
How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

author:Gusu Nine Songs
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As more women step into the vastness of space, the challenge is not only a test of scientific research or physical endurance, but also how to maintain the basic needs of daily life in this gravity-deficient space.

In this small, enclosed space, every corner can be the center of attention, and every piece of equipment is designed for the privacy and comfort of the astronauts.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

In the past, female astronauts had to face many inconveniences due to technical and design limitations, and every detail from menstrual period management to hair care needed to be carefully planned and adjusted.

In space, how to delicately handle these seemingly ordinary daily chores, while protecting personal privacy and not being disturbed by external cameras and surveillance equipment?

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

The Evolution of Space Missions and the Emergence of Gender Issues

With the rapid development of space technology, space missions have become more complex and long-term, and the number of astronauts required is also increasing.

Astronauts work together for long periods of time in confined spaces, which requires a lot of teamwork.

In the early days, space exploration teams were almost entirely made up of men, largely based on a common societal belief that men were better able to maintain privacy and team harmony in extreme environments.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

However, as time went on, female astronauts began to participate in these missions, and the original team composition and operation methods faced the reality that they had to adapt. This change first touches the question of the configuration of device usage and personal space.

In the past, the capsule's living facilities were primarily designed to accommodate the physical characteristics and needs of men, including the layout of the sleeping pod and sanitary facilities.

For example, the original space toilets and urinals were mainly designed with the convenience of male use in mind, rather than a suitable solution for female astronauts.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

The privacy design of the capsule

The capsule has always been designed around improving functionality and ensuring privacy, especially given the need for astronauts to spend long periods of time together in confined spaces.

To address this challenge, the designers introduced capsule-like sleeping pods, which are cleverly designed with sliding partition doors or heavy curtains to ensure privacy in the personal space and to be opened quickly if necessary for a quick response in case of emergency.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Each capsule is equipped with a modest lighting and ventilation system to ensure that the astronauts have a comfortable environment while resting.

The walls of the cabin are covered with soft materials, which reduces the impact damage that can occur in microgravity environments.

In addition, each sleeping pod is equipped with a small personal storage space where astronauts can place personal items such as photos, gadgets, etc., for easy use in ordinary times.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

In the toilet area, security cameras were deliberately not installed due to privacy concerns.

This is one of the few private spaces in the capsule that is not electronically monitored, ensuring that astronauts do not feel uncomfortable when using it.

At the same time, all toilet equipment is specially designed to work efficiently in microgravity, for example, urine and feces are immediately separated and sent to the treatment system through special pipes.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Special challenges faced by female astronauts

Early space exploration was carried out almost exclusively by male astronauts, which directly influenced the design and functionality of space equipment.

Especially when it comes to personal hygiene equipment, the initial design did not take into account the needs of female astronauts at all.

A typical example of a pee device, such as a urinal bag, is that they are designed entirely according to the male physiology.

This design is not only extremely inconvenient for female astronauts to use, but may even affect their health and safety in case of emergency.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

In early space missions, urinal bags were attached to astronauts' spacesuits through a system of pipes that was relatively simple and straightforward for male astronauts.

However, for female astronauts, the use of such equipment requires a series of complex operations, which is not only time-consuming but also inconvenient.

As a result, as more and more women participate in space flight, there is an urgent need for improvements to these devices.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Designers are beginning to rethink and innovate these infrastructures to ensure they can adapt to the needs of all astronauts.

After a series of design iterations and user feedback, a new type of urinal was finally developed, designed for female astronauts.

This urinal uses a receiver that conforms to the anatomy of the woman's body, which is not only optimized in shape and size, but also maintains a better seal during use, greatly reducing the inconvenience of use and possible hygiene problems.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

The design of this new urinal includes a soft contact surface that better fits the user's body, while being equipped with a flexible catheter system that allows urine to be safely and hygienically transferred to the spacecraft's waste disposal system.

In addition, this design takes into account the special needs of the microgravity environment, ensuring that the use of the device is not affected by the changes in gravity.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

The design of modern space toilets has been able to adapt to the body structure of astronauts of different genders with simple adjustments.

This toilet includes an adjustable receiver whose height, angle, and interface can all be adjusted as needed.

This not only improves comfort, but also hygiene safety, allowing all astronauts to have easy access to toilet facilities while maintaining privacy.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Female astronauts living in space

In the early stages of a space mission, female astronauts often choose to cut their hair short due to environmental constraints and technological limitations.

This practice is mainly to simplify the management and maintenance of hair, and to avoid the inconveniences that can be caused by growing hair in a gravity-free environment, such as floating hair that may interfere with vision or equipment operation.

However, as technology continues to advance, living facilities and personal care products in space have also improved dramatically, giving female astronauts the option to keep their long hair without worrying about negatively impacting their mission execution or personal hygiene.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

One of the breakthrough innovations is the development of a leave-in shampoo.

This shampoo is designed to be particularly suitable for use in a gravity-free environment. It is usually a thick liquid or gel-like substance that can be squeezed out directly and applied evenly to dry hair.

The active ingredients contained in leave-in shampoos absorb oil and dirt, which can then be removed by simply wiping the hair with a towel or a special wet wipe, without the need for washing, greatly facilitating personal hygiene management in space.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

The use of this shampoo not only improves comfort but also helps to maintain a hygienic environment inside the capsule, as it reduces the production of water vapor and floating matter, which need to be strictly controlled in a closed space environment.

In addition, this leave-in shampoo is specially added with moisturizing and conditioning ingredients to help keep hair hydrated and reduce dryness and damage caused by environmental changes.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

In addition to hair care, daily life in space also includes many other details.

For example, because in microgravity, ordinary liquids and particulate matter can float in the air, affecting astronauts' breathing and the normal operation of equipment, all consumables such as beverages, condiments and even hand sanitizers must use special containers and dispensers.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Space food is also specially designed to accommodate the demands of a gravity-free environment. Food is mostly supplied freeze-dried or vacuum-sealed, which can be rehydrated by heating or directly with a specific moisture adder.

Such a design not only ensures the storage safety and nutritional value of food, but also facilitates the consumption of astronauts in space.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Processing of the female menstrual period in space

The management of the menstrual period of female astronauts in space is an unavoidable problem, especially as more and more women participate in long-term space missions.

In the early days of space exploration, there was a lot of skepticism about women going through menstrual periods in weightlessness. It is believed that the weightless environment may affect the normal flow of blood during the menstrual period, resulting in a series of physiological and health problems.

However, over time, the real-world experience of multiple space missions has proven that these concerns are unnecessary.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Female astronauts in the space environment have shown similar circadian cycle responses to those on Earth.

This is because the menstrual period is primarily controlled by hormonal cycles in the woman's body, rather than by gravity.

During space missions, the hygiene products used by female astronauts have also been specially adapted to ensure that they are used in weightless environments in the same way as on Earth.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

Sanitary napkins and other menstrual products specially designed for space, such as special underwear, have better absorbency and a better fit, and the materials used in these products can effectively prevent vulnerabilities in weightlessness, ensuring comfort and hygiene.

In addition, the personal hygiene facilities in the capsule also support the hygienic handling of female astronauts during their menstrual periods, such as a specially designed waste disposal system that can safely dispose of menstrual supplies.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

During space missions, the management of menstrual period is not only a matter of personal hygiene, but also an important part of astronaut health management.

To this end, space agencies often provide comprehensive medical support and physiological counseling to female astronauts during the mission preparation phase to ensure that they are able to understand and manage the menstrual cycle issues they may encounter in space.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

In addition, the storage and supply of menstrual products is also part of the mission planning. Spacecraft usually have sufficient physiological supplies on board to meet the needs of the mission.

The packaging and storage of these supplies have been specially designed to accommodate the storage space and conditions within the capsule, ensuring that the product's hygiene and functionality are maintained throughout the mission.

How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

The fact that female astronauts in space are able to move through their menstrual periods normally not only refutes early concerns about menstrual periods in weightless environments, but also reinforces space missions' efforts for gender equality.

Through continuous technological innovation and adaptive design, space exploration is no longer the exclusive domain of men, but an environment where men and women are equal and each member can reach their highest potential.

References:[1]Populus euphratica. Space Exploration,2013(7):1-1
How do female astronauts meet the demands of life in space? How is privacy protected? You have your own tricks

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