
There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

author:Report the king's history
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Since the founding of our party, we have had the desire to help Taiwan get rid of colonial rule and help the people on both sides of the strait gather together in the big family of the motherland, and the people of the country have been working hard for reunification for more than 70 years since the founding of New China.

However, with the passage of time, some problems have been exposed in both "peaceful reunification" and "armed reunification," and it seems that it will be difficult to achieve results in the short term.

Military experts point out that China has found a third way, what is going on?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of peace and military reunification? What do military experts mean by the third way?

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

1. The benefits and problems of reunification

The Taiwan question is a historical issue that dates back to 1894.

A defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War allowed the Qing government to cede Taiwan, and since then the Chinese people have been working hard to recover Taiwan.

Chairman Mao pointed out when he met with Wells in 1937:

"The final victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is not limited to Shanhaiguan and Northeast China, but also includes the liberation of Taiwan."
There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

In 1941, we publicly proposed to recover Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, which were recognized by the international community in the subsequent Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation.

De jure and de facto speaking, we took back Taiwan in 1945.

It was only because of Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorial ambitions that he retreated to Taiwan with the remnants of the Kuomintang after his defeat in the War of Liberation, which once led to the isolation of the two sides of the strait.

Although his anti-communist dream has long been shattered and the so-called "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" conspiracy has been exposed, the two sides of the strait have not been able to reunify for a long time.

This is the regret of many people, and it is also the goal of countless Chinese people, and among the many ways of reunification, peaceful reunification is definitely the one with the highest "cost performance."

First, it will not hurt cross-strait friendship, second, it will not cause domestic turmoil, and third, it will not give external separatist forces an opportunity to guide public opinion and smear China.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

Comrade Deng Xiaoping's concept of "one country, two systems" put forward after the Third Plenary Session of the 11 th CPC Central Committee pointed out a practical and feasible path for peaceful reunification.

The trial in Hong Kong and Macao has proved its feasibility, and it has also played a tremendous role in breaking the isolation between the two sides of the strait and promoting the two sides of the strait into a new era.

Since the isolation between the two sides of the strait was broken, relations have become closer and closer and cooperation has become closer.

In the late 70s of the 20th century, the cross-strait trade volume was less than 50 million US dollars;

Forty or fifty years later, this figure has increased by more than 7,000 times, and the mainland has become Taiwan's largest export market for more than 20 consecutive years, which shows its importance to Taiwan.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

If we can develop along this line and promote the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait, this will naturally be the best result.

The problem, however, is that in recent years, we have gradually discovered that there are some difficulties in peaceful reunification, such as "who to talk to" and "how to talk," and some of the performances of the Taiwan authorities have also made people feel that the hope for peaceful reunification is getting slimmer and slimmer.

Judging from the current situation, the results of the KMT's talks with the Taiwan deputies and the mainland may be better.

However, the problem is that in recent years, it has obviously been at a disadvantage in the election campaign with the DPP, and it has not been able to win the election, and naturally there is no way to talk about "representing Taiwan."

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

In addition to the DPP, the KMT is also subject to US constraints.

As for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), there are many leaders who have made unfavorable remarks about unity, such as Lai Ching-te, who has recently taken office, and it is difficult for him to reach an agreement with the mainland on the issue of reunification, and the United States also restricts it.

At present, "cultivating" a negotiating body that should be in power for a long time is a more feasible strategy.

However, even if some political parties or personages without party affiliation who hold the consensus view of '92 come to power, the negotiations will still be very complicated, and the Taiwan side may put forward demands that are difficult for the mainland to accept, and this is precisely where the greatest difficulty lies in peace reunification.

Is it feasible to abandon peaceful reunification and reunify directly by force? This has to be seen on a case-by-case basis.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

2. Advantages and disadvantages of military reunification

If it is said that peace and reunification is "easy first and then difficult," then military reunification is "difficult first and then easy."

As long as we accurately and quickly disarm the "illegal separatist regime and its armed forces" and grasp the leading power in Taiwan's governance, then the Taiwan issue will be settled in the future.

Not long ago, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) on the mainland held a joint sword military exercise in the vicinity of Taiwan, and in the course of the exercise, Taiwan was directly "blocked."

It can be seen from this that with the mainland's current military strength, it is not too difficult to want military reunification.

Moreover, the Taiwan issue is not the same as the Ukrainian issue, this is our internal issue, and no country has the right to interfere.

The reason why the mainland did not immediately carry out military reunification was because there were some difficulties in military reunification itself, such as undermining the friendship between the people on both sides of the strait, harming the economic development situation on both sides of the strait, and lacking the opportunity to make a precise move.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

First of all, on the issue of friendship between the people on both sides of the strait, although there are very few "Taiwan independence" elements in Taiwan who are vainly trying to engage in separatism, many more still have the desire for reunification.

These people are afraid of war, and the United States has taken advantage of this psychology of the Taiwan people to shape the PLA's military reunification of Taiwan into an apocalyptic scene.

Of course, most people will not be fooled, and when someone described the relevant "nightmare scene" before, it was complained by many Taiwanese people.

To say that they are either acting as brokers or selling weapons is such an exaggeration is nothing more than an attempt to put the money of Taiwan taxpayers into their own pockets.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

Speaking of the impact on cross-strait economic development, the military reunification that we expect will not last too long, but its impact on the cross-strait economy will not end easily.

Leaving aside the short-term social turmoil, even if it has stabilized, the United States and Western countries will not be willing to expose it easily, and a new round of sanctions is to be expected.

There is no doubt that the military unification must be precise and sudden, and only in this way can the losses be minimized.

Although we mentioned that the Taiwan issue is an internal issue of the mainland and that external forces have no right to interfere, we must also have the ability to "defeat external hostile forces."

All of the above issues are our concerns about military reunification, but all our worries are based on cross-strait friendship.

If the "Taiwan authorities" insist on going their own way and the separatists are stubborn, then in the end we will still return to the road of military reunification.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

Although we have advocated the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait for a long time in the past, this does not mean that the will for reunification has been weakened, and in the end we are still guided by reunification.

Just as we have never promised to give up the liberation of Taiwan by force, Deng Xiaoping pointed out many times in those years:

"If we give up the desire to realize reunification by other means, we will be tantamount to tying our own hands, and tying our hands together is not conducive to the aspiration of reunification, and this is a strategic consideration......

Both peaceful reunification and military reunification serve the cause of cross-strait reunification, and in the end they all take different paths and end up in the same place.

Wang Zaixi, vice president of the All-China Association of Taiwan Studies, pointed out that in addition to these two ways, we have now found a "third way" for cross-strait reunification.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

3. Follow the "Beiping Model"

Vice President Wang Zaixi pointed out that on the Taiwan issue, we can completely follow the "Peiping model."

That is, "promoting peace by force," combining military offensive with political struggle, and realizing peaceful reunification between the two sides of the strait by force.

Hearing this, some people must have wondered, how can it still be regarded as "peaceful reunification" when force has been used?

This has to be combined with the case of the People's Liberation Army taking Beiping that year.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

At the end of 1948, the War of Liberation had gradually come to an end, and the 12 armies of the Kuomintang in the North China battlefield had become the turtle in the urn.

In order to annihilate them on the spot and prevent them from moving to the southwest to join the Central Plains and East China battlefields, the People's Liberation Army directly marched eastward and surrounded the armies of Fu Zuoyi and others, encircling them without fighting.

After that, the Battle of Pingjin gradually kicked off, and the PLA first took Xin'an and Zhangjiakou, and then stormed Tianjin.

cut off all the reinforcements of Fu Zuoyi who was trapped in Beiping, and shook Fu Zuoyi's idea of defending Beiping, so that he had no idea of fighting to the death in the background of holding 250,000 heavy troops.

In fact, at that time, it was possible to fight hard, but Chairman Mao and others chose to "attack the heart" in order to minimize losses.

Not to mention the ancient cultural capital of Beijing, it is a pity that it was damaged by the war; At that time, there were still more than 2 million innocent people in Beijing, and it was inevitable that they would be affected if a war broke out.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

Although our army didn't want to fight, it still took the initiative with the help of the "siege", Fu Zuoyi was unwilling to surrender, but he also knew that he couldn't win the battle, but he would completely cut off his back road.

For a while, the situation was so deadlocked, our side sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, and Fu Zuoyi was indecisive and impatient.

After perceiving Fu Zuoyi's mentality, our side sent a representative to negotiate with Fu Zuoyi.

At the beginning, Fu Zuoyi still had illusions in his heart, and put forward a series of impossible conditions such as retaining the army.

Our army gave him a "reply" on the rest of the battlefields outside Beijing, and after suffering a series of defeats, Fu Zuoyi was honest.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

In addition to using the army to create pressure on Fu Zuoyi from the outside, we also "attacked the heart" from the inside at that time.

Fu Zuoyi's eldest daughter, Fu Dongju, is an underground member of the Communist Party of China, and our party sent her to do her father's ideological work.

For example, Fu Zuoyi was somewhat unable to accept the result of defeat, and he did not want to be said to have betrayed Chiang Kai-shek.

Our personnel fully respected his feelings, and repeatedly emphasized to him that he was not defeated in battle, nor could he be called a betrayal, but only chose to be "adapted" in order to protect the ancient capital and the people.

In the end, Peking was peacefully liberated, and the "Beiping model" came from this.

It was of great significance, and many cities have since learned from the Beiping case, including Hunan, Xinjiang and Yunnan.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

Today's Taiwan is actually just like Beiping back then.

Under such circumstances, we can completely "promote reunification by force and promote talks by war," that is, force Taiwan to sit down at the negotiating table with military offensive, and then fight for it politically.

In fact, there are not only the "Beiping model", but also the "Suiyuan model" and "Dawan model" that can provide reference for solving the current Taiwan issue.

Regardless of whether it is a "black cat or a white cat" or "a good cat that can catch mice," the same is true when it comes to the Taiwan issue, and what can bring about reunification is a good way!

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

Fourth, the reference and thinking of many models

At the beginning of 1949, Fu Zuoyi announced at the officers' meeting that he would accept the peaceful reorganization, and Dong Qiwu, who had rushed over, immediately expressed his willingness to take the road of peace with him.

It's just that Fu Zuoyi didn't reply immediately at that time, but just said that the Suiyuan issue would be discussed after he met Chairman Mao.

In late February, Fu Zuoyi was received by Chairman Mao, who said that with the peaceful liberation of Beijing, the Suiyuan issue could "wait a while" and wait for their own "peaceful uprising".

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

Different from the Tianjin model and the Beiping model, the Suiyuan model could save a part of the Kuomintang army in the uprising area first.

The essence of the "Suiyuan model" lies in "taking the heavy and letting go of the light", which also has reference significance in the present.

Cross-strait reunification is very important and is also the common and urgent aspiration of the people on both sides of the strait, but the most important thing at the moment is to prevent cross-strait politics in the Pacific and the Taiwan Strait from spiraling out of control.

As long as there is room for improvement, we should naturally proceed in an orderly manner and not give the United States and other external interference forces a chance to "turn the tables upside down."

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

Compared with the Suiyuan model, the Dawan model is a little older, and the "Zizhi Tongjian" records the expedition of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to Dawan, and there are several descriptions that are worth thinking about-

First, the minister persuaded Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to stop the conquest, but Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said that if Dawan repeatedly provoked, if he was not cured, he would be ridiculed, and he must really fight, so that the countries of the Western Regions could take it as a warning.

Today's "Taiwan authorities" have also continued to engage in provocative behavior, whether it is the leader's visit to the United States or his separatist speech, which has seriously affected the process of cross-strait reunification.

That's why we have carried out military exercises against Taiwan many times, and the locations of military exercises are getting deeper and deeper.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way

Second, in the Battle of Dawan, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was persuaded to accept it when he saw it, but Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty insisted on fighting to the end.

Since 1949, the Taiwan issue has lasted for more than 70 years, and cross-strait reunification has become the urgent aspiration of more and more people.

If the Taiwan authorities do not repent, and a very small number of "Taiwan independence" elements remain stubborn and eventually trigger a war, then this may be the "final battle" of the Taiwan issue and the problem will be resolved once and for all.

Generally speaking, peaceful reunification is our demand, and military reunification can also be regarded as a means, and the feasibility of using force to promote reunification and war to promote peace is still very high from the current point of view.

Perhaps this "third way" can really be taken through, and I sincerely hope that the day of reunification will come at an early date.

There is no hope for military unification and peace reunification? Taiwan military expert: Chinese mainland has found a third way


"The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in the New Era", Communiqué of the State Council

"Difficulties and Cracks of Peaceful Reunification and Military Reunification and the Concept of Taiwan Governance after Reunification", Taiwan Strait Forum

"Unification and independence are wars, if you are forced into a corner by Taiwan independence, you will be reunified" People's Daily Online

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