
The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

author:Ah Zhe Kankan

#世界不统一, is it true to say that war is always there#

Oops, it's been a lot of fun lately! Have you heard that Putin is going to visit North Korea? This news came out, good guys, the situation on the Korean Peninsula suddenly changed. The confrontation between the two Koreas has begun to rise again, what is going on? Don't worry, listen to me slowly.

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

Let's talk about the "garbage balloon" incident first, North Korea dropped a "garbage balloon" on South Korea, which made South Korea unable to sit still, and directly restarted the loudspeaker shouting. You said that this thing is making trouble, why did you suddenly make such a scene? And that's not all, what is even more surprising is that North Korean servicemen have repeatedly crossed the military demarcation line. This shocked everyone, what is the intention behind this? A big question mark was drawn in everyone's hearts.

Experts say the situation is tense but manageable. But these things are really full of suspense, just like a wonderful spy war drama. If you think about it, if you are not careful, it may really escalate the situation and become out of control! So how will the two Koreas respond? It's really heart-wrenching and curious

Let's go back and think about it, is Putin's visit to North Korea related to the changes in the situation between the two Koreas? Could it be that this visit has brought about a subtle change in the attitudes and actions of all parties? Or is it just a coincidence? Oops, it's really unpredictable.

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

In fact, the relationship between the two Koreas has always been complex and delicate. Historical reasons, geopolitical factors, etc., make it challenging for them to get along with each other. But in any case, peace and stability are certainly what everyone wants. After all, no one wants to live in turmoil.

In the face of the current situation, should the DPRK and the ROK deal with it more calmly and rationally? We should not let the situation get out of hand because of impulsiveness or miscalculation. Both sides need to think carefully about how they can maintain peace and stability in the region while safeguarding their own interests.

For us onlookers, we can't just watch the excitement, we need to pay more attention and think more. We need to understand that peace is not easy to come by, but requires the joint efforts of all parties.

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

Now back to the question at the beginning, is there a direct connection between Putin's visit to North Korea and the sudden change in the situation between the two Koreas? In fact, there may not be such a direct causal relationship. But the international situation is like this, a small incident can trigger a series of chain reactions. The changes in the situation between the DPRK and the ROK are more caused by the problems and contradictions that exist between them.

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

"Putin's visit to North Korea, the situation on the peninsula may usher in a new turn? 》

Family, Putin's recent visit to North Korea is really uproaring! This is Putin's first visit to North Korea in 24 years, and everyone is curious, what is the effect of this visit?

First of all, Putin's visit is not small! He brought with him a large group of people, including the deputy prime minister, the foreign minister, the defense minister, and so on. This shows that Russia attaches great importance to this visit and also shows the friendly relations between Russia and the DPRK.

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

Secondly, Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held in-depth talks. What did they talk about? It is said that the two sides discussed issues such as strengthening military cooperation and jointly responding to regional challenges. This makes people wonder whether Russia and the DPRK will have further cooperation in the military field.

In addition, Putin also visited some places in North Korea, which also shows his concern and support for North Korea. Moreover, the visit may also promote economic cooperation between Russia and North Korea, after all, North Korea also needs to develop its economy.

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

However, the effectiveness of Putin's visit to the DPRK depends on subsequent developments. After all, international relations are complex and volatile, and any small detail can affect the big picture.

What is the consensus between Putin and the DPRK

According to the Kremlin press service, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a state visit to North Korea on June 18-19. This is Putin's second visit to the DPRK after his first visit to the DPRK in July 2000. During the visit, Putin held talks with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, during which the two sides discussed a number of major issues and matters of cooperation, and reached a series of consensuses:

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea
  • Developing a Trade Settlement System: Russia and the DPRK will develop a "trade and mutual settlement system that is not controlled by the West" and jointly oppose illegal unilateral restrictive measures.
  • Establish a security architecture: The two countries will establish an "equal and indivisible security architecture" in Eurasia.
  • Deepening Economic and Trade Relations: Russia and the DPRK will deepen economic and trade relations and strengthen exchanges and cooperation in humanitarian, educational, tourism, cultural and other fields.
  • Signing of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty: Putin signed a resolution on the 17th agreeing to sign the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty with the DPRK. The document, which is likely to be signed during Putin's visit to North Korea, will take into account "international political, economic, and security issues" and multi-field cooperation, and "outline prospects for further cooperation" between Russia and North Korea, and will not target any third country.

What is the consensus between Putin and the DPRK

Putin and the DPRK have reached a number of consensuses, including the signing of the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty" to further strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the political, economic, and military fields. The two sides actively discussed and reached an agreement on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement. In addition, during the one-and-a-half-hour talks, Kim Jong-un and Putin reached a consensus on "expanding comprehensive and constructive bilateral relations." The North Korean side announced that it supports every decision made by Putin.

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

What are the specific aspects of political cooperation involved in these consensuses?

In June 2024, Putin and North Korea reached a consensus on cooperation on the political front, including the signing of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty to further strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the political field. The two sides actively discussed and reached an agreement on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement. Putin said in an article published in the DPRK Rodong Sinmun that Russia and the DPRK have maintained friendly and good-neighborly relations based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and trust for more than 70 years, and will raise bilateral cooperation to a higher level. In addition, the North Korean side declared its support for every decision of Putin

How will cooperation in the economic field be carried out?

At present, there are no exact and detailed public reports on how the cooperation between Russia and North Korea in the economic field under Putin in June 2024 will be carried out. However, judging from the known information, Putin and the DPRK have reached a number of consensuses, including the signing of the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty" to further strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the political, economic, military and other fields. The two sides actively discussed and reached an agreement on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement. In an article published in the DPRK's Rodong Sinmun, Putin said that Russia and the DPRK will raise bilateral cooperation to a higher level, and bluntly said that Russia will strengthen cooperation with the DPRK in all fields, even in sensitive areas. It can be speculated that in the future, the two sides may carry out specific cooperation in trade exchanges, investment projects, energy development, infrastructure construction and other aspects. However, the details of the cooperation and the project still need to wait for further official announcements.

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

What specific measures will be taken for military cooperation?

As of now, there are no exact and detailed reports of specific moves by Russia and the DPRK in terms of military cooperation under Putin in June 2024. Earlier, it was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin announced an important military cooperation agreement with North Korea, but there was no clear and detailed disclosure of specific cooperation measures. What is known is that the two sides have a consensus on strengthening cooperation in the political, economic, military and other fields, and Putin has said that Russia and North Korea will raise bilateral cooperation to a higher level. However, at this juncture, the specific June military cooperation measures have not yet been clearly announced.

What are the main provisions of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty?

So far, there have been no definite and detailed public reports on the specific content of the main provisions of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty signed between Putin and North Korea in June 2024. What is known is that the two sides have reached a consensus on strengthening cooperation in the political, economic, military and other fields, including active discussions and agreement on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement, as well as a consensus on 'expanding comprehensive and constructive bilateral relations'. However, the details of the specific provisions still need to wait for more authoritative and accurate information to be released.

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

What are the concrete aspects of expanding comprehensive and constructive bilateral relations?

So far, there have been no detailed and public reports on the political, economic, and military manifestations of the "expansion of comprehensive and constructive bilateral relations" reached between Putin and the DPRK. It is only known that the two sides have actively discussed the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement and reached an agreement to sign the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty", indicating that they will strengthen cooperation in the political, economic, military and other fields, but the specific details and measures of cooperation have not been publicly disclosed. It is expected that the two sides will mainly focus on the military, economic and political fields, but the exact content still needs to wait for further official information and authoritative reports.

What specific matters will North Korea's decision to support Putin be reflected in?

So far, there has been no precise and detailed public report on the specific issues in which North Korea's decision to support Putin will be embodied. However, from the known information, it can be inferred that this support may be reflected in the political, economic, military, and other fields of cooperation involved in the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty" signed by the two sides. For example, in the political aspect, it may include mutual support and coordination of positions in international affairs; In the economic sphere, there may be more trade cooperation and investment projects; The military aspect may involve military-technical exchanges, joint military exercises, etc. In addition, North Korea's support for Putin's decision on Ukraine may also be reflected in relevant international public opinion and diplomatic actions. However, the exact specific matters still need to wait for more authoritative and detailed reports.

The situation between North and South Korea is revealed: the story behind Putin's visit to North Korea

After concluding his visit to North Korea, Putin will also pay a state visit to Vietnam on the 19th and 20th.

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