
Why did Jet Li say: I don't understand that the Chinese say that there is a country before there is a home? Americans love themselves

author:Xin car review

[Why do the Chinese say that there is a country before there is a home? 】

Jet Li mentioned on a TV program that Americans often wonder why Chinese emphasize that "there is a country before there is a home." In their eyes, it is usually "a home before a country". They also don't understand why the Chinese advocate the concept of "three times through the door without entering".

A person should first cherish his relatives around him, and then talk about patriotism. In their eyes, putting the country above themselves and their loved ones is simply inconceivable. Patriotism is important, but family affection cannot be ignored either.

Why did Jet Li say: I don't understand that the Chinese say that there is a country before there is a home? Americans love themselves

For example, once someone hurts their loved one, they will not hesitate to get angry and take up arms to fight back. Regardless of whether the victim is the state or some other force, such plots are often seen in American movies and have long been commonplace.

When a person has wealth and resources, the first thought is to pass them on and expand them, which is human nature. Over the years, the family came into being, and this is a natural reason. After all, it is only natural that people are selfish and self-serving.

The family is deeply rooted, monopolizes resources, and for the glory of the family, it colludes with foreign enemies to sell military supplies. It is truly outrageous to oppress the people, plunder their meager land wealth, and enrich themselves, while ignoring the security and interests of the country.

The Han people lost their shelter and fell into darkness, with no country to rely on. Alien bullying is wanton, and life is in danger. I tremble every day, fearing that the nation is in danger. If you are not careful, the nation may be destroyed overnight.

Five indiscriminate China, the nation suffers deeply. Although Ran Min was a Hu Han people, he had no heroic virtue, and only based on his selfish desire to maintain his rule, he issued an order to kill Hu, which was supported by the Han people. Because of the miserable situation of the Han people, the country was ruined, and their suffering was worse than that of the Indian nation.

Why did Jet Li say: I don't understand that the Chinese say that there is a country before there is a home? Americans love themselves

Even in the difficult years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in modern times, China has never suffered so greatly.

[For the people at the bottom, there is always a strong motherland before they can defend their home]

Since ancient times, China has sat on the rich and prosperous Central Plains, and has always been coveted by powerful enemies from all sides. In the past 5,000 years, without the strong defense of the great unified dynasty, without the heroic defense of the national heroes of all generations, and the sacrifice of the small self to protect the big self, China may be reduced to the realm of India, and the native nation may sink to the bottom of society.

Why did China survive the colonial frenzy and not be carved up by the great powers? The reason is that the Chinese uphold the concept of national supremacy, which makes the Western powers afraid and discouraged. This strong sense of national identity is an important support for China's preservation.

When Eight-Nation Commander Wadsey stepped into Chinese territory, he immediately gained insight into the unique thinking patterns of the Chinese. This way of thinking is unusual for ordinary people, which aroused his deep curiosity and concern, and he deeply felt its uniqueness and complexity.

The Boxer Rebellion's fearlessness of life and death stems from their deep-rooted beliefs and beliefs. They firmly believe that their actions are righteous and noble, and can bring glory to the country and the nation. Therefore, they are brave and fearless, even willing to defend their faith with their lives.

The reason why they love this land so deeply stems from their deep affection and identification with this hot land. This emotion comes from the blood, and this identity forges their spiritual backbone, making them willing to give everything to protect their peace and prosperity.

Although he was puzzled, he had an insight into one thing: although the Qing government was rotten, the Chinese people were still full of vitality. As a result, he was convinced that no country in Europe could easily carve up this resilient and unyielding nation.

Why did Jet Li say: I don't understand that the Chinese say that there is a country before there is a home? Americans love themselves

Wadsey observes that Chinese are often timid, but not always. The rebellion of the Boxers showed that there was no shortage of brave and fearless people in China. These brave men are not afraid of life and death, and the cowardly will be spurned and ridiculed by their peers. It can be seen that the Chinese have diverse personalities and are not generalized.

He wrote in his diary on November 25, 1900: "It is difficult for us to understand that the Chinese, who usually seem to be timid, are surprisingly calm in the face of death. In many death penalty cases, I have never heard of a Chinese who showed the slightest panic or emotional turmoil when they were about to be executed. ”

In Jackie Chan's film, there is a scene that deeply touches Xiao Wang: the British prince predicts that China will become a British colony, modeled after India.

Jackie Chan was silent for a moment, slowly lowered his head, and spat out six words concisely but firmly: "The Chinese are very proud." These six words, although short, contain deep emotion and pride, and are the expression of his deep feelings for the motherland and the nation.

Why did Jet Li say: I don't understand that the Chinese say that there is a country before there is a home? Americans love themselves

In fact, there was no shame in being a British colony. Historically, India has been through this phase, and the United States is no exception. This experience has instead become an opportunity for their growth and development, and has witnessed their rise and glory.

In those difficult years, despite poor equipment, little hope in the face of a heavily armed enemy, and uncertainty about life and death, the Chinese would never give in. They have no hesitation, go forward one after another, and forget their lives and deaths, just to defend the dignity and tranquility of the country.

The country is my foundation, and although I may fall, I will never allow anyone to trample on my country. Only by defending the country can we protect our homeland. My life may be lost, but the dignity and interests of the country must not be violated.

When the land of China suffers tribulations, the Central Plains land goes through catastrophes, and Shenzhou is covered with dust, we unite as one, work together to overcome the difficulties, with firm faith and unremitting efforts, write the indomitable national spirit, and show the great strength of the Chinese nation.

In the vast river of history, there are always brave people who have stepped forward to dispel the haze of the Oriental land with their own strength, illuminate the darkness, protect the peace of the world and the well-being of the people, and become the guardians of the times.

Why did Jet Li say: I don't understand that the Chinese say that there is a country before there is a home? Americans love themselves

Champion Hou Zhuangzhi Lingyun, unswerving. He is well aware that the troubles of the Huns have not been eliminated, and the peace of the country has not yet been realized, so how can he talk about the safety of his family? Therefore, he held the belief and decided to break the Huns first, and then talk about family affairs, showing the pride and ambition of a generation of heroes.

A hero like Zu Shizhi, although he has the ambition to cleanse the Central Plains, but he fails to realize his ambition, which is really a great regret in life. Its ambition is firm, like the water of the Yangtze River, galloping, but full of endless regret and melancholy.

General Yue Fei, Top Gun, loyal heart, the sun and the moon can be seen. He is unswerving, attaches importance to the country, serves the country loyally, and is unswerving. His heroic deeds are like the day and the sky, forever recorded in the annals of history, inspiring future generations.

Qi Shaobao has great ambitions, not to seal the glory of the marquis, but to hope that the whole world will be peaceful. He regarded the peace of the country as his own responsibility, was not afraid of hardships and dangers, and vowed to calm the waves and protect the peace of the people. His ambition is admirable.

Like Premier Zhou, with the rise of China in mind, he studied to help the world. Ambitious, unswerving, and contribute to the prosperity of the nation!

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