
The chicken is built like this, and all the blockages in the body are dredged, and stones, nodules, and polyps have nowhere to run

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Cui Wei

Today, I will introduce to you the skillful use of traditional Chinese medicine, which can not only strengthen the spleen and eliminate appetite, but also dredge the blockage of the whole body, and have a therapeutic effect on stones, nodules and polyps.

This flavor of traditional Chinese medicine is chicken inner gold, also known as chicken gizzard gold, chicken yellow, is a layer of golden film on the inner wall of chicken gizzards, cleaned and then dried is chicken inner gold. This layer of film is so digestive that even if the stomach is filled with stones or sand, it can be eliminated.

Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine believes that chicken gold has the effect of eliminating stagnation, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and can treat symptoms such as food accumulation and fullness, vomiting and nausea.

The chicken is built like this, and all the blockages in the body are dredged, and stones, nodules, and polyps have nowhere to run

The most amazing thing about chicken gold is not that it can be eaten, but that it can dissolve stasis, as long as it is well matched, where there is stasis in the body, it is very powerful.

First of all, stones, whether it is stomach stones or gallstones, as long as you have stone disease, once you have it, it will hurt to kill you.

Then you might as well give it a try, chicken inner gold with desmodium and sea sands.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, stones are liver and gallbladder dysfunction, causing abnormal bile metabolism. When the liver is damaged, there will be abnormal bile metabolism, and bile will be retained in the gallbladder, forming stones in the long run.

The chicken is built like this, and all the blockages in the body are dredged, and stones, nodules, and polyps have nowhere to run

Therefore, in this recipe, the chicken gold is drenched with fossils, borrowing the powerful ability to digest sand and stones, to eliminate stones in the human body, and now medical research has shown that chicken gold contains a special ingredient - polyphenol alkaloids, which can alkalize the stone protective shell and promote the dissolution of stones, so as to achieve the effect of the fossil in the chicken.

Chicken inner gold with desmodium and sea golden sand, with the combination of clear and damp heat and stone expulsion, helps to promote the excretion of the liver, improve the body's metabolic function, and thus help the discharge of stones.

The second is polyp, with black plum, chicken gold, white zombie silkworm, oyster, Zhejiang fritillary, barley, three ridges, curcuma, atractylodes, a total of nine flavor medicinal materials, although a little much, but specialized in the treatment of all kinds of polyps!

The chicken is built like this, and all the blockages in the body are dredged, and stones, nodules, and polyps have nowhere to run

In traditional Chinese medicine, polyps are called "dead meat", which is excess fat in the body, most of which are caused by phlegm and dampness. Because after the dampness enters the body, it forms condensation, and the dampness will turn into phlegm, and in the long run, it will become phlegm-damp constitution, and phlegm-dampness will hinder the flow of qi and blood, further leading to congestion.

Therefore, if the flow of qi and blood is not smooth, the blood will accumulate more and more, and polyps will grow over time. Therefore, it is very important to remove polyps, remove dampness and phlegm, and promote blood circulation and blood stasis.

Remove polyps

The black plum used in the recipe is recorded in the "Shennong Materia Medica" as the effect of "eroding the evil meat", which is to eliminate the fat in the body, and the polyp is the excess fat in the body, so the black plum is regarded as the "polyp nemesis".

In traditional Chinese medicine, salty herbs are mainly used to soften and dissipate knots, and black plums can soften off excess lumps in the body.

Here, the chicken inner gold is mainly to manage and dissolve stasis; Because polyps are caused by phlegm dampness, they are mainly used to dissolve phlegm and disperse knots.

At this time, there is still a need to deal with polyps to dispel dampness and invigorate blood. So where does the moisture in our bodies come from?

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing, Su Wen, and Zhizhen Da Treatise" records: All dampness and swelling belong to the spleen. To put it simply, if the spleen and stomach are not good, dampness will be generated.

Therefore, barley and atractylodes are used to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, improve the function of the spleen to transport water and dampness, and eliminate the source of moisture, so as to get polyps.

The chicken is built like this, and all the blockages in the body are dredged, and stones, nodules, and polyps have nowhere to run

In addition, it is equipped with the classic combination of blood circulation and blood stasis removal in traditional Chinese medicine - Sanleng and Curcuma. The triangular taste is pungent and slightly cold, and it has the function of breaking the blood and passing through the menstruation; Curcuma has a pungent and warm taste, and the main effect of invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, the two can complement each other to enhance the effect of blood circulation and blood stasis.

In this way, 9 flavor medicines can fundamentally deal with polyps, and they can be used no matter where the polyps grow.

Finally, there are nodules, which can be used with chicken inner gold and bupleurum.

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, nodules are mainly caused by qi stagnation, which then causes stagnation of fluid in the body, causing the accumulation of dampness and phlegm in the body to form phlegm dampness.

Here, Bupleurum is used to soothe the liver and relieves gallbladder and relieve depression, with the accumulation of gold in the chicken, which helps to relieve the liver and regulate qi, alleviate qi stagnation, and make the qi unblocked, which can eliminate phlegm and dampness and inhibit the growth of nodules.


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