
Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

author:The Legend of Ah Lang 00
Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

01. Large-scale bridge demolition operation

On June 30, 2024, a shocking scene appeared in the sky over Hubei Province. On the northern section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, 56 bridges and 27 spanning gantries were demolished on the same day, creating the largest bridge demolition operation in China's transportation history. Behind this feat is another major breakthrough in the mainland's infrastructure construction.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

Why such a large-scale bridge demolition operation? The reason is actually quite simple. With the rapid development of the mainland's economy, the traffic volume of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway is increasing day by day, with up to 160,000 vehicles passing through the Hubei section every day. The highway, which was built in 1986, is no longer able to meet the current traffic demand. Moreover, these bridges have been built for more than 20 years, and they are beginning to show fatigue in the wind and sun day after day. In order to alleviate traffic pressure and improve road safety, the expansion project is imperative.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

Among the many bridges that were demolished, the most striking is the spectacular scene of "five bridges exploding together". Because of their high distance from the ground, complex structure and steep terrain, these five bridges cannot be demolished by conventional machinery, so they can only be blasted at fixed points. At the moment when the blasting order was issued, five "mushroom clouds" rose at the same time, and the five bridges fell to the ground with a bang, and the shock of the scene was unforgettable.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

The scale of this bridge demolition operation is breathtaking. In order to ensure that the demolition of 83 buildings was completed within 12 hours, the relevant departments mobilized 110 units, activated 3,000 pieces of machinery and equipment, and more than 5,400 people participated in the work. Behind this number is the hard work and careful planning of countless staff.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

Wouldn't the demolition of so many bridges paralyze traffic? The engineering team has long thought of this. They adopted a "one-step" approach to complete the construction in the shortest possible time. For sections with heavy traffic volumes, temporary bridges were also built in advance to minimize the impact on traffic.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

This large-scale bridge demolition operation not only demonstrates the mainland's strong engineering capabilities, but also heralds a better transportation future. The expanded northern section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway will have 8 lanes in both directions, and 54 new overhead bridges will be built, with the width of the bridges being expanded from 4.5-5 meters to 8.5 meters.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

02. Academicians of the Academy of Engineering participate in the project

Behind this unprecedented large-scale bridge demolition operation was the careful planning of a group of intelligent engineers. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the whole project, the project department invited five academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering to participate in the development of the blasting plan. The addition of these five top experts has injected strong intellectual support into the entire project. They conducted in-depth site inspections and developed a unique demolition plan for each bridge's unique structure, simplifying complex engineering issues.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

The details of the blasting works are breathtaking. Under the guidance of the academicians, the construction team drilled 1,800 holes in different locations of the bridge. These seemingly ordinary small holes are actually the key to the entire blasting project. Subsequently, the crew carefully loaded 600 kilograms of explosives and 2,000 rounds of detonators. Behind these numbers are calculations and repeated deductions by engineers down to the millimeter.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

Safety always comes first. To prevent accidents during blasting, the engineering team developed a triple layer of protection. These measures not only protect the surrounding environment, but also ensure the safety of the staff. It is this tight security that makes it possible for such a large-scale blasting operation to proceed smoothly.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

With a 124-kilometre-long construction section, reducing the impact on traffic was a major challenge. The engineering team's solution was to build temporary bridges in advance of high-traffic sections and adopt a "one-step" approach. This means that they have to complete the debris clearing and pavement restoration in the shortest possible time. This efficient construction method minimizes the impact on daily traffic.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

This large-scale bridge demolition is just the beginning of an overall expansion plan. According to the plan, the northern section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway in Hubei will be expanded to two-way 8 lanes, and 54 new upper span flyovers will be built. The new bridges will be much wider than the originals, with widths ranging from 4.5-5 meters to 8.5 meters. Imagine that when these wide new bridges are put into use, traffic congestion will be greatly reduced and travel will become more convenient.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

03. Historical review

Looking back on the development process of China's expressways, it is like flipping through a magnificent epic. In 1984, an important decision changed the traffic landscape in China. That year, with the approval of the State Council, the mainland began to build the first inter-provincial expressway, the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangzhou Expressway. This highway, which connects Beijing and Tianjin, became the first work of China's highway network.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

In 1993, the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangzhou Expressway was opened to traffic, with a total length of 142 kilometers. This short 142 kilometers is an important milestone in China's expressway from scratch. It not only shortens the distance between Beijing and Tianjin, but also opens the door to the development of highways in China. Since then, China's transportation construction has entered the fast lane.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

Soon after, more highway projects sprung up. After 1988, the Hujia Expressway and the Shenyang-Dalian Expressway were opened for operation one after another. The completion of these expressways not only connects major cities, but also becomes a strong engine for regional economic development.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

The construction of expressways has played a huge role in promoting China's economic development. They are like a series of sinuous bloodlines, closely linking the whole country. The reduction of logistics costs and the acceleration of personnel flow have provided strong support for the take-off of China's economy. As the saying goes, "If you want to get rich, you must first build roads", and the development of expressways confirms the wisdom of this sentence.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

After decades of unremitting efforts, China's highway construction has made remarkable achievements. By the end of 2020, the total length of expressways in China reached a staggering 160,000 kilometers, ranking first in the world. From its humble beginnings in 1984 to today's high-speed network, China has accomplished in just a few decades what other countries could have taken a century to accomplish.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

Looking ahead, China's mobility will usher in more exciting changes. As new technologies continue to emerge, we may see smarter, greener highway systems. The maturity of autonomous driving technology may make highways safer and more efficient. The popularity of new energy vehicles may prompt a comprehensive upgrade of highway service areas. Even, we might see the spectacular sight of hovering trains or hyperloops running parallel to highways.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!

From zero to the world's first, the history of the development of China's expressways is a vivid portrayal of China's speed. It has not only changed the face of transportation in China, but also profoundly affected the life of every Chinese. When we drive on these wide, flat highways, have we ever wondered the story behind them? What kind of surprises will China's expressways bring us in the future? Let's wait and see how we can witness the next glorious chapter of China's transportation construction.

Dismantle! Dismantle! Dismantle! The largest in China's history, 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished!


What innovations are you most looking forward to in the future of highways? Autonomous driving? Suspension trains? Or a Supercharger? Come and share your thoughts in the comments section!

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