
The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

author:Xiaoyu said entertainment

The marriage between Taiwan actress Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli is like a series of ups and downs, from the sweetness of exotic love to the outbreak of divorce.

and now the dispute between the two sides, this turmoil not only involves sensitive topics such as domestic violence and property division, but also gradually evolves into a complex family dispute under the public's gaze.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

The divorce turmoil between Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli is like a realistic version of "Marriage Story", but there is no warmth and reconciliation in the movie, only chicken feathers and wind and rain in the city.

When Huang Jiaqian was interviewed, his shocked expression seemed to say: "This plot, even the screenwriter doesn't dare to write like this!" The inside story of her relaxation was like throwing a boulder into a calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves and filling the public with curiosity about the truth behind this divorce case, as if everyone had become a detective, trying to find clues from her expressions and words.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

Speaking of Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli's foreign marriage, it was a "sweet crit", and the love story of the two was once enviable.

After 16 years of married life, they took their daughter to a parent-child variety show, and the interaction of the family was warm and interesting, which is simply a model of a happy family.

But the good times didn't last long, and the marriage change in 2022 was like a sudden storm that broke the tranquility.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

Huang Jiaqian accused Xia Keli of domestic violence, which was like a bombshell, which made the originally happy marriage fall apart in an instant.

And Xia Keli's denial and anti-accusation were designed, which made this turmoil even more confusing, as if both of them were staging a "Rashomon".

This divorce turmoil was full of controversy from the beginning, and the dispute between the two parties was like a war without gunpowder.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

Huang Jiaqian's accusation made Xia Keli's image plummet, as if he had become the target of public criticism. And Xia Keli's denial and counterattack made Huang Jiaqian's accusation seem less tenable.

The dispute between the two is like a tug-of-war, you come and go, and you don't give in to each other.

The temporary protection order issued by the Taiwan Provincial Court is like a "talisman" for Huang Jiaqian, proving that Xia Keli has committed violent acts.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

He issued a statement through his lawyer, posing as if he was "clear of himself", claiming that he had no criminal record and would defend himself, and pointed out that his safety was threatened.

As soon as this statement came out, it was like adding another fire to the already boiling oil pot, making the complexity of this divorce case skyrocket.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

This scene is like a common courtroom scene in a TV series, where the lawyers on both sides come and go, evidence and testimony are flying all over the sky, and the parties are serious and emotionally tense.

Xia Keli's statement undoubtedly dropped a bombshell in this drama, making the already confusing case even more cloudy.

And in this whirlpool of public opinion, Huang Jiaqian's image has also become complicated.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

Some people compare her with Big S, this comparison is like saying: "Look, these two actresses have problems in their marriages, is there anything in common?" ”

Da S and Wang Xiaofei's long-distance relationship was accused of having eyeliner by Wang Xiaofei's side, and Huang Jiaqian was accused of not letting Xia Keli see the child, this accusation undoubtedly smeared Huang Jiaqian's image of a "good mother".

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

Xia Keli's reputation, in this divorce turmoil, is like a stock in the stock market, with ups and downs, which is unpredictable.

At present, he is still labeled as domestic violence, and this label is like a heavy stone, weighing him down.

But in this overtime of public opinion, the third-party confirmation was like a clear stream, washing away some stigma for Xia Keli and confirming that he did not commit domestic violence.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

This sudden reversal makes the truth of this divorce case even more confusing, like a suspense drama, which makes people unable to guess the ending.

In this story, the characters of Xia Keli and Huang Jiaqian are like polarizing magnets, with the accused domestic abuser on one side and the victim on the other.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

They have their own opinions, as if they were in a debate competition, and each side is trying to convince the audience in its own way.

This confrontation undoubtedly exacerbates the drama of this divorce case, leaving the audience oscillating between sympathy and anger.

And when we turn our perspective to the divorce case of Da S and Huang Jiaqian, it is not difficult to find that these two cases are like a pair of twins with many similarities.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

Both are fighting lawsuits while using public opinion to fight for their own interests, which is like fighting a war without gunpowder, and each side is using all means to win.

Moreover, both divorce cases were handled by the same lawyer, which makes people sigh that this lawyer is really a "master" who can use the same strategy to deal with different cases.

This strategy is undoubtedly a clever way to play. Influencing public opinion by exposing the mistakes of the other party is like playing a "trump card" when playing cards, trying to turn the situation around in one fell swoop.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

The man's denial is that in this game, he played a "shield" to try to resist the attack of public opinion.

This strategy, although it may be controversial in law, is undoubtedly an effective means in the battlefield of public opinion.

In this divorce battle, the division of property is undoubtedly one of the most difficult issues, like a tug-of-war game, where both parties are pulling hard to try to get more benefits.

Xia Keli claimed that he was penniless and that his property was in the hands of the woman, and the woman seemed to want to take this opportunity to get a piece of the pie, and even let the man leave the house.

This can't help but remind people of the old saying: "Talking about money hurts feelings", but in this divorce case, money seems to have become a magnifying glass for emotional rifts, making the contradictions between the two parties more acute.

And this battle for property undoubtedly makes this divorce case more complicated.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

This can't help but be reminiscent of the battle for the throne in those costume dramas, where everyone wants to get that supreme position at all costs.

But in real life, this kind of competition often leads to a lose-lose situation.

Huang Jiaqian has her children by her side, which gives her a certain advantage in this divorce case. And if Xia Keli wants to see the children, he must make concessions on the divorce issue.

This entanglement is like a tight string that can break at any time.

The relationship between the two has become more tense because of the child's problem, like a war without gunpowder, and both sides are secretly competing.

The second big S? Huang Jiaqian did not let the man see the child and applied for a protection order, and Xia Keli said that he was threatened

But behind this, we should pay more attention to the feelings and future of our children.

Children are innocent, and they should not fall prey to their parents' fight over property.

We hope that both Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli can minimize the impact of divorce on their children from the perspective of their children, so that they can grow up in a healthy environment.

In general, the divorce turmoil between Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli is not only a family dispute, but also a contest of family, property, children and other factors.

In this turmoil, we have seen the complexity of human nature and the helplessness in marriage.

Regardless of the outcome, we should hope that this turmoil will subside as soon as possible, so that all parties involved can find their own happiness.

After all, marriage and family are supposed to be a harbor of warmth and happiness, not a battlefield of strife and pain.

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