
The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

author:The one who becomes is king
The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

Many people are very interested in the collection of cultural toys, through the continuous understanding and collection of various cultural relics, you can learn a lot of historical stories behind it, and at the same time, you can also have a deeper understanding and understanding of the cultural connotation of the cultural relics themselves.

Ordinary people like to collect all kinds of cultural products, and cultural entertainment lovers often go to some antique markets in their spare time, maybe they can find their favorite treasures.

So for celebrities who have achieved financial freedom, collecting all kinds of cultural toys is also something they like to do very much.

Jet Li, for example, is very interested in this aspect, and there are many collectibles in his home, among which there is a very valuable collection that is not many in the world, and that is a string of nine-eyed dzis.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

It is said that there are only two strings of nine-eyed dzi left in the world, and it is difficult to buy them even if you have money. Among them, a string is worn on Jet Li's body, so how much is this string of nine-eyed dzi worth now? Why did Jet Li buy such a string of nine-eyed dzis?

1. The reason why Jet Li bought dzi

Jet Li is a very famous kung fu superstar in the mainland, and he has participated in the filming of many martial arts movies or action movies.

In these films, his movements are vigorous and agile, which brings a very good viewing experience to the audience.

But in fact, Jet Li's background was not very good since he was a child, his family situation was very ordinary, and he even lost his father when he was very young.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

But even though the mission is difficult, Jet Li still relies on his continuous efforts and extraordinary talent to find his own path in the field of martial arts and the entertainment industry.

As a kung fu star, he will naturally encounter injuries in the process of work, but Jet Li is very strong, even if he is injured, he can still insist on doing his best on the set of actions and pictures.

It is precisely because of his professionalism and serious attitude that he has been loved by many audiences at home and abroad, and has also won a lot of supporters and fans.

In his daily life, he not only focuses on improving his acting skills, but also is keen on various public welfare undertakings, and often carries out volunteer service activities with his family.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

After the Tangshan earthquake, he actively participated in disaster relief performances.

The process of participating in the performance had a great impact on Jet Li's heart, he felt the fragility of life, and at the same time felt the impermanence of nature.

It is precisely because of this Tangshan earthquake relief performance that Jet Li began to think deeply about life and death.

In the subsequent filming process, there will be a variety of fight scenes because of the action movie itself.

In order to give the audience a more realistic and exciting viewing experience, all kinds of martial arts movements must be done to the extreme.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

Jet Li was also injured many times during the filming, and even fell directly from the prop table of more than ten meters.

Therefore, this accident caused Jet Li to have altitude sickness, and there was often incontinence for a period of time after that.

Incontinence is a very embarrassing thing for ordinary people, not to mention celebrities who have been in the spotlight for a long time, and this change has had a very big impact on Jet Li's heart.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

The life and death moments he experienced before and after touched Jet Li's heart very much, and he began to seriously think about what the connotation of life is again? Eventually, Jet Li embarked on the path of exploring Buddhism.

The nine-eyed dzi was inadvertently obtained by Jet Li in the process of exploring Buddhism, and this treasure is also known as the "king of dzi". Many people believe that the dzi contains a very mysterious power that can play a role in blessings.

Because of his respect for life and his pursuit of Buddhism, Jet Li spent a total of 20 million yuan when he bought this string of dzi at that time, which can be said to be a very astonishing price.

After buying this string of dzi, Jet Li did not leave it idle, and often wore it around his neck to attend various important occasions.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

2. How much is the nine-eyed dzi worth now?

Since Jet Li spent 20 million yuan when he bought the nine-eyed dzi at that time, more than ten years have passed, and the current cultural relics collection market is also developing more and more prosperous. If this string of nine-eyed dzi is put on the current cultural toy market, how much is it worth?

In order to understand such a question, we need to first understand the formation process of the nine-eyed dzi. The material of the Nine-Eyed Dzi is naturally formed stone, and all the production techniques and raw materials are derived from Tibet.

Because it is a naturally formed stone, the nine-eyed dzi can be said to be an existence that can be encountered but not obtained.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

And the name Dzi represents a gift from the gods to mankind, giving people a very mysterious feeling.

In Tibetan culture, the appearance of dzi symbolizes the testimony of civilization and the powerful power of the gods.

At the same time, in Chinese culture, the number "nine" has a very special connotation, representing perfection and holiness.

Dzi with nine eyes is very noble, and the number is very small, and only very noble and pure people can have it.

At that time, Jet Li spent a huge amount of money and spent 20 million yuan to buy this string of nine-eyed dzi beads, which can be said to be the best, and there are only two in the world.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

The price of dzi is so high, mainly due to the scarcity of dzi, and it is not easy to get a real dzi.

Moreover, the nine-eyed dzi is even more rare, which not only has a very rich symbolic meaning, but also has a very expensive price.

Jet Li was willing to spend 20 million yuan to buy dzi in 2010, which also proves that he has a very unique vision and is also very respectful of Buddhist culture.

If an investor who collected cultural relics at that time bought this string of dzi in order to appreciate its value, and put it on the current cultural relics collection market, the price may have exceeded 100 million by now.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

3. Jet Li's "Nine-Eyed Dzi" attracts attention

Many people wonder about spending a lot of money on collectibles and find it incomprehensible.

In fact, in addition to some people who want to appreciate and make more money, more people hope to feel the connotation of Chinese culture through these collections.

For example, Emperor Qianlong was very fond of collecting all kinds of treasures, especially some high-end items that were more delicate and cumbersome.

He believes that these collections are a symbol of status, but also the pursuit of beauty, and when observing these collections, you can feel many different cultures.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

In addition to Emperor Qianlong, there are many people who like to collect all kinds of collections, and Jet Li is one of them.

Because of his own concern and devout belief in Buddhist culture, and because he experienced many moments of life and death, he had the idea of learning Buddhism to understand life, and finally spent a lot of money to obtain this string of nine-eyed dzi.

Therefore, when Jet Li wore the nine-eyed dzi bead to various occasions, this string of beads also received a lot of attention.

First of all, from this string of nine-eyed dzi, we can feel the profound connotation and long history of Tibetan culture.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

The craftsmanship of each bead is very exquisite, and the shape of the bead is also very beautiful.

Secondly, you can also feel from this string of nine-eyed dzi that the whole society is very sought after for rare collections.

Some people may think that spending a lot of money on such a string of beads is not of great use, but for Buddhist believers, this string of beads carries their very deep emotional sustenance and religious beliefs.

The reason why Jet Li values and loves this string of nine-eyed dzi is not only for investment, but also because of his devout belief in Buddhist culture.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

For Jet Li, this string of nine-eyed dzi beads is not just an ornament, nor is it just a string of rare treasures that can be used to collect and appreciate, but more of a sustenance in his inner world.

By wearing the nine-eyed dzi, he can bring peace to his heart, and at the same time, he can also pray for the blessing of the Buddha so that he can be safe and smooth.

But this kind of thinking is very difficult to understand for people who lack religious beliefs, and they believe that the greatest use of the Nine-Eyed Dzi is that it can be used as a collector's item.

There is no way to appreciate the cultural connotation and religious significance behind it, just chasing fame and fortune, which can be said to be a blasphemy for this sacred cultural relic.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

It is precisely because many people have such a mindset and only pursue money that a large number of defective dzi have appeared in the market.

For these defective dzi beads, many people can't do it correctly, and the entire cultural and entertainment market is also mixed, and many merchants have deliberately deceived consumers.

Therefore, only with a very strong cultural connotation and knowledge of collections can you avoid being deceived by some unscrupulous merchants, and at the same time, you can truly appreciate the cultural charm behind the nine-eyed dzi.

In short, Jet Li's string of nine-eyed dzi not only reflects the money and wealth he has gained through his own efforts, but also reflects the current pursuit of cultural collections.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

More importantly, it reflects that the influence of faith on a person is very great, and only with firm and pious faith in the heart can you appreciate the religious significance behind the nine-eyed dzi.

For those who lack religious beliefs, the mystery is actually difficult to explore.


The collection of nine-eyed dzi beads has attracted everyone's attention, not only because of Jet Li's own star effect, but also because the minority culture of the mainland is being valued.

Ethnic minorities have a very long and profound history and culture, and many locally produced collections are also important carriers of various cultures.

The only two strings of nine-eyed dzi in the world are hard to buy with money, how much is one Jet Li worth today?

It can be said that Jet Li's string of dzi is not only a manifestation of his religious beliefs, but also reflects the rising self-confidence of many people in mainland culture.

In such a process, it is all the more necessary to cherish the precious culture that the country now has, and adopt various effective means to protect it, so as to continuously improve the level of cultural protection.

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