would rather eat pickled vegetables and bacon than eat more of these 7 vegetables

3. Fried food

There are many types of fried foods, such as fried dough sticks, french fries, fried chicken nuggets, etc., which not only taste good but are also convenient to eat. And these fried foods are also relatively easy to carry, whether you are dining out or traveling, you can bring a few.

But for the elderly, it is better not to eat more of this food. Because fried foods contain a lot of oil, eating them regularly can lead to fat accumulation in the body, which can lead to chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia.

Moreover, these foods are also prone to produce acrylamide, a toxic substance, after being fried at high temperatures, which can easily induce cancer if consumed for a long time.

In addition to fried foods, there are many fried foods that contain a lot of additives, such as colorings, preservatives, etc. If these foods are consumed for a long time, it will not only cause an increase in blood pressure, but also affect the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

The doctor reminded again and again: when you are older, you would rather eat pickled vegetables and bacon than eat more of these 7 vegetables

4. Animal offal

Animal offal is a food that many people like to eat, but for the elderly, it is important to eat as little as possible. Because animal offal contains a lot of cholesterol, if it is eaten regularly, it is easy to cause blood lipids to rise. Moreover, animal offal also contains a large amount of heavy metals, and if eaten for a long time, it is easy to cause chronic diseases.

5. Long-soaked fungus

Fungus is a very healthy ingredient that can help detoxify the human body and has certain health benefits. Especially for the elderly, eating some fungus regularly can soften the blood vessels.

But for some elderly people, they often eat some fungus that has been soaked for too long. The fungus that has been soaked for too long is easy to breed aflatoxin, which has strong carcinogenicity, and if you eat this food regularly, it is easy to induce liver cancer.

Therefore, for older people, they must usually eat less fungus that has been soaked for too long.

The doctor reminded again and again: when you are older, you would rather eat pickled vegetables and bacon than eat more of these 7 vegetables

6. Lead-containing vegetables

For some elderly people, they must eat less foods containing lead, such as preserved eggs, popcorn, etc. These foods produce a lot of lead during the production process, and if you eat these foods regularly, you can easily cause lead poisoning. For some middle-aged and elderly people, because of the decline in physical function, they must pay special attention to their diet.

The doctor reminded again and again: when you are older, you would rather eat pickled vegetables and bacon than eat more of these 7 vegetables

7. High-salt foods

As we age, our body functions decline, so the elderly must control their salt intake in their diet. Salt contains a large amount of sodium ions, and if you consume too much, it will increase the osmotic pressure in the blood vessels, which will increase the risk of high blood pressure and cerebral hemorrhage.

Especially for the elderly, if they consume too much salt every day, they will have a higher chance of suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and kidney diseases. For example, pickles, pickled foods, etc., these foods contain a lot of salt, and eating them regularly will cause adverse effects on the body.

The doctor reminded again and again: when you are older, you would rather eat pickled vegetables and bacon than eat more of these 7 vegetables

In addition, we must pay attention to drinking more water when we get older, so as to speed up the discharge of toxins and garbage in the body, so as to make the body healthier. Especially when the weather is hot, it is necessary to drink more water, so as to improve your own immunity and resistance.

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