
What will happen to the body if you eat "chicken inner gold" regularly? Traditional Chinese medicine: It may improve 5 problems

author:Dr. Long talks about popular science
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In traditional Chinese medicine, a natural medicinal herb called "chicken inner gold" is often mentioned. However, to most of the general public over the age of 35, the chicken gold may sound strange and mysterious.

So, what secrets does this seemingly ordinary herb hide?

Let's take a look at what chicken inner gold is. Chicken inner gold, in fact, is taken from the stomach of their own poultry sac stone, mainly composed of chickens, ducks and other poultry stomach stone.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, chicken inner gold is highly regarded for its unique effects of eliminating food and accumulation, clearing heat and detoxifying. Traditionally, it has been commonly used to treat symptoms such as indigestion, food accumulation and stomach pain in children.

What will happen to the body if you eat "chicken inner gold" regularly? Traditional Chinese medicine: It may improve 5 problems

When it comes to the benefits of chicken inner gold on human health, TCM experts usually list five main issues of improvement. It is the function of the digestive system that is enhanced.

Since modern people often have digestive problems due to irregular diet and high pressure in life, the application of chicken inner gold is particularly important. It helps to promote the digestion of food, reduce stomach upset, and relieve stomach pain due to indigestion.

Chicken inner gold also has a good effect in enhancing the detoxification ability of the liver. The liver is an important detoxification organ of the human body, and the burden on the liver is increasing day by day due to the influence of the living environment and bad habits of modern people.

Chicken Inner Gold can help remove toxins from the body, thereby reducing the burden on the liver and protecting liver health.

What will happen to the body if you eat "chicken inner gold" regularly? Traditional Chinese medicine: It may improve 5 problems

In addition to helping the digestive system and liver, chicken inner gold can also effectively improve respiratory problems, especially for people who often cough and have a lot of phlegm.

It has the effect of clearing heat and dissolving phlegm, which can help relieve respiratory discomfort caused by changes in the external environment.

With the deepening of modern medical research, more and more studies have begun to pay attention to the active ingredients in chicken inner gold and their potential medical value.

Studies have shown that chicken inner gold contains a variety of trace elements and minerals that are beneficial to the human body, and the application of these ingredients in modern medicine is gradually showing new therapeutic potential.

What will happen to the body if you eat "chicken inner gold" regularly? Traditional Chinese medicine: It may improve 5 problems

When it comes to enjoying the health benefits of chicken gold, we also have to consider some practical issues. How to use chicken gold correctly, how to control its dosage, and whether it may bring side effects? These are all issues that deserve our attention and discussion.

Generally speaking, the use of chicken gold should follow the doctor's advice, and the dose should not be increased or decreased at will.

Especially for people with specific constitutions, such as pregnant women, the elderly, etc., they should be more cautious to avoid possible side effects.

As a traditional Chinese medicine material, the unique health effects of Ji Nei Jin have indeed brought many benefits to the health of modern people.

However, it is also important to realize that the use of any medicinal herb requires a scientific and rational approach, and blind consumption without professional guidance may be counterproductive.

In daily life, we should make reasonable use of chicken gold under the guidance of a physician to give full play to its maximum health effect.

What will happen to the body if you eat "chicken inner gold" regularly? Traditional Chinese medicine: It may improve 5 problems

Through the in-depth understanding and correct application of chicken inner gold, we can not only improve digestion, protect the liver, relieve respiratory discomfort, but also potentially explore more medical potential that can be beneficial to the human body.

In the pursuit of health, traditional and modern wisdom can complement each other and bring more possibilities to our lives.

What will happen to the body if you eat "chicken inner gold" regularly? Traditional Chinese medicine: It may improve 5 problems

After exploring the multiple benefits of chicken gold, we had to consider the precautions and possible side effects when actually using it. Although it is widely recognized as a traditional Chinese medicine, it does not mean that it is suitable for all groups of people or can be used without restrictions.

Precautions for eating chicken gold

When using chicken inner gold, the correct dosage and method are crucial. In general, adults should take between 3 and 9 grams per day, and the specific dosage should be adjusted by a qualified TCM practitioner according to the individual's constitution and specific condition.

Chicken inner gold can be ground into a powder, boiled with water, or added directly to soup.

What will happen to the body if you eat "chicken inner gold" regularly? Traditional Chinese medicine: It may improve 5 problems

Individual differences should also be taken into account in the use of chicken gold. For example, pregnant and lactating women should avoid the use of chicken gold, as there is still insufficient research on the safety and efficacy of using chicken gold in this population.

Patients with specific medical conditions such as gallstones should also use with caution as chicken inner gold may irritate the gallbladder and cause pain.

Possible side effects

Although chicken inner gold has a variety of health benefits, there may be side effects when used in excess or inappropriately. For example, some people may experience mild digestive discomfort after using chicken inner gold, such as nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Because chicken inner gold has a certain astringent effect, long-term use of a large amount of water may lead to excessive moisture in the body, which will affect the health of the body.

What will happen to the body if you eat "chicken inner gold" regularly? Traditional Chinese medicine: It may improve 5 problems

The role of chicken gold in daily health care

Despite some caveats and potential side effects, chicken inner gold still plays an important role in daily health care.

It can be used not only as an adjunct to the treatment of indigestion, liver disease, and respiratory problems, but also as a health aid in the daily diet.

For example, some chicken gold can be used after a holiday meal to aid digestion, or during the cold season to prevent respiratory diseases.

While using Chicken Inner Gold for daily health care, it is recommended to use it with other natural ingredients such as ginger, dates, etc., to enhance its effects and alleviate any possible side effects. It is recommended to proceed under the guidance of a professional TCM practitioner to ensure safety and effectiveness.

What will happen to the body if you eat "chicken inner gold" regularly? Traditional Chinese medicine: It may improve 5 problems

As a traditional Chinese medicine material, the application of chicken inner gold in modern medicine and daily health care has shown its unique value.

While it has a variety of potential health-promoting benefits, it is essential to take care of proper dosage and the right approach when using it to avoid possible side effects.

Under the guidance of our physicians, we can make better use of this precious natural resource and add a guarantee to our health.

What will happen to the body if you eat "chicken inner gold" regularly? Traditional Chinese medicine: It may improve 5 problems

Through the rational use of chicken inner gold, we can not only improve the quality of life, but also deeply explore the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, and open up more possibilities for health promotion and treatment.

In the future, with the development of more scientific research, more medical utility and mechanism of chicken gold are expected to be deeply revealed, bringing new perspectives and solutions to the global healthcare field.

At the end of the day, what experiences and opinions do you want to share?

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