
It's been 6 months! Li Auto's weekly sales exceeded 10,000 units again, surpassing BMW and Audi for the first time

It's been 6 months! Li Auto's weekly sales exceeded 10,000 units again, surpassing BMW and Audi for the first time

Tencent Auto

2024-06-12 15:08Posted on the official account of Hebei Tencent Automobile

Tencent Auto News reported on June 12 that Li Auto officially released the latest weekly sales list, data showing that from June 3 to June 9, Li Auto sold 10,900 vehicles, leading the second place by 2,000 vehicles.

The brands ranked 3 to 5 were ZEEKR (4,200 units), Leap (3,800 units) and NIO (3,500 units).

It's been 6 months! Li Auto's weekly sales exceeded 10,000 units again, surpassing BMW and Audi for the first time

In another list of luxury brands in the Chinese market, Li Auto surpassed BMW and Audi for the first time to enter the top three. Tesla sold 12,000 units in first place, and Mercedes-Benz sold 11,000 units in second place.

It's been 6 months! Li Auto's weekly sales exceeded 10,000 units again, surpassing BMW and Audi for the first time
It's been 6 months! Li Auto's weekly sales exceeded 10,000 units again, surpassing BMW and Audi for the first time

The last time Li Auto's weekly sales exceeded 10,000 units occurred in the weekly list from December 25 to December 31, 2023, Li Auto sold 14,100 units, a new high.

Since then, entering 2024, the weekly sales championship between Li Auto and Wenjie has been extremely fierce, and it has taken turns to be the champion.

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  • It's been 6 months! Li Auto's weekly sales exceeded 10,000 units again, surpassing BMW and Audi for the first time
  • It's been 6 months! Li Auto's weekly sales exceeded 10,000 units again, surpassing BMW and Audi for the first time
  • It's been 6 months! Li Auto's weekly sales exceeded 10,000 units again, surpassing BMW and Audi for the first time

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