
Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it

Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it

Cuckoo Mom

2024-06-12 21:48Posted in Hunan Parenting Creators

The neighbor gave birth to a little baby, and he was very cute and chubby. Every time the neighbor's mother takes the baby out for a walk, everyone has to stop and tease the baby.

But an attentive aunt found that this baby has a "small hole" in his ear?

Bao's mother was also confused, saying I don't know, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?

At this time, the older grandmothers came around and said that this was the "rich warehouse", and the older generation said that "the front warehouse hides grain, the back warehouse hides chaff, and the ears hide clothes".

The baby has a rich warehouse on his ear, which means that he has a good life and will not worry about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

After hearing this, Bao's mother also laughed happily, but she didn't expect that her baby was so lucky that she was born with a "rich warehouse".

Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it

But it didn't take long for the mother to find that there was a white discharge in the small hole in the child's ear, and the smell was not good.

She squeezed the secretion out with a cotton swab and didn't take it seriously. Unexpectedly, it became inflamed the next day, and I went to the hospital for surgery to cure it.

Only then did Bao Ma know that this little hole usually has to pay attention to it, otherwise, the baby will suffer if she is not careful.

Many children are born with this "hole" next to their ears, what is it? Is it really a "rich warehouse"?

Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it

One: How did "Fuguikong" come about?

I have seen a doctor popularize science before, saying that this small hole, although it has a rich name among the people, but in fact, it also has a scientific name, called "preauricular fistula".

Moreover, it is not the so-called "rich life", on the contrary, it may be a disease that will constantly bother children.

It is a congenital "malformation" caused by incomplete development and closure of auricular tissue during the baby's fetal period.

In other words, it should have closed, but it didn't, leaving this small hole, and it had a genetic predisposition.

Boys are 4 times more likely to have holes than girls.

Fortunately, this small hole will not damage the brain, but if you don't pay attention to it, it may be more troublesome.

Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it

Two: What to do if the baby has a small hole

If the baby's ears have such small holes, mothers should not worry too much. If you don't get infected, you can take care of your daily routine without much of a problem.

But once you find that there is a problem, go to the hospital quickly, don't just do it yourself, it may make the baby suffer a big crime.

So how do we take care of it?

(1) Pay attention to hygiene

Usually, we must let the baby develop a good habit of paying attention to hygiene, and do not rub or rub this place with dirty hands, so as not to cause bacterial infection.

In addition, you should also pay attention to washing your hair and swimming.

When washing your hair, you can cover it with a towel to prevent shampoo and sewage from entering the holes. When swimming, also wear a swimming cap to avoid infection.

Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it

In addition, if the mother finds that there is discharge in the small hole of the child's ear, then gently wipe it off with a clean cotton swab, do not force it to squeeze, and only stop squeezing the secretion inside.

This will increase the risk of infection, like my neighbor's mother, and end up making the baby suffer a lot.

(2) Don't be picky

Some mothers, when they see a swollen bag on the baby, like to break it and squeeze out the secretions.

It's fine elsewhere, but here's the ear hole, don't do it! Picking can lead to a series of troubles, and it's hard to get better.

If the mother is unsure, or the baby is uncomfortable and crying heavily, see a doctor as soon as possible and let the doctor handle it professionally.

Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it

(3) Eat lightly

Usually, children's diet should not be too heavy on taste, especially heavy oil, heavy salt and spicy, which will increase the burden on the child's body.

Eat a lighter and nutritionally balanced diet. Good eating habits can strengthen children's resistance. The child's resistance has come up, and the number of illnesses is naturally less.

When the child is a little older, you can take him to do more physical exercises, which can also enhance physical fitness and improve immunity.

If the mother finds that her baby has small holes in the ear, then she should pay more attention. Usually tell your child to pay more attention to hygiene, and have balanced nutrition, not picky eaters, picky eaters.

Finally, it is to improve one's own immunity, so that the body will be stronger.

Have you ever seen a baby with a hole in her ear?

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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  • Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it
  • Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it
  • Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it
  • Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it
  • Why do some babies have "holes" in their ears? If the doctor doesn't say it, the parents have to know it

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