
"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Xie Zhenyu's success in hanging the rope until Qin Dadi was blind, but why he was punished!

author:Strive for_18677

Courage, rules and reverence for life

In "The Eagle of the Sea and Sky", every take-off and landing of the carrier-based aircraft test flight team affects the hearts of the audience, and among them, the plot of blocking the cable test pushes the plot to a climax, and also triggers our deep thinking about courage, rules and life

"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Xie Zhenyu's success in hanging the rope until Qin Dadi was blind, but why he was punished!

Is it courage or risk?

Xie Zhenyu, a young and vigorous pilot, showed extraordinary talent and courage in test flights, in the face of successive failures in the blocking cable test, he boldly proposed a plan to increase the speed of the magnitude, and finally succeeded in hanging the rope, but this "risky" behavior was severely criticized by the captain Qin Dadi

"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Xie Zhenyu's success in hanging the rope until Qin Dadi was blind, but why he was punished!

In Xie Zhenyu's view, his behavior is to break through the technical bottleneck and the honor of the team, but Qin Dadi, as the captain, shoulders a more important responsibility - to ensure the safety of every team member

Qin Dadi knows this very well, which is why he behaves so harshly towards Xie Zhenyu, and he hopes that in this way, Xie Zhenyu will understand that in the risky work of test flight, courage is important, but more important is to respect life and abide by the rules

A line of defense that protects lives

The significance of the arresting cable test is to test the performance of the carrier-based aircraft to land safely on the aircraft carrier, this test is full of unknowns and risks, the slightest carelessness may destroy the aircraft and kill people, in order to ensure the safety of the pilot to the greatest extent, the test flight team has formulated strict operating procedures and safety plans

"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Xie Zhenyu's success in hanging the rope until Qin Dadi was blind, but why he was punished!

Xie Zhenyu's unauthorized increase in speed seems to be a manifestation of courage, but in fact it is a disregard for the rules, and his personal heroism is above the safety of the team, which is undoubtedly extremely dangerous

Qin Dadi knew the importance of the rules, he set an example, strictly abided by the test flight regulations, and in a test of the upper limit of the speed magnitude, although he was fully prepared, an accident still happened - the blocking cable broke, and Qin Dadi was seriously injured

This accident sounded the alarm for everyone, and also made Xie Zhenyu completely wake up, he finally understood that the rules are not constraints, but the line of defense to protect life safety, in the high-risk work of test flights, only by respecting the rules, can we better protect lives

The heavy meaning behind the test flight

Every test flight is a test of courage and technology, but also a reverence for life, the test pilots are driving fighter planes, rushing into the sky again and again, challenging the limit with their lives, they are contributing their own strength to the national defense of the motherland

"Haitian Eagle" didn't understand Xie Zhenyu's success in hanging the rope until Qin Dadi was blind, but why he was punished!

The injury of Qin Dadi has shown us the cruelty and risk behind the test flight, and these test flight heroes are willing to risk their lives for the sake of the motherland's aviation industry, and their courage and dedication are worthy of our eternal memory

Through the portrayal of the work and life of the test pilots, "Haitian Eagle" allows us to see the bravery, responsibility and dedication of this group of "dancers on the tip of the knife", who interpret their responsibilities and missions with their lives, and also make us full of awe for life

This drama makes us understand that in times of peace, there is still a group of people who silently guard our safety, their deeds are worth remembering forever, and their spirit is worth learning from forever

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