
Notes on the Sea of Books -- A Conversation on Writing and Cooking

author:The name of the book is Du Lao Qixia Guest House
Notes on the Sea of Books -- A Conversation on Writing and Cooking

Like "cooking" refers to the process of processing and making ingredients into delicious dishes or foods. Like cooking, it's both a skill and an art.

This is how I understand, recognize and think that things like "cooking", whether for those who love cooking or for those who are masters, always need to master certain skills and methods in the whole process of cooking, and at the same time, they also need creativity and imagination to cook the most suitable ingredients into the most delicious and delicious dishes.

If it is said that "cooking" is also an art, then cooking should belong to the art of "time" and "fire" together, if the time is too long, the heat is too large, the dishes to be cooked will become too old, the food is tasteless and it is a pity to discard, the time is too short, the heat is too small, and the cooked dishes are too tender.

Cooks, only when they control the "time" and "heat" just right, the final cooked dishes are not raw; nor tender; less old; When diners eat it in their mouths, they will feel that the delicious food is incomparably delicious!

Like the whole process of "cooking", it needs to involve many links, and in many links, it also includes the selection of ingredients; what kind of ingredients to prepare; what kind of ingredients to cut; There are several kinds of condiments, and it is necessary to master and control the way and time of cooking......

For different ingredients, it is necessary for those who cook, or masters, to use different cooking methods and techniques to achieve the best taste and nutritional value.

Like the cooking techniques of the Chinese, they can actually be achieved in a variety of ways.

Its cooking techniques are: roasting, boiling, frying, stir-frying, steaming, stewing...... Each cooking method will have its own unique characteristics and suitable ingredients. For example, cooking techniques such as "stir-frying" include techniques such as "slippery stir-frying", "cooked stir-frying" and "dry stir-frying", which make the ingredients quickly cooked and add flavor; For example, roasting makes the surface of the food golden and crispy, and it tastes crunchy; For example, boiling makes the ingredients soft when cooked, which is suitable for the elderly who are not very good at eating; The list goes on and on, and there are still many to be found.

Notes on the Sea of Books -- A Conversation on Writing and Cooking

What I also want to say is that cooking also needs to pay attention to the combination and balance of seasonings. The right seasoning can enhance the taste of food and make it more delicious. At the same time, cooking also needs to pay attention to safety and hygiene, ensure the freshness and quality of ingredients, and avoid food poisoning and cross-contamination.

Like "cooking", it is not only a satisfying craving, but also a cultural and social activity. Through cooking, everyone can showcase their cooking skills, share food with family and friends, and bond with each other. Cooking can also be a creative and experimental process, where everyone can experiment with new ingredients and cooking methods to create a unique culinary experience.

All in all, cooking is a fun, challenging and imaginative activity that can bring taste and satisfaction to those who love food, and at the same time it is a way to show love and care.

In addition to what I said in the previous paragraph, it seems to me that "good cooking" can not only satisfy the appetite of many people, but also bring many benefits! It can enhance the bond between family members and is also a way to pass on and communicate culture. Through cooking, people's creativity and patience can also be cultivated, and the quality of life can be improved.

Before that, a lot of the content I had written was all about cooking. Perhaps, there are many officials, after seeing the text content I wrote, they will think that it is very likely to be two things that are not related, like you, the creator, how can you mix them up?! Is there a mistake?! Listen to me, but it's not what you say, but "writing and cooking" can be considered very creative and artistic activities, and they are similar in many ways.

Whether you belong to an amateur writing enthusiast or for those professional writers, in the whole process of writing, or creating a new and clumsy work, it is as if you are cooking a dish, and you need those creators to choose those ingredients that are more suitable for you. Even if you find it yourself, I don't think it counts, and it is still necessary for each creator to integrate and combine the ingredients (materials) and create their own unique writing characteristics.

Whether it is in writing or in the whole process of creating a new clumsy work, every creator, in the whole process of selecting words, sentences and paragraphs, is like those cooks, in the whole process of cooking, to choose good ingredients and seasonings that are suitable for their own cooking, and they are more familiar and proficient. In the whole process of creation, every creator needs to do this thing "carefully conceived" in order to ensure that the structure and rhythm of the text are reasonable, just like paying attention to the combination of ingredients and cooking time when cooking.

Like "writing and cooking", these two things seem to have nothing to do with each other, but in fact, like "writing and cooking", they also have the same effect as each other, and they are also people who need to write or cook, master certain skills and methods. It's just that one is a creator and the other is a cook, so it can be said that they have the same goal.

Notes on the Sea of Books -- A Conversation on Writing and Cooking

As long as you and I are a person with a heart, after carefully observing the two things of "writing and cooking", you will naturally find that there are the following situations, and this is - "writing and cooking" can all bring a certain sense of satisfaction and a certain sense of achievement. Whenever the chef finishes a delicious dish and is eaten by everyone, the chef at this moment can get both satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment, which can show that the chef is still very good and popular.

In the same way, every time the creator creates a "wonderful" good article, it is also widely read and forwarded by those who like to read, and the reading volume is also as high as a sesame flower, and the reading volume and numbers are also rising layer by layer, and there is no need to say too much about something, in the depths of their hearts, they will not only be happy, but also produce a sense of satisfaction and achievement, that sense of satisfaction and achievement, it is likely to be indescribable. Moreover, just as cooking can be shared with others, a good article can also be shared to communicate with others and resonate.

In the whole process of cooking, for those cooks, it is necessary to understand what the characteristics of various ingredients are, what cooking skills and methods are used, and in the whole process, how many seasonings and condiments need to be added to achieve the ideal texture and taste. The same is true in writing, for every creator, in the whole process of creating a new article, they need to master the knowledge of rhetoric, grammar and logic, and only when the creators operate in this way and method every time, will the article be more fluent, accurate and convincing.

In the whole process of cooking, it is natural to choose the right ingredients, master the certain heat and how many condiments are needed, and choose the right theme, organization and vocabulary for writing. In cooking, each ingredient has its own unique taste and characteristics, and it needs to be reasonably matched to make a delicious meal; In writing, each group of words will have its own specific meaning and effect, and it needs to be used skillfully to express a wealth of thoughts and emotions.

For Writing & Cooking, it's all about being a creative process.

Whether it is for the chef or for the master chef, you can show your own unique style and characteristics through innovative combinations and cooking methods.

Whether it is an amateur writer or a professional writer, they can also show their unique personality through unique narrative methods and writing skills.

Both require constant practice and experimentation in order to continuously improve their level.

Notes on the Sea of Books -- A Conversation on Writing and Cooking

Today's China is a pluralistic society, including a pluralistic life, in the field of pluralistic life, for "writing and cooking", it also occupies a position that cannot be ignored. Between the two, it seems that they are two things that are not related, but in fact they have similarities and similarities, both of which contain the carving and meticulous carving of certain details; It also contains the expression of emotions; It is also a kind of pursuit of creativity, and there is no end to this kind of pursuit; They are also a reward for hard work and talent, but also a way to share and communicate with others.

For things like "writing", it is a kind of emotion and emotion that belongs to every creator, in the depths of his own heart, revealed and expressed through the creator's own writing, and in the whole process of creation, it is also a kind of condensation of the creator's own thoughts.

In my opinion, every time in the whole process of creating a new article, it is like an uncarved piece of jade, which needs to be polished by the creators and polished with their own thoughts and emotions. In the whole process of creation, whether it is an amateur writing enthusiast or a professional writer, we must pay attention to the structure and logic of the article; We should also pay attention to the transmission of emotions and the depth of thought; A good article, like the "steaming and boiling" in cooking techniques, requires the creator to steam and cook it uninterruptedly, for a long time, and over and over again.

Through words, creators can present their inner joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows to readers, so that readers can resonate and feel the power of words in the process of reading.

The process of writing is also a process of continuous innovation and breakthrough. Good articles are often unique and new, able to break stereotypes and create a new world.

Overall, both writing and cooking are processes that translate ideas and emotions into practical products, and they both require creativity, skill, and enthusiasm to bring pleasure and satisfaction.

[Remarks: (1): The article is the author's original; (2): All kinds of writing pictures and food pictures are from the Internet; (3): Thank you very much for the original image. 】

Du Lao Qixia Hakka (Lu Wei) was written on the evening of Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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