
Why did Wang Guowei say that the ancient emperors were all from the East? The distribution of prehistoric human races in China is bounded by Mount Hua, east of Mount Hua, with the O series as the main body, supplemented by a small amount of N and C. To the west of Huashan, the main body is

author:Tianxin Wen Daozi

Why did Wang Guowei say that the ancient emperors were all from the East?

The distribution of prehistoric human races in China is bounded by Mount Hua, east of Mount Hua, with the O series as the main body, supplemented by a small amount of N and C. To the west of Huashan, the main body is the D series, supplemented by Q and C.

No D was found east of Huashan, indicating that D only lived in the vast western region west of Huashan, and did not enter North China, the Central Plains and the Yangtze River basin.

The western region west of Huashan had no O at the earliest, only D, but around 5000 BC, N and C in the northeast entered the Loess Plateau and Shaanxi and Gansu, gradually replacing D, and around 3500 BC, the O system of the Huanghuai River Basin began to appear in the western region and gradually occupied the main body.

It shows that the ancients migrated from east to west. The spread of civilization also came from east to west.

O is the first paternal line of the current Chinese, D is the largest maternal line of the Chinese, Dongyi has contributed the paternal line to the current Chinese, and Xirong has contributed the maternal line to the Chinese

Why did Wang Guowei say that the ancient emperors were all from the East? The distribution of prehistoric human races in China is bounded by Mount Hua, east of Mount Hua, with the O series as the main body, supplemented by a small amount of N and C. To the west of Huashan, the main body is
Why did Wang Guowei say that the ancient emperors were all from the East? The distribution of prehistoric human races in China is bounded by Mount Hua, east of Mount Hua, with the O series as the main body, supplemented by a small amount of N and C. To the west of Huashan, the main body is
Why did Wang Guowei say that the ancient emperors were all from the East? The distribution of prehistoric human races in China is bounded by Mount Hua, east of Mount Hua, with the O series as the main body, supplemented by a small amount of N and C. To the west of Huashan, the main body is

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