
Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone

author:Don't eat sprouts


Chen Xiao's drunken incident

Paparazzi Jiang Xiaoyan exposed a video on social media, in which Chen Xiao was drunk in a hotel, and was finally walked out of the hotel by two staff members with their arms crossed.

Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone

The video shows that Chen Xiao's footsteps are unsteady and he is obviously unable to walk on his own. The incident has attracted widespread attention and discussion on the Internet, with many netizens expressing disappointment with Chen Xiao's behavior, believing that it is very different from the stability and maturity of his public image.

Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone

At the same time, some netizens expressed dissatisfaction with the behavior of the paparazzi, believing that this kind of invasion of privacy should not be encouraged.


Humorous comments from netizens

On social media, netizens made various humorous comments on Chen Xiao's drunken incident. Some netizens joked: "Is Chen Xiao practicing 'drunken boxing'?" ”

Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone

Some netizens joked: "It seems that Chen Xiao's alcohol consumption needs to be improved!" These humorous comments not only made the discussion more interesting, but also allowed more netizens to join the discussion.

Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone

Chen Yanxi's solitary parenting life

At the same time as Chen Xiao's drunkenness incident was exposed, Chen Yanxi was photographed sending her children to school alone. Chen Yanxi in the photo looks a little haggard and a little fat.

Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone

This made many netizens feel distressed, thinking that Chen Yanxi had taken on too much responsibility in the family. At the same time, some netizens praised Chen Yanxi's strength and thought that she was a great mother.


Humorous comments from netizens

The picture of Chen Yanxi raising a child alone has attracted widespread attention on social media. Netizens have left messages to express their opinions. Some netizens commented: "Is Chen Yanxi practicing the skills of a 'single mother'? ”

Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone

Some netizens joked: "It seems that Chen Yanxi's parenting skills have reached the 'master level'!" These humorous comments not only show the sense of humor of netizens, but also reflect their support and concern for Chen Yanxi.

Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone


Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's married life has always been the focus of public attention. From Chen Xiao's drunken incident to Chen Yanxi's solo parenting, these incidents not only reflect their personal life conditions, but also spark widespread public discussions about the private lives of celebrities.

Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone

In this era of information explosion, everyone's private life can become a topic of public discussion.

Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone

How to deal with the relationship between the individual and the public, and how to properly handle the major events in personal life while respecting privacy, has become a problem that everyone needs to face.

Chen Xiao lost his temper after getting drunk, and Chen Yanxi supported the family alone

Through these events, we can see that people are trying to find their own happiness and fulfillment, both in real life and in virtual dramas. This kind of exploration and pursuit is the eternal theme of human beings.

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