
From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration

author:Don't eat sprouts


Fang Xiewen's commitment and change

In the early days of entrepreneurship, Fang Xiewen was full of passion and sincerity for Huang Yimei's commitment. He not only praised Huang Yimei as a goddess when he proposed, but also constantly expressed his love and support for her in his daily life.

From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration

However, over time, these sweet words gradually deteriorate. Fang Xiewen's attitude changed from the original "I raise you" to "I raise you", which is not only reflected in words, but also in his control and restrictions on Huang Yimei.

From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration

This kind of transformation from romance to reality made Huang Yimei feel a great psychological gap and disappointment.


Humorous comments from netizens

On social media, netizens had a heated discussion about Fang Xiewen's change of attitude. Some netizens ridiculed: "Is this the legendary 'love deterioration'?" ”

From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration

Some netizens joked: "Fang Xiewen has changed from 'Prince Charming' to 'control freak'!" These humorous comments not only made the discussion more interesting, but also allowed more netizens to join the discussion.

From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration

Huang Yimei's work and freedom

During Huang Yimei's pregnancy, Fang Xiewen quit her job without her consent, claiming that it was for the sake of her and her child's future. However, this unilateral decision deprived Huang of her professional freedom and independence.

From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration

Subsequently, Fang Xiewen also took Huang Yimei's deposits, further restricting her financial freedom. This dual control over Huang Yimei's life and career made her feel extremely depressed and helpless.


Humorous comments from netizens

Huang Yimei's job dismissal and savings were taken away attracted widespread attention on social media. Netizens have left messages to express their opinions. Some netizens commented: "Is this the legendary 'economic control'? ”

From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration

Some netizens joked: "Fang Xiewen is going to turn Huang Yimei into a 'full-time wife'!" These humorous comments not only show the sense of humor of netizens, but also reflect their concern about Huang Yimei's experience and the discussion of gender equality.

From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration


The story of Fang Xiewen and Huang Yimei is not only a test of their personal lives, but also a profound reflection on the values and morals of modern society. In this era of information explosion, everyone's private life can become a topic of public discussion.

From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration

How to deal with the relationship between the individual and the public, and how to properly handle the major events in personal life while respecting privacy, has become a problem that everyone needs to face.

From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration

The story of Fang Xiewen and Huang Yimei is not only a test of their personal lives, but also a profound reflection on the values and morals of modern society.

From 'I raised you' to 'I raised you', Fang Xiewen's love deterioration

Through this story, we can see that people are trying to find their own happiness and fulfillment, both in real life and in virtual dramas. This kind of exploration and pursuit is the eternal theme of human beings.