
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)

author:Meng Qing, a management expert

Data Management & Data Governance:

  • Data management is a collection of activities such as the acquisition, control, and value enhancement of data resources, and refers to the acquisition, control, protection, delivery, and enhancement of the value of data and information assets through the planning, control, and provision of data and information asset functions, including developing, implementing, and supervising plans, policies, programs, projects, processes, methods, and procedures related to data.
  • Data governance is a collection of activities related to the process of data collection, storage, utilization, distribution, and destruction; It is a collection of data resources and their related control activities, performance and risk management in the application process; means the set of activities (planning, monitoring and execution) that exercises authority and control over the management of data assets; It is a system of decision-making authority and division of responsibilities through a series of information-related processes that are carried out according to a consensus-based model that describes who can take what actions based on what information, at what time and in what circumstances, and with what methods.

Data Strategy Implementation Steps:

1. Analysis and prediction of the strategic environment of the enterprise

The formulation of data strategy should include all relevant factors of the internal and external environment, making data strategy an inseparable and important part of enterprise strategy.

2 Identify a data strategy

Enterprises also need to identify their data strategies according to the requirements of their own development business strategies and informatization strategies. Data strategy comes from and serves the business, and enterprises need to formulate a data strategy based on their own business development requirements.

3 Develop data strategic goals

The formulation of data goals should be aimed at business application and data management as a means to improve the efficiency of data application while realizing standardized data management and ensure the compliant application of data.

4. Prepare an outline and plan for the implementation of the data strategy

Enterprises should prepare an implementation outline and implementation plan, listing the specific actions and measures that should be taken to achieve each goal, as well as the corresponding responsibilities.

5. Measures to implement the implementation strategy

The measures to implement the strategy refer to the relevant safeguards established to achieve the data strategy, mainly including data control and technical tool system. The management and control system includes data governance organization, data standard and specification system, data management process, data management system, etc.

6 Review and assessment

The performance appraisal of data governance mainly refers to the qualitative and quantitative measurement and scoring of the data governance of relevant departments, and the publication of the evaluation results.

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Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)
Illustrated Data Governance: The Digital Transformation of Industrial Enterprises (Notebook Edition)

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