
Once Upon a Time in Taiwan: A number of documentaries take you through time and space to explore the vicissitudes of the treasure island

author:Look at China
Once Upon a Time in Taiwan: A number of documentaries take you through time and space to explore the vicissitudes of the treasure island

Through the tunnel of time and space, back to that distant era, the story of Taiwan Island flows quietly in the long river of time. On this land, there are not only long historical relics that have witnessed the prosperity and changes of the Chinese nation, but also the footprints of countless celebrities engraved with the glory and ups and downs of the times.

Today, Jingshang will recommend a number of well-made documentaries for you, inviting you to explore those dusty memories and feel the deep emotions of Taiwan's blood connection with the motherland.

Liu Mingchuan in Taiwan

Once Upon a Time in Taiwan: A number of documentaries take you through time and space to explore the vicissitudes of the treasure island

The film depicts the heroic story of Liu Mingchuan, a native of Anhui in the late Qing Dynasty who "has great merits for the country", to resist France and protect Taiwan and build Taiwan, and reproduces that arduous and thrilling historical legend!

The film especially focuses on the combination of history and reality, and pays attention to the current reality. From the perspective of the inseparable historical evolution of Taiwan and the mainland, Liu Mingchuan's major contributions to the country and the nation as a patriotic general in China's modern history are highlighted. From the transformation process of traditional society, from the height of national unification and the height of the process of world integration, the characters are interpreted, and then in the context of the world and history, the historical achievements of Liu Mingchuan to conquer Taiwan and develop the treasure island are accurately located, and the connotation of the new era is given.

Over Taiwan

Once Upon a Time in Taiwan: A number of documentaries take you through time and space to explore the vicissitudes of the treasure island
Once Upon a Time in Taiwan: A number of documentaries take you through time and space to explore the vicissitudes of the treasure island

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Documentary - Over Taiwan

Once Upon a Time in Taiwan: A number of documentaries take you through time and space to explore the vicissitudes of the treasure island

Mini programs

△ Click on the Mini Program card to watch the film

Three into the treasure island, lasted eight years, and moved to nine provinces. The documentary "Crossing Taiwan", which reflects Taiwan's more than 300 years of struggle and more than 300 years of returning to the heart, was broadcast on CCTV Documentary Channel.

This documentary, which took 8 years and a crew of more than a dozen people to go to Taiwan three times to pursue history, refreshed a number of data on documentary shooting in Fujian, and became the largest, longest production, and largest investment TV series in Fujian so far.

In the past eight years, the film crew has collected historical materials across Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, and Shaanxi provinces, and has visited more than 300 experts and scholars at home and abroad, as well as the parties involved in the incident and their relatives and descendants, and filmed more than 100 hours of materials.

"Taiwan is China!"

Sun Yafu, former deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and vice president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, said that the content of "Crossing Taiwan" involves political, military, and historical aspects, and it is the richest and most comprehensive documentary on Taiwan's early history that he has ever seen. "When you go to Taiwan, you are talking about how the Chinese go to Taiwan." Sun Yafu said, "Fundamentally speaking, Taiwan is China. ”

Taiwan 1945

Once Upon a Time in Taiwan: A number of documentaries take you through time and space to explore the vicissitudes of the treasure island
Once Upon a Time in Taiwan: A number of documentaries take you through time and space to explore the vicissitudes of the treasure island

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Documentary - Taiwan 1945

Once Upon a Time in Taiwan: A number of documentaries take you through time and space to explore the vicissitudes of the treasure island

Mini programs

△ Click on the Mini Program card to watch the film

"Taiwan 1945" takes "returning to the historical scene and rescuing the national memory" as the creative idea, and adheres to the academic character of "there is a point of evidence to say a point". He has successively interviewed and filmed in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Chongqing, Beijing, Japan, the United States and other places, found more than 1,000 first-hand historical archives and documents before and after Taiwan's liberation, rescued more than 100 historical witnesses and their descendants, and many little-known historical archives and real stories were disclosed on the screen for the first time.

"Taiwan 1945" is the first large-scale documentary documentary that the media comprehensively excavates, truthfully records, and objectively explains the "recovery of Taiwan", and it is also the first time that TV people on both sides of the strait have taken concrete actions of "sharing historical materials, writing history books together, and jointly defending national dignity and honor" in the real sense. The show is divided into six episodes of 50 minutes each. The six episodes are titled "Return My Rivers and Mountains", "Treasure Island Rebirth", "Receiving and Repatriation", "Rise and Waste", "Purifying the Source", and "Common Ancestor China".

Afterglow: Cross-strait feelings

Once Upon a Time in Taiwan: A number of documentaries take you through time and space to explore the vicissitudes of the treasure island

Yu Guangzhong, a famous Taiwanese poet, was born in Nanjing in 1928 during the Double Ninth Festival, he loves to write about nostalgia, and always likes to call himself a child of dogwood, in the poet's life course of more than half a century, from Jiangnan to Sichuan, from the mainland of the motherland to the treasure island of Taiwan, from studying in the United States to seeking employment in Hong Kong, and finally returning to Taiwan. Yu Guangzhong has been looking forward to reuniting with his relatives in the mainland all his life, but his life trajectory is like a broken circle, and the gap in the circle is his hometown Jiangnan. The film will lead us into the cross-strait love of this old man.

Looking back at the past and looking forward to the future. "Taiwan's past" is not only an affectionate review of history, but also a beautiful expectation for the future of cross-strait relations.

Through these documentaries, we hope to deepen everyone's understanding of Taiwan's history and culture, and enhance mutual understanding and recognition between compatriots on both sides of the strait. Let us work together to create a better future for the Chinese nation.

Stay tuned to these wonderful documentaries to relive the memories and feelings that belong to Taiwan, China's treasure island.

The above documentaries are distributed by Jingshang Media.

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