
From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

author:The first handsome in the cattle garden

Dog days are so hot that people are suffocating, and the temperature is so high that it almost evaporates, so in such weather, we must pay attention to conditioning the body, combining work and rest, eating reasonably, and eating more light and easy-to-digest food, so as to be able to protect our gastrointestinal tract well and survive this difficult summer.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

Now I would like to recommend a tea drink that is very suitable for summer drinking, ginger jujube tea.

This tea is very suitable for female friends to drink, not only to help us clear away heat and remove moisture, but also to help us regulate our body, so that we can be full of energy and vitality in this hot weather.

1. Life needs a cup of ginger jujube tea

Speaking of tea, I believe everyone will be familiar with it, tea is a drink that we drink very widely every day, and the tea culture of the mainland is also very long, it can be said that it is the first country in the world to discover and use tea.

In ancient times, tea was very precious, only the royal family and nobles were qualified to drink, and now, tea has become an indispensable part of daily life, whether it is clear tea or herbal tea, or a variety of functional teas, have been loved by many people.

Ginger jujube tea, as the name suggests, is a tea drink made with ginger and red dates.

Ginger and red dates are some of the most common ingredients in us, and they are also very good Chinese herbal medicines, which are very rich in nutrients.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

In our daily life, if the body feels uncomfortable, parents will boil water with ginger and red dates for us to drink, because they have a good effect of replenishing qi and blood, warming the body, and can also help us resist some external germs.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

Therefore, drinking ginger jujube tea for a long time is very good for our body, especially for some female friends, it can help us relieve menstrual cramps, regulate menstruation, and make our skin better.

2. The efficacy and function of ginger jujube tea

1. Clear away heat and remove dampness.

The biggest effect of ginger jujube tea is that it can help us clear away heat and remove excess moisture in the body, which is very important for us, especially when the temperature is very high, our gastrointestinal tract is very vulnerable.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

Moreover, long-term dampness can easily lead to some dampness problems in our body, such as joint pain, loss of appetite, etc., and the ginger and red dates in ginger jujube tea have a good effect of warming the stomach and regulating qi, strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness, which can help us regulate the body well and prevent the occurrence of some dampness diseases.

2. Replenish qi and blood and warm the uterus.

For some female friends, ginger jujube tea also has a very good health care effect, which can help us replenish qi and blood, warm the uterus, relieve menstrual cramps, regulate menstruation, and make our body healthier.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

And during our menstrual period, the uterine orifice is very susceptible to the invasion of the outside cold, and long-term cold can easily lead to the occurrence of some gynecological diseases, and ginger jujube tea has a very good effect of warming the uterus, which can help us protect the uterus well and prevent some diseases.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

3. Improve gastrointestinal problems.

Nowadays, many people have some gastrointestinal problems, such as stomach cold, stomach pain, indigestion, loss of appetite, etc., which have brought great trouble to our lives and affected our physical health.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

Ginger and jujube tea can improve these problems for a long time, ginger and jujube have a good effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach and promoting digestion, which can help us regulate the stomach and intestines well and restore our body to a good state.

3. How to make homemade ginger jujube tea

Homemade ginger jujube tea is very simple, and in the process of making, you can also add or remove some ingredients according to your own taste, and the taste of the made ginger jujube tea will be different.

1. Prepare the ingredients.

First of all, we need to prepare the ingredients, we need to prepare some fresh ginger, some red dates, and some brown sugar.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

When choosing ginger, it is best to choose one with thin skin and tender flesh, so that the raw ginger jujube tea will taste better, and the ginger will not have some pungent taste.

2. Wash the ingredients.

The prepared ginger and red dates should be rinsed with water, and the skin of ginger can be retained, because the skin of ginger is also very nutritious, and it also has certain medicinal value.

3. Slicing processing.

The processed ginger can be cut into thin slices, which can better release the taste and nutrition of the ginger, and the processed red dates should be cut on it with a knife, so that the nutrition and taste in the red dates can be better penetrated.

4. Brew ginger jujube tea.

Put the processed ginger slices and red dates into the teapot, then brew with boiling water, add some brown sugar, and you're done.

In the process of brewing, you can also add some wolfberry, longan meat and other ingredients according to your own taste, which can make the taste of ginger jujube tea richer and have different effects.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

5. Tips.

When brewing ginger jujube tea, the water temperature should not be too high, it is best to let it cool a little after boiling before brewing, so that the nutrients in ginger and jujube can be better retained, and some of the nutrients in brown sugar will not be destroyed.

4. How to drink ginger jujube tea

Long-term drinking of ginger jujube tea is very good for our body, but in the process of drinking, we must also adjust according to our own physical condition, and we cannot drink blindly.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

1. Three scoops per day.

Generally speaking, the amount of ginger jujube tea consumed every day is about three spoonfuls, brewed with boiling water, which can be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before going to bed, which can better help us clear the stomach, warm the uterus, and help sleep.

2. Contraindications.

Although ginger jujube tea has a lot of benefits for us, there are also some people who are not suitable for drinking, such as people with strong stomach fire, women who bleed heavily during menstruation, and some people who have a cold and fever.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

The high temperature of dog days makes us very uncomfortable, but what we have to do is to protect our body well, eat a reasonable diet, eat more light and easy-to-digest food, and properly replenish some water and nutrients.

From now to Sanfu, take 3 spoons of it every morning, and my legs and feet are strong and energetic, and it's a pity that I don't understand

At this time, it is very suitable to drink some ginger jujube tea, which has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat and warming the uterus, which can help us regulate our body well, so that we can be full of energy and vitality in such weather.

Therefore, you might as well make your own ginger jujube tea and try its unique taste and efficacy, which will definitely give you an unexpected surprise.