
The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger

The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger

Those things about Chinese football

2024-06-20 03:32Posted in Jiangsu Sports Creators

Gundogan's failure to blow it to Orban behind him and allowing Musiala to score in the chaos is destined to cause huge controversy after the game.

Considering that the host country is holding the competition, the organizers always have to give a little sweetness. And this time it didn't blow, it was the host's so-called "home field advantage". But seeing the "home advantage", Neuer was not happy, and was hit by a big fat man of more than 200 pounds, and he had to go back slowly this night.

Of course, regardless of whether the "home advantage" is obvious or not, it cannot hide that the German team is the best team since the start of this European Championship.

The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger

So how can opponents limit the performance of the German team?

Although it was also a loss, Scotland gave the wrong example, and some of Hungary's arrangements for most of the game could be used as a good reference for the next team.

Competitive sports should "catch the thief and catch the king first", and the "king" of the German team is Tony. Cross.

Thanks to Tony. Kroos often pulls to the centre-back to receive the ball, he is too far back, if you really want to find someone to mark Kroos, is the striker retreating to mark? Or is it a midfield rush? It didn't seem to be easy to do, Scotland directly gave up the marking of Kroos and let Kroos play at will!

The Hungarians, on the other hand, took a very different approach, and they did not send a special person to keep an eye on Kross; But as soon as Kroos gets the ball, the player closest to him will go up!

Their tactical intent is clear, Tony. Kroos withdrew to pass the ball to the two centre-backs and left it alone.

The two centre-backs don't care whether they pass the ball or push forward with the ball.

But Kroos wants to get forward after receiving the ball? No way!

The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger

Several Hungarian midfielders have taken a playful stance of "if you have the ability, you can step over my body" in terms of restricting Kroos. This made it very difficult for Kroos to pass forward, and the knock-on effect was that Germany's rhythm was clearly not as comfortable as that of Scotland. Kroos, who appeared frequently in the last game, transferred to Kimmich, and basically never played in this game.

After the German team's attacking speed was forced to slow, Musiala, Wirtz and Havertz naturally limited their activities in the front court.

Of course, in order to lock Kroos and maintain the strength of the counterattack, Hungary's 523 defensive formation, two backs are obviously not enough to protect the two wings, which allows the German team to get a lot of space for crosses.

But to some extent, this arrangement also reflects Marco. Rossi's wisdom. His strategy of stationing troops in the middle and putting the Germans' crosses is to tell the Germans that I don't believe Havertz can crush me.

The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger

Before Phil Krueger came on, almost all the first points of the German team's cross were controlled by the Hungarian defender. Even if the first point is destroyed and a corner is sent, the first point of the corner is still Hungarian.

If it was still the Loew period, or the Flick period, we could almost predict that the next game pattern would be that the Germans began to carry out ineffective transmission on the field, and they could brush up on the ball with good possession, but they just couldn't get in.

But Nagelsmann's German team is indeed playing a very different kind of football than the German team in previous years.

The current German team is no longer confined to the late Loew and Flick periods of passing for the sake of passing, and in the face of tackling problems, the German team chose to be surprised. And this variable, also overlooked by the Hungarians, is Gundogan!

Both of Germany's goals came from Gundogan's late insertion. But before the game, no one would have imagined that Gundogan could give the tall Orban intensity in the penalty area, and they opened the scoring in a somewhat bizarre way through Musiala in a chaotic battle.

The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger

Of course, the first goal conceded did not make the Hungarians change their basic tactical deployment. They still insisted on putting up an iron bucket formation while trying to catch the counterattack. And Hungary's counter-attack + set-pieces are indeed very threatening, but they waste opportunities and will be punished after all.

The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger
The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger
The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger

Seeing the hope of an equaliser, Hungary replaced defensive midfielder Nagy with the more attacking Klein Heisler, which was supposed to be a signal for a counter-attack. But after this change, their defence once again left Gundogan behind. Gundogan, who is good at inserting back, ran in front of Klein Heisler and went straight into the middle of the penalty area, but at this time Klein Heisler "ignored" Gundogan, in the Hungarian penalty area, a three-regardless area was tailored for Gundogan, and when the gift was also accepted by the German captain with a smile, in fact, the suspense of the game had been killed.

The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger

Limiting Kroos's play and interrupting the rhythm of the German team, in fact, Hungary has done a good job, but it is a pity that the coach opposite them is no longer the master of passing. Loew's technical and tactical style of emulating Pep Guardiola and gradually leading the German team off the rails has finally been reversed under Rangnick's protégé Nagelsmann.

Of course, this German team is not without weaknesses, for example, their defensive line that is very high in the position is already unstable in the face of Hungary, and if it is against France, Namu will always have to laugh and accept the gift.

Of course, defense is easier to practice than offense, but the premise is that you have to have good defensive players first. Perhaps the outside world should not have been filled with unrealistic fantasies about gathering a mindless and unhappy line of defense.

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  • The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger
  • The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger
  • The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger
  • The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger
  • The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger
  • The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger
  • The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger
  • The German tank is back on track, and Gundogan inserts the piercing iron barrel formation! Instability in the back has become the biggest hidden danger

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