
Zen Story: Why Are Villains Often Related?

author:Higher Education Digest
Zen Story: Why Are Villains Often Related?

In ancient times, there was an ancient temple hidden in the mountains and forests, and legend has it that there lived a wise Zen master named Huiguang.

Around the temple, the ancient trees are towering, the stream is murmuring, and the birds are singing and the apes are crying, forming a quiet and peaceful picture.

One day, when it was getting late, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the mountain path, a young scholar, surnamed Li Mubai, broke into this holy place shrouded in ancient legends by chance.

Originally, he was just looking for the poems left by the ancients, but he never thought that this step would be stepping into a world full of Zen.

Li Mubai walked lightly across the moss-covered stone steps, for fear of disturbing the tranquility.

Suddenly, a faint fragrance came to his nose, he looked along the fragrance, only to see not far in front of the Buddhist hall, several pillars of incense are slowly rising, and a kind old monk is reverently chanting in the smoke.

Li Mubai didn't dare to disturb, so he sat down quietly on the stone bench outside the Buddhist hall and listened to the refreshing chanting.

As time passes, night falls, and the lights in the Buddhist hall are gently sprinkled on the bluestone slabs, reflecting a warm golden yellow. At this time, the old monk Huiguang walked out slowly, his eyes were like torches, and he seemed to be able to perceive people's hearts.

"Donor, where did it come from?" Huiguang's voice was gentle and powerful.

Li Mubai bowed respectfully and replied: "I am a wanderer from afar, and I came to visit this temple by chance. ”

Huiguang nodded and smiled: "Everything in the world is a fate. Now that the benefactor has come here, there will be doubts that haunt your heart. ”

Li Mubai was shocked, how could this Zen master see through his mind at a glance? He did come here with many questions about life, hoping to find answers in the silence of the ancient temple.

Zen Story: Why Are Villains Often Related?

He asked, "Zen master, why are villains often related?" Students always feel that they are sentimental, and they are generally related to the "little people" mentioned by Confucius. ”

Huiguang motioned for Li Mubai to follow him to a courtyard, the moonlight was just right, the bamboo shadows were swaying, and it was quiet and far-reaching.

"The villain is related because of their heart, and the villain will always have something in his heart, and he will always be in a state of insatisfaction. They are like the bamboo leaves in this courtyard, and when the wind blows, they keep swaying. Huiguang pointed to the bamboo leaves swaying in the wind.

Li Mubai listened attentively, and there was a hint of understanding in his eyes.

Huiguang continued: "The so-called "there is nothing in the world, and the mediocre people disturb themselves", and the gentleman's mind is like this night sky, although there are clouds covering the moon, it is also vast and can accommodate everything. ”

"Then how can you be as open as a gentleman?" Li Mubai asked.

"It all starts from the heart. When you let go of your attachments and no longer suffer from gains and losses, your heart will naturally become broader. Huiguang's words were like a clear spring, washing away the dust in Li Mubai's heart.

In the next few days, Li Mubai studied Zen Tao with Zen Master Huiguang, comprehending every detail of life from carrying water, chopping wood, sweeping the floor, and cooking.

Zen Story: Why Are Villains Often Related?

He found that when he was engrossed in the present moment, those long-term troubles and troubles seemed to fade away, and his mind became much more open-minded.

A week later, Li Mubai knelt in front of Huiguang again and said gratefully: "Thanks to the Zen master for his guidance, the student has untied the knot." ”

Huiguang smiled slightly, "Go ahead, bring the open-mindedness you have realized to more people in need." ”

Li Mubai bowed deeply, turned around and left the mountain temple.

His soul has undergone a profound baptism, and the troubles of the villain's relatives have been left behind by him, and since then he has walked the rivers and lakes with a gentleman's frank heart, no matter what kind of difficulties he encounters, he can face them with a kind of peace and wisdom.

And the story under the Zen shadow of this mountain temple was also told to people in the teahouse, and everyone who heard it was yearning for it and asked where the mountain temple was.

But only Li Mubai knows that what can really liberate people is not elsewhere, but the quiet and vast world that everyone has in their hearts.