
Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

author:Only with the breeze

This workplace is like a huge labyrinth, newcomers to the workplace, if they are not careful, they may step on the "landmine" and blow themselves up, no, there is a post-00 young lady in Guangzhou, Guangdong, who was almost sued by the leader in court because of the deletion of a few software.

Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

The post-00s woman was afraid of a lawsuit after leaving her job, and she was sued by the leader for deleting a few software, and she was scared to cry and say that it was too outrageous!

On June 19, a post-00s woman in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province encountered an unexpected "lawsuit" after leaving her job, and was threatened to sue by the former leader for deleting several software on the computer, which scared her to call it "too outrageous" and cry "I don't want to go to work anymore".

Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

It is understood that when the post-00s woman left her job, she was dissatisfied with the low performance of the company's computer and decided to delete some software that she thought was "irrelevant" to save space, however, her move unexpectedly attracted the anger and accusations of the former leader. The leader not only claimed that her actions had caused damage and adverse effects on the company, but also threatened to sue her.

Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

In the face of the leader's threat to sue, the woman expressed her anger, she said: "I was just angry at that moment, I can't believe that someone can say such a thing", the next second, she decided to let the company sue, and even go to arbitration The company does not pay social security.

Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

Although,The woman's attitude is very strong,But I'm also a little scared,The video screen shows,The woman cried a lot,She said,I don't want to go to work anymore,I deleted the software when I left my job,A leader wants to sue me,I ask,I'll delete QQ music,WeChat,Google Baidu network disk,What can I do?,And said that it caused losses and adverse effects on the company.,You're too outrageous.,I just graduated.,I don't want to go to work anymore.。

Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

The woman also replied in the comment area, I wasn't scared, but I couldn't believe that someone could say such a thing at the time, and I was angry all of a sudden I didn't cry, I wanted my dad to think I was so miserable and sent me some money, so I cried, but I was not idle at the time, I was collecting information to prepare for backhand arbitration, and I said that I would go back to the police, and he thought about it and relieved himself.

Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

Seeing this, I can't help but laugh out loud! This leader is also hard enough, for this little thing, he actually wants to sue people after 00, but will a company really sue you for uninstalling something inconsequential? Thinking about it, everyone knows that this is definitely not the case, and it is estimated that the woman deleted some things that should not be deleted, which made the leader angry.

Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

However, from the woman's crying, we can feel her helplessness and disappointment in her work, she just graduated, she met such a leader, presumably she also has mixed feelings in her heart.

Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

In fact, there are many kinds of software, we will come into contact with all kinds of software every day, some software will indeed occupy a lot of memory and space, however, we can not delete the company's software at will, after all, this is the company's property, if you really need to delete some software, you should also ask for the consent of the leader first, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Also, as a leader, you should also be more understanding and tolerant of employees, after all, employees are also people, and they also have their own thoughts and emotions.

Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

Netizen comments

@念芷晴: Don't worry, this woman knew she had deleted important documents before she cried.

@寄予安: Don't delete it early, delete it when you leave your job.

@一睹人间盛世颜: Laughing to death, if you really just delete these, the court will not accept it.

@我的网文日记: She cleared the data, she didn't delete it if she didn't leave, she deleted it when you left, it was difficult to evaluate, netizens were not easy to deceive, and it was useless to cry!

@MySheep: You reported that his Windows and Office are not genuine licenses.

Outrageous! The post-00s woman deleted a few software and was sued by the leader, and she was so scared that she didn't dare to go to work

From a legal point of view, there are certain rules and conventions that need to be followed in the workplace. However, it is necessary to analyze the specific circumstances as to whether the act of removing the software constitutes a breach of contract or infringement. Generally speaking, if an employee deletes software or data without the company's consent when leaving the company, it may constitute a breach of contract or infringement and need to bear corresponding legal liability. However, if the removed software is not a material asset or confidential information of the company and does not cause actual damage to the company, then the reasonableness of the company suing the employee is debatable.


Finally, the editor wants to say: Sister, don't cry! Although you have encountered a small setback this time, I believe that you will definitely encounter better opportunities and leaders who understand you better in the future. Come on!

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