
Zen Story: Don't despise any one person, no one being

author:Higher Education Digest
Zen Story: Don't despise any one person, no one being

1. Primary-Senior Officer

The spring sun pierced through the sparse clouds and softly sprinkled on the trails of Lotus Valley.

Zen Master Hui Ming walked lightly through the verdant bamboo forest, his figure blending in with his surroundings as if he were a part of nature.

At the end of the trail, a simple but zen-like hut comes into view, in front of which a young student is kneeling on a stone bench, studying the scriptures intently.

Hui Ming approached, smiled and said, "Only when you have no distractions can you go deep into the scriptures, young man, your concentration is admirable." ”

The student looked up, and there was a hint of surprise and respect in his eyes: "The Zen master is overrated, I am just doing what I should do." ”

Huiming nodded, looked around, and saw that in the lotus pond next to the hut, the lotus leaves were gently shaking, the water in the pond was crystal clear, and a few lotus flowers were blooming quietly, exuding a faint fragrance.

He asked softly, "Do you often feel lonely when you practice here?" ”

The student smiled slightly: "Sometimes, but more often, what I feel is a connection with all things. ”

Hui Ming nodded with satisfaction, knowing that this young student had embarked on the path of seeking the truth, and this path was destined to be filled with countless trials and revelations. He decided that it was time to give his students more guidance.

Two seeds of arrogance

As the seasons turn, the scenery in the Lotus Valley becomes more colorful.

The autumn wind blows, and the fallen leaves cover the paths like gold, and Zizhen, a student of Huiming Zen Master, continues his practice in this golden world.

His knowledge grew and his understanding of the Dharma deepened, but with that came a blind expansion of his self-knowledge.

One day, Zizhen met a monk in the village.

The monks were ragged and staggered, which was very different from the image of "high monks" as understood by Zizhen.

Zizhen couldn't help but feel contempt, thinking that this monk was just a wanderer, how could he compare with himself.

As night fell, Zizhen returned to the hut and described his observations to Zen Master Huiming.

There was a hint of disdain in his tone: "Master, the person I see today is not a true cultivator. ”

After hearing this, Huiming was silent for a moment, and then said calmly:

"Zizhen, have you heard the teachings in the 'Mahayana Bodhisattva Path'? True practitioners don't matter what they look like, they have compassion in their hearts and supreme humility in their actions.

Don't despise any one person, no one being. The first of the Mahayana bodhisattva vows is "praise oneself and destroy others," and to despise others is to break this vow.

The true bodhisattva vows are absolutely forbidden to be arrogant, to be absolutely humble, because humility to the extreme, on the contrary, is supremely sublime. What a humility to not despise any sentient being! This is also the bodhisattva path. ”

Zizhen was stunned, he realized that his arrogance had been touched.

He lowered his head and said no more, but the waves in his heart began to rise and fall.

The next morning, when the first rays of sunlight pierced through the mist, Zizhen came to the monk again.

This time, with humility, he hoped to learn something from this seemingly ordinary monk.

However, when he arrived at the place where the monk rested last night, it was empty, except for a series of faint footprints that guided him to a deeper path of self-exploration.

Zen Story: Don't despise any one person, no one being

Chapter 3: Conflict and Awakening

The Lotus Valley in late autumn is covered with a light layer of frost, and the air is filled with a cold breath.

Zizhen's heart has also experienced unprecedented fluctuations like this cold season. Since that conversation, he has tried to let go of his arrogance, but the process has not been easy.

One day, there was an altercation in the village.

The two villagers were arguing over some trivial matters, and the people around them were watching.

Zizhen wanted to come forward to persuade him, but he found that his state of mind had not completely changed, and he was still impatient with these seemingly trivial disputes.

At this moment, Zen Master Huiming appeared.

He did not shout loudly or intervene eagerly to mediate, but stood quietly to the sidelines, looking at the two villagers with a calm gaze.

Soon after, the sound of the quarrel gradually weakened and finally stopped.

When the villagers saw the arrival of Zen Master Huiming, they all consciously dispersed, leaving behind a piece of tranquility.

Zizhen witnessed this scene and was deeply shocked.

He stepped forward and asked Zen Master Huiming for advice, "Master, how did you do it?" ”

Hui Ming replied with a smile: "True peace is not the tranquility of the external environment, but the inner peace. When you are not self-centered, it is natural to feel the pain and needs of others. ”

These words beat Zizhen's heart like a morning bell and a dusk drum.

He began to realize that his previous arrogance was not only hindering communication with others, but also obscuring his understanding of the true meaning of the Dharma.

Since then, Zizhen has worked harder to cultivate her heart, trying to truly be selfless, humble, and tolerant.

As time passed, Zizhen's attitude gradually gained recognition from the villagers.

He is no longer the young monk who stands tall above, but a partner who can listen, understand and help others.

In the process, he finally began to appreciate the true meaning of the "Mahayana Bodhisattva Path" mentioned by Zen Master Huiming.

Zen Story: Don't despise any one person, no one being

Chapter 4: The Lotus Blossoms

Spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, and Lotus Valley once again ushers in a vibrant scene.

Zizhen stood by the lotus pond that had witnessed his arrogance and awakening, watching the lotus flowers slowly bloom, and his heart was filled with unprecedented peace and joy.

Since that conflict and awakening, Zizhen's cultivation has improved significantly.

Not only did he practice the principles of humility and compassion in his daily life, but he also reached new heights in his study of the Dharma.

He began to take the initiative to help the people in the village solve problems, and embodied the spirit of Mahayana Bodhisattva with practical actions.

One day at dusk, Zizhen was walking in the valley when he came across the mysterious monk who walked on his feet.

The monk was still in rags, but his eyes shone with wisdom. Zizhen respectfully stepped forward and saluted,

Sincerely, he said, "Master, I have despised you for ignorance, please accept my apology. ”

The walking monk smiled and shook his head, "No need to apologize, kid. Your growth is already the best proof of this. ”

After saying this, the monk turned away and disappeared into the afterglow of the setting sun.

Zizhen looked at his back, and a warm current surged in his heart. He understands that every sentient being has its own unique value and significance, and is a teacher on his own spiritual path.

The story ends with a scene where Zizhen sits and meditates by the lotus pond.

His heart was as pure as a lotus flower in full bloom, and he finally understood the truth of what Zen Master Hui Ming had said—that on this only path, every life shines with its own brilliance.