
Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

author:Mickey is back
Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action


Time flies, and the world changes.

Recently, international tensions have intensified, and after Russia announced the conditions for a ceasefire, Ukraine chose to turn a blind eye.

This made the Russian side deeply angry and launched a beheading operation.

At the same time, the situation in the South China Sea escalated again, with the Houthis attacking Filipino sailors.

Seeing this situation, India also stood up and made a show and entered into local conflicts.

I have to sigh that the changes in the international situation today are really unexpected!

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

The Russian army has repeatedly shocked Ukraine with heavy punches

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has fallen into a scorching state.

At the beginning, Ukraine, with the help of NATO and the United States, won repeated decapitation operations, and many Russian officers and deputy commanders were attacked by the Ukrainian side.

But in the past year, Ukraine's military strength has been in a state of weakness, and it is difficult to succeed in the decapitation operation.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

As a result, the United States, seeing that Ukraine was powerless, actually went out in person and came to a tough confrontation with Russia.

First, it launched NATO, wanting to transfer Russian assets to Ukraine.

Such stealing directly annoyed Putin.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

Putin has publicly stated that such actions of the G7 group are "stealing" and will be severely punished.

Then Biden went so far as to authorize Ukraine to use weapons provided by the United States to strike at the Russian mainland.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

And Ukraine, which used American weapons, destroyed 4 S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems of the Russian army one after another, and even wanted to target artillery fire on the territory of Russia.

Such an act, naturally, annoyed Putin, who immediately used drones and missiles to launch a full-scale strike on Ukraine.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

The Russian army suddenly launched a "decapitation" operation.

According to RIA Novosti, the Russian Su-34 fighter plane accurately attacked an important command post of the Ukrainian army, and carried out a devastating blow to the living forces of the Ukrainian army.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Ukraine.

The destruction of the command post means that the tactical command capability of the Ukrainian army in the region has been damaged, and the use of high-explosive aerial bombs has completely weakened the living forces of the Ukrainian army.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

It is worth noting that there were previous reports that the Russian army had directed artillery fire at NATO officers, but the United States turned a blind eye to this.

In the face of Ukraine's refusal to cease fire and attacks on targets in Russia, the Russian army responded with this slap.

However, if this continues to fight, both sides will lose both.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

Although judging by the performance of the Russian army, it does not seem to be afraid of direct confrontation with NATO.

However, even after Ukraine has been hit hard, the situation has not eased, but has become more tense.

Houthi rebels attacked Filipino sailors

Just as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is intensifying, the Red Sea is also burning out.

If you want to say that the biggest headache for the United States is the Houthi armed group.

Some time ago, the Houthis suddenly said that they had hit an American aircraft carrier. This immediately caused an uproar.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

The United States vehemently denied this, but neither side produced substantial evidence.

The Houthis said they would continue to strike at Red Sea waters and U.S. aircraft carriers.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

The Houthis are very supportive of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and have expressed their opposition to the Israeli-Palestinian war, repeatedly attacking merchant ships destined for Israel.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

The Houthis have also publicly stated that they will attack any ship that wants to go to Israel.

And this time, the Filipino crew suffered again.

In early June, a cargo ship bound for Israel was attacked by militants in the waters of the Red Sea.

Unexpectedly, the ship was carrying 22 Filipino crew members.

As a result of the attack, some crew members were injured, and some people even went missing.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

The incident angered the Philippine government.

The Philippine side condemned the atrocity and said it would take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of citizens and allow justice to be served.

The Philippine side's tough statements can be seen that they are angry with the Houthis, but they have not heard what measures they want to take.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

India is suffering from internal and external troubles

Recently, India has faced great challenges from internal and external troubles, and since Modi took office, India's diplomatic attitude towards China has been extremely unfriendly.

It has been releasing harsh words to the outside world, and when Western countries want to restrict China, India has even jumped out to express its stance and frequently made harsh remarks about China.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

But I didn't expect that India's own backyard should be flexible first.

The first of the internal problems comes from India's long-term failure to completely extinguish the country's rebel forces, such as the Naxal forces.

On June 15, the Indian army and Naxal's forces clashed fiercely on Indian soil, with heavy casualties on both sides.

The Naxalite militants, with their guerrilla tactics and social influence, have been a major concern for the Indian government for many years.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

They not only attack military and police targets, but also engage in propaganda and agitation aimed at dismantling Indian rule.

Naturally, the Indian government has vigorously opposed and suppressed this, but the effect is often limited.

Because the Naxalites often harass the Indian army, they do not go head-to-head, but often sneak attacks, and the place of battle is often unfavorable to the Indian army, which leads to the Indian army always suffering.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

What is outrageous is that India has not yet resolved its internal problems, and has made inappropriate remarks about Chinese territory in the international community, which can be said to be tearing its face to the outside world.

As an emerging power, India cannot succeed in making inappropriate remarks about other countries, and if it cannot completely control its own security, it may be difficult to convince the public.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

Peace and development remain the main theme of the world

As a staunch advocate of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, China has always stressed that all countries, big or small, should equally enjoy their right to autonomy in international affairs and respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

China opposes any form of hegemonism and power politics and persists in resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation.

At the same time, China is also a staunch supporter and active participant in economic globalization.

As the world's second largest economy, the interests of China and other countries have long been closely integrated.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

Maintaining the smooth operation of global industrial and supply chains and promoting the orderly flow of people and materials are not only conducive to China's own development, but also conducive to the common development and prosperity of all mankind.

Therefore, neither the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Houthi maritime attacks, nor the turmoil in India are in line with the concept of peaceful development advocated by China.

China calls on all parties concerned to immediately cease their-for-tat hostile acts, earnestly respect the core purposes of the UN Charter, resolve differences through dialogue and negotiation and other peaceful means, and jointly safeguard regional and world peace and stability.

Alerts! The Russian army launched a decapitation operation, the Houthis attacked the Filipino crew, and the Indian army also took action

There is no doubt that conflict only brings casualties, instability and poverty.

Only in an environment of lasting peace can different countries and nations cooperate sincerely and develop together.

This is not only China's persistent pursuit, but also the fundamental interest of all mankind.

China will continue to contribute its wisdom and strength to world peace and development, and is ready to work with other countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

Information sources:

2024-06-07: The Houthis said they would continue to strike US aircraft carriers in the Red Sea waters

Jimu News2024-06-15: Putin: Western countries "steal" Russian assets to aid Ukraine, the US-Ukraine security agreement "bluffs"

Red Star News2024-06-15: Indian security forces killed 8 rebels

Overseas Network2024-04-08: Houthis say they have repeatedly attacked British Israeli merchant ships and American warships

Global Times2024-06-15: The incident occurred in the Red Sea, and the cargo ship was abandoned! The Philippines and the U.S. military spoke out

Beiqingwang2024-06-12: An explosion was heard! The Ukrainian Air Force said Kyiv was threatened with missiles

Sputnik News Agency 2024-06-16: Russian Ministry of Defense: Su-34 bombers carried out strikes on the command post and personnel of the Ukrainian army

Xinhuanet: Biden agreed with Ukraine's limited use of US-made weapons to strike Russian territory

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