
The Philippines took the initiative to fight for a fight, the Chinese Coast Guard said it would board the ship and disarm it, and the United States made a defense commitment

author:Masked camouflage brother

As everyone knows, the Philippines has been making trouble again at Ren'ai Jiao in the past two days. However, compared with the previous times, this time they suffered a big loss, after all, the new regulations of the Chinese coast guard came into effect on the front foot, and the Philippines came to defy the law on the back foot.

Based on the reports from various sources, several details can be found.

First, the Philippines sent a total of 6 ships to send supplies, but none of them succeeded in the end; Second, eight people were injured on the Philippine side, one of whom was sentenced to serious injury with a severed finger; Third, the Philippine hard-hulled inflatable boat was punctured, and "8 high-powered guns were seized"; Fourth, four Filipino personnel were detained and "later released after negotiations."

The Philippines took the initiative to fight for a fight, the Chinese Coast Guard said it would board the ship and disarm it, and the United States made a defense commitment

These news were basically broken by the Philippine media, and according to past experience, there must be exaggerated elements, but we can still find that we have little patience with the Philippines now.

The response of Gan Yu, spokesman of the China Coast Guard, to this matter can also be summarized in three points.

First of all, as before, this time the Philippines took the initiative to provoke and break its commitments, and China is a reasonable counterattack.

Second, because of the stubbornness of the Philippine side, the China Coast Guard stepped up its efforts, during which it carried out control measures such as warnings, blockades, boarding inspections, etc.

Finally, the Chinese coast guard is on full alert and ready to fight, and if the Philippines continues to violate its aggressions and provokes, the end will only be even worse.

The Philippines took the initiative to fight for a fight, the Chinese Coast Guard said it would board the ship and disarm it, and the United States made a defense commitment

The Chinese Coast Guard cruises near the Sierra Madre

It can be seen from the words that the inflatable boat was penetrated, the guns were seized, and the boarding inspection was that the Philippines really kicked the iron plate this time. This also reflects our determination and ability to defend our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights, and the original Philippine ships could only go back intact, not because of their ability, but because our subordinates showed mercy.

Even if they are injured and disabled now, it is not the result of our full efforts. In the final analysis, the Philippines is not strong enough and professional, but it always "approaches dangerously" or even "deliberately collides" with Chinese ships.

China and the Philippines have previously agreed on a new mode of transportation and replenishment, and the Philippine side took the initiative to inform the Chinese side two days before the delivery of supplies, and can only deliver humanitarian supplies such as water and food.

The Philippines took the initiative to fight for a fight, the Chinese Coast Guard said it would board the ship and disarm it, and the United States made a defense commitment

Sierra Madre

If the conditions and procedures are met, the China Coast Guard will make specific arrangements, but from the current situation, it is clear that the Philippines is carrying smuggled goods, not to deliver humanitarian supplies, but to take the opportunity to reinforce the illegal "beached" Sierra Madre. In this case, it is impossible for us to "give the green light".

Not surprisingly, the United States was the first to jump out in solidarity with the Philippines, and then recruited some allies to increase its popularity.

The U.S. State Department issued a statement accusing China of "irresponsible and escalating the situation" while reiterating that the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty applies to "armed attacks" against the Philippines "anywhere in the South China Sea."

The Philippines took the initiative to fight for a fight, the Chinese Coast Guard said it would board the ship and disarm it, and the United States made a defense commitment


Germany, France, the Netherlands, Japan, Canada and other countries have also criticized China for this incident, demanding that China abide by the so-called "South China Sea Arbitration Award".

This shows that although the US hegemony is opposed by more and more countries, they are still vying to echo it, and we must also be prepared for the worse.

The Philippines took the initiative to fight for a fight, the Chinese Coast Guard said it would board the ship and disarm it, and the United States made a defense commitment

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos

The Philippines provoked at Ren'ai Jiao and put its face in front of the Chinese coast guard to beg for a beating, which to put it bluntly is creating an opportunity for the United States to intervene in the South China Sea and trying to "realize" the defense commitments of the United States and the Philippines. However, we do not know whether the U.S. commitment will be realized, and the warning given by the Chinese side will definitely be on the ground.

This time, the Philippine military that trespassed on Ren'ai Jiao taught a lesson not only to make it retreat from the difficulties, but also to send a signal to the United States behind them that its attempt to cause chaos in the South China Sea will never succeed.

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