
The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!

author:Redoubling the effort

People with disabilities should be cared for, but disability should not be a reason to be unreasonable!

Recently, an uncle who sells watermelons sold melons for a while when passing by Chongqing Vocational and Technical College of Industry and Trade.

The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!

It turned out that there was a disabled couple running a fruit stall near the college, and when they saw the uncle selling watermelons, they thought he had robbed them of their business, so they wanted to get rid of the uncle! The uncle delayed for a while because he had not received a melon money, so there was a dispute between the two parties, the disabled man sat on the uncle's scale, and the uncle pushed the disabled woman in a hurry, which instantly triggered the anger of the disabled couple, and then the two smashed the uncle's cart of watermelons to the ground!

The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!

After the disabled woman was pushed, she kept shouting that her brain hurt, and after the police mediated, Uncle Watermelon compensated them 500 yuan!

The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!

Uncle Watermelon called on everyone to eat melons rationally, saying: The police's handling is fair and just, and he really pushed people first at that time, and he is willing to pay for his impulsive behavior!

The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!
The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!

Afterwards, the students who witnessed it all complained on the Internet: saying that disabled couples do whatever they want and bully people under the banner of vulnerable groups!

The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!

Some netizens even broke the news that the word-of-mouth reviews of disabled couples have not been very good!

The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!
The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!

Netizens hotly discussed:

▶ Does this count as blatant destruction of other people's property?

The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!

▶ Even if Uncle Watermelon is at fault first, shouldn't it be one yard to one yard, it's okay for Uncle to lose money if he pushes people, but shouldn't Uncle let them pay for his car of watermelon?

The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!

At last:

As a member of society, we should be tolerant and should help the weak, not conniving!

The disabled couple smashed the watermelon, and the stall owner lost 500 yuan! Stallholders: Willing to pay for your impulses!

What are your thoughts on this?

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