
Weave a dense "safety net" to prevent drowning! The practice of "one township (town) and one swimming pool" in Wenshan City

author:Very literate

"Swing your hands like this, slide your feet like this, keep this posture, try to relax, don't get nervous." Under the blue sky and white clouds, the students of Pingba Town Central School in Wenshan City, Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture are taking swimming lessons in the newly built swimming pool.

Weave a dense "safety net" to prevent drowning! The practice of "one township (town) and one swimming pool" in Wenshan City

In order to enhance the safety awareness of adolescents and children to prevent drowning and ensure the safety and healthy growth of adolescents and children, Wenshan City actively explores and innovates, vigorously promotes the construction project of "one township (town) and one swimming pool", weaves a dense "safety net" for drowning prevention, and solidly promotes the care and protection of adolescents and children.

Scientific planning and reasonable layout. In order to ensure the scientificity and practicability of the construction project of "one township (town) and one swimming pool", Wenshan City has set up a special work leading group, invited experts to conduct field visits and research, and fully combined the geographical conditions of each township school to formulate a detailed construction plan. At the same time, according to the needs of the age group of students, different areas such as shallow water area, middle water area and deep water area are designed to meet the diverse swimming needs. In October last year, 14 township (town) school open-air swimming pool projects were all completed, accepted and put into use, and the project completed an investment of 4.3687 million yuan.

Weave a dense "safety net" to prevent drowning! The practice of "one township (town) and one swimming pool" in Wenshan City

Standardize construction and ensure quality. During the construction of the swimming pool, Wenshan City carried out the construction in strict accordance with the relevant national standards and specifications to ensure the quality and safety of the project. From design, construction to acceptance, each link is supervised and guided by professionals. The swimming pool is regularly disinfected to ensure that the water quality is up to standard. Safety facilities such as protective fences, warning signs, and life-saving equipment are set up around the swimming pool, and professional lifeguards and management personnel are equipped. In order to ensure the long-term use and maintenance of swimming pools, each township school formulates a relevant system for the management of swimming pools in each school according to the system issued by the Wenshan Municipal Education and Sports Bureau and its own actual situation, clarifies the management responsibilities and maintenance standards, and makes this popular project truly implemented.

Carry out training and education. Incorporate swimming into the curriculum. Promote swimming education in primary and secondary schools in the city, incorporate swimming lessons into the physical education curriculum system, and gradually improve students' swimming skills and drowning prevention ability. Swim training. Using after-school service special courses, teenagers and children are organized to participate in swimming training in batches by grade, and professional coaches are invited to guide them to improve swimming skills and safety awareness. Strengthen the construction of the teaching staff. Through training, introduction and other means, enrich the team of swimming teachers and improve the level of swimming teaching. Strengthen supervision and ensure safety. In order to ensure the safe operation of swimming pools, Wenshan City has strengthened supervision, strengthened daily inspection and management of swimming pools, done a good job in the registration of swimmers and body temperature detection, and prevented minors from swimming in the water without permission. Establish an emergency rescue mechanism, formulate emergency plans, and organize regular drills. Since the implementation of the construction project of "one township (town) and one swimming pool", the incidence of youth drowning accidents in Wenshan City has dropped significantly, effectively ensuring the safety of young people.

Weave a dense "safety net" to prevent drowning! The practice of "one township (town) and one swimming pool" in Wenshan City

"Through the construction of 'one township (town) and one swimming pool', we have woven a dense 'safety net' for drowning prevention, and achieved remarkable results, providing useful experience and reference for other regions." The relevant person in charge of the Wenshan Municipal Education and Sports Bureau said that in the future work, we will continue to increase our efforts, continuously improve the construction and management mechanism of swimming pools, and make greater contributions to ensuring the safety and health of young children.

Source: Cloud News client

Cloud News Reporter: Huang Peng Correspondent: Wang Fuyun

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