
120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance

author:Meng Qing, a management expert

The reason for this sharing:

  • IT positioning shifts from internal support to "production system", and in the process of business gradually becoming clear, two drivers are needed to build this "system", one is architecture design and implementation, and the other is supporting governance and management;
  • IT governance needs to be approached in the context of architectural evolution;
  • It is hoped that this sharing of practices will provide a thorough explanation of IT architecture evolution and IT governance, so as to provide support for relevant consulting scenarios (digital capabilities, ICT architecture planning, ICT governance, etc.).
  • It is necessary to consider how to govern under the evolution of architecture, because this era requires the evolution of active capabilities to drive business, and active capabilities are often driven by technology and architecture first, and the optimal allocation of resources, such as organization, process, personnel skills, and tool platforms, supports the construction of active capabilities.
  • IT governance is not only customizable with architecture changes, but also versatile at the abstract level, understanding its essence and reusable to the ICT field.
  • In this sharing, we use the case of YYYIT planning to illustrate how to evolve and realize IT architecture; Based on the case of XXXX enterprise-level IT governance, this paper illustrates how IT governance and control are designed and executed.

General framework:

120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance
  • Technology and architecture are the left leg, governance and management are the right leg, and the left and right legs are enabler, driving IT forward and supporting the business (upper body). But the leg is not enough to land, you have to rely on the foot to land, after landing, the left leg can be realized, the right leg can be executed, what is the foot?
  • The left foot is the division of labor and implementation, so as to realize the implementation of various technologies and architectures; The right foot is the formulation and compliance of system norms, because a series of effective rules and organizational arrangements need people to do it in accordance with the regulations, so the constraints of systems and norms are needed to achieve the final management landing.

Here are some examples of what is in this manual

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120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance
120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance
120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance
120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance
120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance
120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance
120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance
120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance
120 pp. | Enterprise IT architecture planning to implementation evolution, IT governance design to management compliance

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